Does any of this prove Peter is pope, no. There were many things that Paul did, and the others didn’t. Same with John(the only one to see Christ the way he did in Revelation). You’re making a case with thin air. Also being listed first in the Bible usually means you are the pope?, no it means you are the oldest. Remember we are talking about Jews. The biggest proof for primacy would be if Peter and the popes(down through the centuries) taught the same things. Where is Peter speaking about the “real presence”, Mary, purgatory, etc???You’re right, the Early Church Fathers (ECF) are not writing scripture. Keep in mind, however, that it’s these same people on whom you rely to have recognized ACTUAL scripture for what it was, and compiled it as our Bible. Without these same people, you would not have a Bible. Do you agree? If so, you might want to listen to what they have to say. If not, please explain WHO exactly compiled scriptures into a Bible (and don’t cop out by saying “The Holy Spirit” - we acknowledge His work in this, but we also acknowledge that the Bible wasn’t handed down from heaven’ MEN were involved).
You acknowledge, I assume, that Peter was not the first called to be an Apostle - it was his brother Andrew, who went and brought Peter to Christ. Yet, in all of the lists of Apostles, Peter comes first (and Judas last - for obvious reasons which again have nothing to do with chronology). In fact, Peter is mentioned ~190 times in the NT (as Simon, Peter, or Cephas). The next most mentioned Apostle is John (the Apostle who Christ loved), at ~40 times. Why? You have to answer this if you would deny the Petrine Primacy. Why would John wait at Jesus’ tomb for Peter to get there before he would go in? Why, in Acts 15, would everyone shut up when Peter speaks? Why, in Acts 15, would James say “THEREFORE” it is his judgement? When reading scripture, if you see a “therefore”, you have to ask what it’s there for. “Therefore” means “because of what was just said”. What was just said? Peter just infallibly pronounced something on a matter of faith and morals, which is never contradicted throughout the rest of scripture. What happens to James’ pronouncements? Contradicted by Paul, with no hesitation. Peter was at the helm.
Who walked on water? Christ, of course, but Peter as well. Anyone else? Nope. When Peter started to sink, did Christ let him? Nope. Who paid tax for Christ? Peter, who paid one shekel for the both of them. Who miraculously caught 153 fish, and was told to become a fisher of men? Peter. Who was empowered with superhuman strength to pull them ashore (which you’ll realize WAS superhuman if you’ve ever held up a stringer of even 10 fish)? Peter. Who receives enlightenment FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT to proclaim Christ the Son of God? Peter. Any reason to suspect the Holy Spirit couldn’t do it again? Nope. Who’s boat does Jesus get into to preach? Peter’s. Who, besides Christ, Moses, and Elija, speaks at the Transfiguration? Peter. Who does Jesus tell to “feed my lambs,” “tend my sheep,” “feed my sheep,”? Peter. Anyone else? Nope. Who entered the upper room first after the ascention? Peter. Who declares the first anathemas in Acts 5? Peter. Who’s shadow has the power to heal, something not recorded for anyone else in scripture? Peter.
Do you see a trend? Do I need to go on? I ask that you prayerfully reflect on these truths and ask why, exactly, it is that you despise authority.
May the Holy Spirit guide you in your pursuit of truth.