They Fight and Die, But Not For Their Country

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But you can’t mongerer of peace if you’re dead, can you? What good is it if you lay down your life for a friend and die in the process? I mean seriously.
I wouldn’t have believed that anybody would agrue with scripture. But picture this: Here comes a live grenade, a person throws their body on it, dying in the process, but maybe saving his group from death or injury. Don’t you think that this person did a “good” thing? How about firefighters and policemen and women putting their lives on the line every day, and sometimes losing them in the process? If you don’t think that these people are doing “good”, you have a much different view on life than I do.
I wouldn’t have believed that anybody would agrue with scripture. But picture this: Here comes a live grenade, a person throws their body on it, dying in the process, but maybe saving his group from death or injury. Don’t you think that this person did a “good” thing? How about firefighters and policemen and women putting their lives on the line every day, and sometimes losing them in the process? If you don’t think that these people are doing “good”, you have a much different view on life than I do.
Dont u no thet dyin gis eval? How can u be god for NE1 if ur ded?
Dont u no thet dyin gis eval? How can u be god for NE1 if ur ded?
Scott::: I’m not going to honor your childish response to my post. Thank God not everybody has your attitude. But I will pray for you. Have a Holy Christmas, and remember, Jesus gave his life for you.
Dont u no thet dyin gis eval? How can u be god for NE1 if ur ded?
Scott::: I’m not going to honor your childish response to my post. Thank God not everybody has your attitude. But I will pray for you. Have a Holy Christmas, and remember, Jesus gave his life for you.
Scott::: I’m not going to honor your childish response to my post. Thank God not everybody has your attitude. But I will pray for you. Have a Holy Christmas, and remember, Jesus gave his life for you.
For my real attitude regarding my grenade lobbing flame warrior, PeaceMungerererrererr, see this post, which you’ve obviously missed. God bless you and get a cup of decaf, ace, you’ll give yourself an ulcer.
For my real attitude regarding my grenade lobbing flame warrior, PeaceMungerererrererr, see this post, which you’ve obviously missed. God bless you and get a cup of decaf, ace, you’ll give yourself an ulcer.
Scott::obviously we have a serious difference of opinion, but I guess that’s why we have this forum. But I’ll respect your opinion, if you’ll respect mine. One more thing, I can’t stand decaf. Merry Christmas
Scott::obviously we have a serious difference of opinion, but I guess that’s why we have this forum. But I’ll respect your opinion, if you’ll respect mine. One more thing, I can’t stand decaf. Merry Christmas
The point is davy, we DON’t have a difference of opinion. I am a 15 year veteran of the US Navy, and don’t take my the service of my brothers and sisters in arms lightly. I was using a literary device called satire to raise the hackles of the tree-hugging, frog kissing, save-the-whales ultraliberals who whine and cry because their freedom comes at a price that they are not personally willing to pay, but unabashedly enjoy.
The point is davy, we DON’t have a difference of opinion. I am a 15 year veteran of the US Navy, and don’t take my the service of my brothers and sisters in arms lightly. I was using a literary device called satire to raise the hackles of the tree-hugging, frog kissing, save-the-whales ultraliberals who whine and cry because their freedom comes at a price that they are not personally willing to pay, but unabashedly enjoy.
Well, Scott, my boy. I guess I took you all wrong, and I apologize. I am a Viet-Nam era army veteran who was drafted, and was proud to serve. I still get upset when I think of the bashing of our troops by the public and the media during the war. Especially, the ones that fled to Canada like a bunch of rats to avoid the draft. Anyway, maybe I will study about satire so we won’t have to waste time bashing each other when it isn’t necessary. God bless our troops. Dave
Well, Scott, my boy. I guess I took you all wrong, and I apologize. I am a Viet-Nam era army veteran who was drafted, and was proud to serve. I still get upset when I think of the bashing of our troops by the public and the media during the war. Especially, the ones that fled to Canada like a bunch of rats to avoid the draft. Anyway, maybe I will study about satire so we won’t have to waste time bashing each other when it isn’t necessary. God bless our troops. Dave
My son, who is reporting for Basic in 4 weeks has an ‘Army’ key strap and was shopping the other day. He was verbally assaulted by a couple of shop keepers. It still happens, but is not as bad as Vietnam. Some people are simply rude.
Why are some claiming that the humanitarian reasons for Iraq are outrageous? Saddam was far worse than Milosovich in the Balkans, yet there was very little whining relativly speaking when we went there. :confused:

Scott Waddell:
Why are some claiming that the humanitarian reasons for Iraq are outrageous? Saddam was far worse than Milosovich in the Balkans, yet there was very little whining relativly speaking when we went there. :confused:

Mostly it’s due to partisanship. Had this been undertaken during a Democratic administration, I don’t believe that there would be half of the screaming that you presently hear. Also, realize that you are only hearing part of the story through the media. You’re not hearing about schools reopening, hospitals reopening, or the fact that more people now have electricity than ever had it under Sadaam.

There was no outrage against the Balkan operation (also done against the wishes of the UN I might add) because the media portrayed it in a positive light. Our media has an agenda and those on the left and those who belong to the Democratic party who were used to having power now can not abide the fact that

A: 9-11 Happened on the watch of a Republican President.

B: Said Republican President handled crisis with strength and alacrity.

C: GOP has only gained strength and popularity since then.

D: DNC Poster boy (Clinton) will now only have a legacy of jokes that center around oral sex and being #2 to be impeached. (and that’s only if the seditious garbage he pulled with China never gets the attention it deserves.) Also, Clinton will also be remembered as …“That guy who was President before Bush…what was his name?” he will forever kick himself because he wasn’t the man in the chair when 9-11 happened.

So, here we are. Iraq is a quagmire. If you can define a willingness by the majority of the citizens (Shiites) to ignore violence aimed at them in order to postpone elections (the head Shia cleric said yesterday that they will wait and take their revenge at the ballot box, now that sounds like old school politics!) a quagmire.

Only if you can consider the fact that we have managed to draw many of the Wahabbist Jihadist Al-Qaeda rank and file into a country where we can gradually engage them and destroy them a quagmire.

Only if you consider the fact that other nations in the region (i.e. Libya) see the removal of the Hussein regime as a warning and use the opportunity to begin to grow up and move into the entire community of nations a quagmire.

Finally, the author of the article that started this thread would be wise to stick writing about things he understands. He can claim all the knowledge he wants when it comes to advancing a secularist agenda, writing about and criticizing those who make history rather than having the testicular fortitude to get in the arena and do it himself, or how to put words in the mouths of those who aren’t here to speak for themselves. At that point he would be wise to shut up.

I am a professional soldier, a leader of men. I lead other soldiers their training and well being are my responsibility not that of some hack with a thesaurus and a laptop. Don’t dare attempt to tell me what I and the soldiers I lead are fighting and dying for. We know. We have something that you who stand outside and criticize don’t. We have the sense of being a part of something greater than the individual and knowing that what we do has made a difference. The media’s sole purpose seems to be change minds to achieve a reality, ours is to change reality directly for the better. That is what the author of this article and those of his ilk can never and will never understand.
Don’t dare attempt to tell me what I and the soldiers I lead are fighting and dying for. We know. We have something that you who stand outside and criticize don’t. We have the sense of being a part of something greater than the individual and knowing that what we do has made a difference. The media’s sole purpose seems to be change minds to achieve a reality, ours is to change reality directly for the better. That is what the author of this article and those of his ilk can never and will never understand.
Ever notice threads of a political nature are the threads with the most name calling and heated arguing.

I find it odd people can exercise charity in most anything but when it comes to Bush vs. Kerry, Iraq etc. all Charity gets lost.

It forces me to suspect the niceties of other threads. Are we nice just until someone crosses us? :confused:
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