God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) does not have ANY NEED for us to love Him. If God had any need, He wouldn’t be God because He would be lacking in something. (Pardon me for the sexist language, but I refer to God as He because Christ taught us to call God our Father. And in society we still refer to Fathers with the word He). Back to the issue - God did not create the world or us because of a NEED, but because God is LOVE and at the very heart of love is the desire to share what you have with others for their happiness. I totally agree with your statement that “Because of his DESIRE (not need - my words) to have creatures freely love him, he had to give us free will.” Exactly!!! You hit the nail right on the head. Love cannot exist without free-will. For free-will to truly exist, we truly have to have the ability to make choices. Consequently, if human beings really do have the ability to make choices (without being controlled by God like puppets on a string), then the possibility exists that we really could make choices that would reject what is good (according to God) and choose what is evil (the negation of good). But God sent His Son (the 2nd person of the Trinity) to become a human being like us to die on the cross for us in order to pay the penalty for our sins and free us from slavery to sin in order to restore human nature (us) back to what He originally intended. Sadly as you point out, even though God invites us to this new life, there are those who reject this free gift and subsequently (because of the choices THEY make and not God making choices for them) they choose Hell (an eternal rejection of goodness and God). It is very important to be clear on this - God does NOT send anyone to Hell. People go to hell because they reject what is good (God) and choose to embrace evil and as a result go to Hell. No one could go to heaven if the possibility did not exist for some also to go to Hell. But I already know the objection that comes up in your mind - then why didn’t God just create those He knew would only choose what is good and would go to heaven? I don’t have all the answers … but one thing I do know is that free-will would not REALLY and TRULY be free-will unless God let the cat out of the bag and respected our choices. “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing.” Matthew 23:37Of course I blame god for giving us a brain. Who else did it?
Of course I blame God for giving us the ability to think? Who else did it?
What is actually wrong with blaming God for this? Is there something wrong with our brains? is there something wrong with our ability to think? Not sure why you would have a problem with this, but if there IS a god, it is certainly his doing. Who else would we blame?
If God made us, then he made us self-aware, he gave us will and he knew what we’d do with it. And yet he created us anyway, with the knowlege of where we’d end up.
Oh yes…he did it so we’d CHOOSE to love him. Look at that a little more closely shall we?
God wanted humans to freely love him. Because of his DESIRE to have creatures freely love him, he had to give us free will. In doing so, he decided that his NEED to be loved was all important to HIM and that even though humans would choose not to love him(and end up in hell) his NEED to be loved was more important than the suffering of those children who would choose the wrong path.
There is no getting around the choice that God made.
By the way, I was not trying to be disrespectful when I made the comment earlier about have you ever considered getting a Labotomy. I was trying to inject a little humor into the conversation, but I’m sure it could be misunderstood.