Um…if he created us, then yes we can “blame” god for giving us free will. Didn’t he make us in the first place?
“If He Creates us?” If by "He"you mean God? If 'He didn’t create us how did we get here?
As for blaming God for our gift of a “free-will.” If I give you a car and fill the tank with gas, do you (an example only)
HAVE TO drivedrunk and kill someone.
No you don’t. in this case free will (and it would not be “FREE” if God influenced you to do evil or bad things) was used by personal choice, and personal decessions in error. That my friend is pricsely why God teamed up His GIFT of a “free-will” with an “FREE-INTELLECT” to allow you to make good decessions.(
But God also allows YOU to decide NOT TO!)
God is, has to be “All Good” and is unable, simply can’t do any bad or evil act. You have God and his competitation mixed up.
Let me see if I am able to clarify any of your concerns.
2 tim. 2: 7 Think over what I say, for the Lord will grant you understanding in everything. (my note: maybe?)
Mt. 25 At that time Jesus declared, "I thank thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to babes; 26 yea, Father, for such was thy gracious will.2 All things have been delivered to me by my Father; **and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and any one to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. **
Exactly, he made humans with a will of their own, and yes I “blame” him for this.
I’m tempted to tell you soooo, “just give it back to God.” That’s what the Saints have done!
The gifts of “free-will and intellect” (ya can’t have one without the other) are given to us so that "we might Know, Love and SERVE God in this eorld, so that we can be happy with Him in the next.! Pertty cool huh?
So for free will to exist, there has to be a nasty temptation to test our free will.
Nooooo, God’s gift to us is bundled in a single package= “free-will + intellect.” Two gifts, one package!!!
Thanks God, you’re such a pal.
Well we are finally in agreement on something. WOW:thumbsup:
If God created us, knowing what we would do, then yes God is fundamentally responsible for all of it, including his decision to create us and create us with free will.
Listen closely here… “Knowing and Causing or Doing” are as far apart as the East is from the West.
It makes absolutely NO sense for God to GIFT us with our free-will + intellect, If God intended to make our decessions for us. Don’t blame God for SIN! That’s silly! It’s the other guy we “tag-team” with, not God. Think, my friend that is why God included an intellect with our free-will.
Not all of us give your God a “get out of jail free” card when it comes to his choices and responsibilities.
Good point, as I have pointed out above in this OP: God’s “gifts” come wrapped with strings attached.
To know, to Love and to serve WHO? God of course
Don’t try to blame God for your own mistakes. it’s convient, but that’s about all.
God bless you my friend!
PJM m.c.