You know what, I call a spade a spade. Racism is racism…
I don’t put the country at risk, and frankly I’m pretty insulted by that particular insinuation. I’m not blinded by political correctness, I was just brought up to realize that not everyone has the same beliefs, skin color, political identity, or language as me. I was taught that little thing that Jesus talked about… you know that whole Love your neighbor thing? Or was I mistaught? Was it love your neighbor as you love yourself so long as he subscribes to the same religion as you?
We’re so quick on this board to discuss thoughtful prayer to change peoples minds, to show them what Catholic and Christian behavior is, but then a topic like this pops up, and an awful lot of people say things like it’s time to move, or BE AFRAID BE VERY AFRAID. The likelihood of these people strapping C4 to their chests and detonating in front of the church across the street, or snatching up your children to convert them or even start a campaign of fear and terror is so minimal it’s ludicrous. I mean, their Muslims, human beings, carbon based life forms, who have thoughts, feelings, families, and worship the SAME GOD WE DO! They aren’t even the scary kind of Muslims like Louis Farakhan who go around teaching about how us white folks just want to do the black folks in. They just want to go in, and say their prayers and worship how they see fit.
And to add to that point, look at it in reverse. Say your a Muslim and a Catholic church is being built in your neighborhood, are you afraid that the Nuns and priests and God fearing Parishoners are going to go around and terrorize your neighborhood, or would you try to accept that America is a melting pot and that everyone has a right to worship who they please whether it’s Odin, God, Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, Buddha, or no one at all?
And sure it was all “Muslim” men who attacked us, but we haven’t been particularly good at routing them out have we? Let’s see a war in Afghanistan that’s all but forgotton, and we just had to go into Iraq, even though almost all of the terrorists were citizens of our beloved allies the Saudis. But hey, I’m the one one who’s a threat to this country.
And honey I’ve got red hair, freckles, an Irish first and last name, been to the country multiple times, read Irish news papers, and speak Gaelic, so not only am I Irish, I know a little something too about Irish history,