They Fight and Die, But Not For Their Country

  • Thread starter Thread starter Peacemonger
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The title of this thread is in reference to the foreigners in Iraq dieing to prevent democracy and freedom and to enslave a future generation.
Me… gullible?
Hmmm, not the term that comes to mind. Pitiable does.
Puhleeeeeeeeze. I bet you still believe Saddam really was behind 9-11
You’d lose that bet.
and our invasion of Iraq was a humanitarian gesture. :rotfl:
If freeing people from a butcherous tyrant like Saddam isn’t a humantiarian effort…what is?
Ted Rall??? Is that the cartoonist??

Uncharitalbe words to follow…thought, but not written here.
I feel pity for Ted Rall. I’ll pray for him.

I assume you’re talking about me. Well I have served my country, honorably I might add. And serving the President doesn’t mean being a brainless moron.

This article in no way disrespects the soldiers who have died in battle.

Remedial reading anyone?
Remedial reading anyone? Gee, peacemonger. That’s pretty snide. You’ve tried that before, with me. And I didn’t like it then either. Is that what you say when you are outgunned? I love how liberals are so quick to characterize Bush and his appointees as brainless. (Though “brainless morons” is worse than disrespectful.) And your genius credentials are…?

So tell us what you did in the military. Branch, rank, where you were stationed. I bet it is just enough to allow you to trot that fact out.

What do I know about you, not much! You may be living in Japan teaching English at the present. That is irrevalent.

I read the Leftist “New Release” you poffered. If it was supposed to be a tribute to U.S. Servicemen it came from someone with a twisted mind, who didn’t honor them!

The author of that piece built up a “strawman” and tried to chop that “strawman” apart with an argument that so narrow that the entire piece falls apart of it’s own weight.

Peacemonger, if this is your idea of how to honor servicemen on Vetrans Day…I disagree with you and your Leftist News Service.

**Finally, this poster does not think it was your intention to “honor” U.S. Servicemen! You meant to denegrate! **
What do I know about you, not much! You may be living in Japan teaching English at the present.
Good point, Exporter! So I went to Peacemonger’s Public Profile (ah, alliteration!) and found that this is what he tells us about himself:

Rugged good looks; Dynamic; Charming; A smooth talker.

Don’t you love it! :whistle:
La Chiara:
Remedial reading anyone? Gee, peacemonger. That’s pretty snide. You’ve tried that before, with me. And I didn’t like it then either. Is that what you say when you are outgunned? I love how liberals are so quick to characterize Bush and his appointees as brainless. (Though “brainless morons” is worse than disrespectful.) And your genius credentials are…?
Outgunned? Bahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
So tell us what you did in the military. Branch, rank, where you were stationed. I bet it is just enough to allow you to trot that fact out.
I joined the US Navy in 1982 and after boot camp I was stationed on the USS Midway, in Yokosuka, Japan, where I worked on the flight deck for a little over three years. After that, I went to Military Police school in New Jersey and then went back to Japan and worked at the Military Police Detachment at Yokosuka base for four years. I was also a member of an eight man “Emergency Response Team” (the equivalent of S.W.A.T. in the civilian world) for two years. After that, I served on the USS Nimitz for three years in Washington St. I then decided I wanted to see my kids grow up and got out of the Navy after ten years of service. I was an E-6 Aviation Ordananceman AO1.
I joined the US Navy in 1982 and after boot camp I was stationed on the USS Midway, in Yokosuka, Japan, where I worked on the flight deck for a little over three years. After that, I went to Military Police school in New Jersey and then went back to Japan and worked at the Military Police Detachment at Yokosuka base for four years. I was also a member of an eight man “Emergency Response Team” (the equivalent of S.W.A.T. in the civilian world) for two years. After that, I served on the USS Nimitz for three years in Washington St. I then decided I wanted to see my kids grow up and got out of the Navy after ten years of service. I was an E-6 Aviation Ordananceman AO1.
While I have some disagreements about your statements you have been making on these forums, I do want to thank you for your service to our country. Being stationed in Japan you not served the US, but also protected Japan from such places as North Korea during the 1980’s.

May God Bless All Our Servicemen and Servicewomen Around The World! May they do their mission safely and peacefully and with God’s speed.
While I have some disagreements about your statements you have been making on these forums, I do want to thank you for your service to our country. Being stationed in Japan you not served the US, but also protected Japan from such places as North Korea during the 1980’s.

May God Bless All Our Servicemen and Servicewomen Around The World! May they do their mission safely and peacefully and with God’s speed.
Thank you! To the servicemen and women stationed around the world-God Bless, be safe, and come home soon.
Can anyone remember how many of our service men and women died in europe and asia during ww2? I guess by using your logic, we weren’t really attacked in the continental US by either Germany or Japan. So all the many people that died didn’t die for our country either. If it hadn’t been for them, we’d probably be speaking German now. God bless them all that served in any of our wars.
Can anyone remember how many of our service men and women died in europe and asia during ww2? I guess by using your logic, we weren’t really attacked in the continental US by either Germany or Japan. So all the many people that died didn’t die for our country either. If it hadn’t been for them, we’d probably be speaking German now. God bless them all that served in any of our wars.
Same goes for WW1, Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Granada, and dang near every conflict we’ve been involved in since the Spanish AMerican War. All those poor men dying for absolutely no reason makes me want to cry.
Can anyone remember how many of our service men and women died in europe and asia during ww2? I guess by using your logic, we weren’t really attacked in the continental US by either Germany or Japan. So all the many people that died didn’t die for our country either. If it hadn’t been for them, we’d probably be speaking German now. God bless them all that served in any of our wars.
US Casulties, WWII
Killed 408,306
Wounded 670,846
US Casulties, WWII
Killed 408,306
Wounded 670,846
Blessed be the peacemakers, for they shall called “children of God” Also, “blessed be the person that lays down their life for a friend.” Enough said.
Blessed be the peacemakers, for they shall called “children of God” Also, “blessed be the person that lays down their life for a friend.” Enough said.
But you can’t mongerer of peace if you’re dead, can you? What good is it if you lay down your life for a friend and die in the process? I mean seriously.
They do fight and die for their country. As a veteren I am insulted by your threads attacking those who fight for YOU. Please do not trash the brave men and women who do what you will not do. Lenin coined a term for people like you. He called them “useful idiots”. I am sure that is how the terrorists view you. I cannot believe you would actually help the terrorists with propaganda.
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