They're building a Mosque in my neighborhood

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Or, having to spend a day as a member of a minority, for instance, Muslims.šŸ˜›
**Perhaps we should follow our late **Holy Fathers **advice

ā€œIt is important that Muslims and Christians continue to explore philosophical and theological questions together, in order to come to a more objective and comprehensive knowledge of each othersā€™ religious beliefs. Better mutual understanding will surely lead, at the practical level, to a new way of presenting our two religions not in opposition, as has happened too often in the past, but in partnership for the good of the human family.ā€**
Franciscan said:
I dont want people preaching that Jews and Christians are sub-human, and ought to be second class citizens.
Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2) verse 62 of the Holy Quran says,
ā€œSurely those who believe, and those who are JEWS, and the CHRISTIANS, and the SABIANS, whoever believes in Allah and the Last day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve.ā€

P.S. I am not a Muslim; I am a staunch Roman Catholic.
Franciscan said:
Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2) verse 62 of the Holy Quran says,
ā€œSurely those who believe, and those who are JEWS, and the CHRISTIANS, and the SABIANS, whoever believes in Allah and the Last day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve.ā€

P.S. I am not a Muslim; I am a staunch Roman Catholic.
Also in the Koranā€¦

And thou wilt find them [the Jews] the greediest of mankindā€¦4

Evil is that for which they sell their soulsā€¦ For disbelievers is a terrible doom.5

Taste ye [Jews] the punishment of burning.6

Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment.7

Because of the wrongdoing of the Jewsā€¦ And of their taking usury ā€¦ and of their devouring peopleā€™s wealth by false pretenses. We have prepared for those of them who disbelieve a painful doom.8

Allah hath cursed them [the Jews] for their disbelief.9

They [the Jews] will spare no pains to corrupt you. They desire nothing but your ruin. Their hatred is clear from what they say, but more violent is the hatred which their breasts conceal.10

In truth the disbelievers are an open enemy to you.11

And thou seest [Jews and Christians] vying one with another in sin and transgression and their devouring of illicit gain. Verily evil is what they do. Why do not the rabbis and the priests forbid their evilspeaking and their devouring of illicit gain? ā€¦ evil is their handiwork.12

O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians for friends.13

The most vehement of mankind in hostility [are] the Jews and the idolators.14

Fight against such of those [Jews and Christians] ā€¦ until they pay for the tribute readily, being brought low.15

Allah fighteth against them [the Jews]. How perverse they are!16
No. There are other people in this world who have different religious beliefs than yours, and if you want yours to be accepted, you have to practice a little tolerance yourself.
agreed. We should all try to put ourselves in the othersā€™ shoes and practice the golden rule.
so what?
we have a new mosque, also a new synagogue, a bā€™hai temple, and a buddhist center. along with pentecostal, fundamentalist and non-demom mini-churches on every corner, mega-churches with satellite dishes along the freeway (we have more mega-churches than we do Wal-Marts, so that tells you something). Also almost every town has a Sacred Heart Church, a St.Joseph Church, and an Our Lady of something Church.
Lots of Kingdom Halls, and a new Mormon church as well. There is a Hindu info center in the next town as well, and we have a Christian Science Reading room downtown.

welcome to the US, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious.
Some people just donā€™t want to hear it puzzleannie, they just want to live in a bubble.

And Franciscan, any one can quote anything out of context, and make it seem corrupt. You can go through the Bible and do the same thing. So sorry, youā€™re examples to give much weight.
Some people just donā€™t want to hear it puzzleannie, they just want to live in a bubble.

And Franciscan, any one can quote anything out of context, and make it seem corrupt. You can go through the Bible and do the same thing. So sorry, youā€™re examples to give much weight.
If there was any quote out of context it was the one that i reponded to.

Someone, uinwisely, tried to show where in the Koran Jews and Christians were praised. So I didā€™nt open that can of worms.

You donā€™t have to try hard to ā€œmake the Koran seem corruptā€. It speaks for itself.

Ageold Guru, a bubble implies closing your self off to knowledge and closing yourself off to the outside world. On the contrary, I want more knowledge. I want to know whatā€™s going on around me and my family. To me it seems like a bubble to just assume everyone means well and everyone has peaceful intentions. Im not going to change your mind. So thanks for your (name removed by moderator)ut.

PuzzleAnnie, I respect your opinion because 99% of the time we see eye to eye.

The bottom line is that this is America, a pluralistic society, with freedom of religion (which we Catholics should be grateful for) and thereā€™s nothing I can do about it. So I have to accept it. But I will not be completely blind to the REALITY that the religion of Islam is NOT just like anyother religion.1. It is associated with Modern day killers. 2. It considers the hate-filled Koran the Word of God.
Itā€™s out of line to call someone racist for having questions about a mosque going up. There are white Moslems. The concern has nothing to do with skin color, and Iā€™m curious how some of you gained the ability or right to judge the hearts and minds of others. I was under the impression that was Godā€™s job.

The concern is about a clear tendency in the BEHAVIORS of some Moslems. Of course plenty of Moslems are peaceful, good people. Hopefully that will be the mosque near Fransiscanā€™s home. Sadly, there are other mosques where hatred is preached and some where itā€™s acted upon. Thatā€™s been proven. Itā€™s a fact. By contrast, I donā€™t know of any Christians, Jews, Hindis, or Buddhists who are flying airplanes into buildings, blowing up ships, bombing embassies, and preaching hatred in their places of worship.

This is not about racism. It is about behaviors.
Itā€™s out of line to call someone racist for having questions about a mosque going up. There are white Moslems. The concern has nothing to do with skin color, and Iā€™m curious how some of you gained the ability or right to judge the hearts and minds of others. I was under the impression that was Godā€™s job.

The concern is about a clear tendency in the BEHAVIORS of some Moslems. Of course plenty of Moslems are peaceful, good people. Hopefully that will be the mosque near Fransiscanā€™s home. Sadly, there are other mosques where hatred is preached and some where itā€™s acted upon. Thatā€™s been proven. Itā€™s a fact. By contrast, I donā€™t know of any Christians, Jews, Hindis, or Buddhists who are flying airplanes into buildings, blowing up ships, bombing embassies, and preaching hatred in their places of worship.

This is not about racism. It is about behaviors.
Thanks for your well thought out, clear-headed, realistic insight. Indirectly, they are trying to make this some sort of racial issue. The notion of tolerance is usually applied to race. In this case tolerance is noble. But when we apply a blanket tolerance of all ideologies then we are being naive and dangerous.
Dispatches has investigated a number of mosques run by high profile national organisations that claim to be dedicated to moderation and dialogue with other faiths. But an undercover reporter joined worshippers to find a message of religious bigotry and extremism being preached.
He captures chilling sermons in which Saudi-trained preachers proclaim the supremacy of Islam, preach hatred for non-Muslims and for Muslims who do not follow their extreme beliefs - and predict a coming jihad. ā€œAn army of Muslims will arise,ā€ announces one preacher. Another preacher said British Muslims must ā€œdismantleā€ British democracy - they must ā€œlive like a state within a stateā€ until they are ā€œstrong enough to take over.ā€
The investigation reveals Saudi Arabian universities are recruiting young Western Muslims to train them in their extreme theology, then sending them back to the West to spread the word. And the Dispatches reporter discovers that British Muslims can ask for fatwas, religious rulings, direct from the top religious leader in Saudi Arabia, the Grand Mufti.
I By contrast, I donā€™t know of any Christians, Jews, Hindis, or Buddhists who are flying airplanes into buildings, blowing up ships, bombing embassies, and preaching hatred in their places of worship.
I DO know of ā€œChristiansā€ who regularly cause the deaths of innocent civilians and call it ā€œcollateral damageā€ so that it becomes more palatable. George W. Bush, ever heard of them?
I DO know of ā€œChristiansā€ who regularly cause the deaths of innocent civilians and call it ā€œcollateral damageā€ so that it becomes more palatable. George W. Bush, ever heard of them?
Sing you just lost all credibility.
Sing you just lost all credibility.
oh, it was expected. Just because I feel that a war is unjust, I am suddenly the one without credibility. Guess I forgot that many Catholics do not truly believe in the term ā€œpro-lifeā€.
Itā€™s out of line to call someone racist for having questions about a mosque going up. There are white Moslems. The concern has nothing to do with skin color, and Iā€™m curious how some of you gained the ability or right to judge the hearts and minds of others. I was under the impression that was Godā€™s job.

The concern is about a clear tendency in the BEHAVIORS of some Moslems. Of course plenty of Moslems are peaceful, good people. Hopefully that will be the mosque near Fransiscanā€™s home. Sadly, there are other mosques where hatred is preached and some where itā€™s acted upon. Thatā€™s been proven. Itā€™s a fact. By contrast, I donā€™t know of any Christians, Jews, Hindis, or Buddhists who are flying airplanes into buildings, blowing up ships, bombing embassies, and preaching hatred in their places of worship.

This is not about racism. It is about behaviors.
Your right itā€™s not racism, itā€™s faithism. Discrimination is discrimination. Franciscan is prejudging these people and has no idea what the faith is truly about.

Of course there are people who take EVERY FAITH ON EARTH, and corrupt it to fit their means and needs. Christianity did it, Judaism did it, Islam etc. Wars were fought, people were terrorized during the crusades, people were terrorized during the Inquisition, Catholics were persecuted during the Reformation, and Protestants were persecuted during the Reformation. Itā€™s just that itā€™s not fair, kind, or Christian to decide that you donā€™t like someone because they pray facing Mecca, and not while looking at a crucifix.

Itā€™s wrong. Plain and simple. And sure itā€™s Godā€™s job to judge someoneā€™s heart and mind, but isnā€™t that what Franciscan was doing? Judging these peoples hearts and minds?

And define a campaign of terror, now I know commonly in the US itā€™s referred to as what the attacks of 9/11 were. But there are other methods. The Klan which is a ā€œchristianā€ organzation, which is growing in numbers again, mounts campaigns of fear. I park my car to run into a Store 24 next o PP to buy a pack of butts, and as soon as I get out of my car, people rush me to call me a sinner and a baby killer. Thatā€™s pretty scary to me. Iā€™m just goin in for a diet coke and pack of parliament lights, Iā€™m not even going into the plan parenthood office next door. Geez, the only one Iā€™m killing is myself and slowly. And when I come out thereā€™s pictures of aborted Fetuses. I rip them up and roll my eyesā€¦ I mean at least be factual and topical to meā€¦ leave pictures of black lungs or brains with holes in them from aspertame in Nutrasweet.

To me itā€™s kind of appalling in 2007 that hating Muslims is socially acceptable. Itā€™s one thing to be leery of a certain person, but itā€™s an entirely different beast to dislike an entire group of people based on what 19 nutcases did 6 years ago.

And to be entirely fair, terrorists are terrorists, whether they pray to Allah while a member of Al Queda, Sing Danny Boy as a member of Sinn Fein, or sing the American National Anthem while blowing up federal buildings in Oklahoma. Letā€™s not paint all Muslims as the only oneā€™s who conduct these terrible, evil and violent activities.
oh, it was expected. Just because I feel that a war is unjust, I am suddenly the one without credibility. Guess I forgot that many Catholics do not truly believe in the term ā€œpro-lifeā€.
Saying the war is unjust is fine. I agree.
Saying the president of the united States is a murderer is stupid. It shows a lack of mental effort on your part. Due to the lack of mental effort you have lost credibility. I will no longer respond to your thoughtless dribble.
Saying the war is unjust is fine. I agree.
Saying the president of the united States is a murderer is stupid. It shows a lack of mental effort on your part. Due to the lack of mental effort you have lost credibility. I will no longer respond to your thoughtless dribble.
I donā€™t care if itā€™s responded to.I still believe that it doesnā€™t matter WHO they are, if someone unjustly causes anotherā€™s death, they are a murderer. Plain and simple.
Your right itā€™s not racism, itā€™s faithism. Discrimination is discrimination**. Franciscan is prejudging these people and has no idea what the faith is truly about. **
Of course there are people who take EVERY FAITH ON EARTH, and corrupt it to fit their means and needs. Christianity did it, Judaism did it, Islam etc. Wars were fought, people were terrorized during the crusades, people were terrorized during the Inquisition, Catholics were persecuted during the Reformation, and Protestants were persecuted during the Reformation. Itā€™s just that itā€™s not fair, kind, or Christian **to decide that you donā€™t like someone because they pray facing Mecca, and not while looking at a crucifix. **
Itā€™s wrong. Plain and simple. And sure itā€™s Godā€™s job to judge someoneā€™s heart and mind, but isnā€™t that what Franciscan was doing? Judging these peoples hearts and minds?
And define a campaign of terror, now I know commonly in the US itā€™s referred to as what the attacks of 9/11 were. But there are other methods. The Klan which is a ā€œchristianā€ organzation, which is growing in numbers again, mounts campaigns of fear. I park my car to run into a Store 24 next o PP to buy a pack of butts, and as soon as I get out of my car, people rush me to call me a sinner and a baby killer. Thatā€™s pretty scary to me. Iā€™m just goin in for a diet coke and pack of parliament lights, Iā€™m not even going into the plan parenthood office next door. Geez, the only one Iā€™m killing is myself and slowly. And when I come out thereā€™s pictures of aborted Fetuses. I rip them up and roll my eyes
ā€¦ I mean at least be factual
and topical to meā€¦ leave pictures of black lungs or brains with holes in them from aspertame in Nutrasweet.

To me itā€™s kind of appalling in 2007 that hating Muslims is socially acceptable. **Itā€™s one thing to be leery of a certain person, but itā€™s an entirely different beast to dislike an entire group of people based on what 19 nutcases did 6 years ago. **And to be entirely fair, terrorists are terrorists, whether they pray to Allah while a member of Al Queda, Sing Danny Boy as a member of Sinn Fein, or sing the American National Anthem while blowing up federal buildings in Oklahoma. Letā€™s not paint all Muslims as the only oneā€™s who conduct these terrible, evil and violent activities.
Are you kidding?

All the stuff I put in bold is funny.

Thanks for not pre-judging my heart. Thanks for not taking over Godā€™s job.

Oh ya youā€™ve uncvovered the real reason why I have concern.

Itā€™s because they face Mecca not becuase of terrorism.(Now thatā€™s stupid).

If I decide to move Im definitley not moving to Boston. Not that Im judging you or anything.šŸ™‚
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