By preordaining ALL future events, as stated in the passage I quoted, a deity would be setting the conditions and behaviors of his creation. Free will can not possibly exist in such a world. It is foreseen, preordained…it is set. That is what the teaching says.
They then try to add free will into this mix and only call it a mystery as to how this can work. A mystery is no answer, and is really an admission to me that they know that the conditions cannot mesh.
Repeating an illogical premise over and over does not make it any more logical.
You say that “A mystery is no answer”.
You can say that but it is wrong for the simple reason that it is some people’s answer, including mine, and you can disagree with their answer but you can not tell others that they have to answer something to your satisfaction, however, you can consider it a wrong answer.
It may be a “no answer” to you, it seems for the simple reason that you do not think that there can be a Being that can do something that is beyond your ability to conceive of but for others, it is very much an answer and not only an answer but an admission that they believe that there are things beyond their human abilities.
Some people believe that God made absolutely everything out of nothing, a nothing that I believe is beyond our ability to conceive of and I, most definitely, believe that making everything out of absolutely nothing is a “mystery”.
By “mystery” and I am speaking of something being a mystery to me, I mean something that is beyond my ability to explain, even to myself.
You may or may not believe God made everything out of nothing but can you explain it whether or not you believe it to be?
I would like to ask you a question if you don’t mind, do you believe that there always was something besides God and if not, do you believe that God made everything out of nothing?
This may be very simplistic but sometimes it seems to me that some seem to think that God blew Himself up, I am referring to those that believe everything is God, I do not necessarily mean God blew Himself up in an explosion but that somehow ripped Himself apart, do you see what I am getting at?
By the way, here and elsewhere, where I use the masculine pronoun, I only use it because pronouns come in handy because I do NOT believe that God is a Male, a Female or an IT but as I have said elsewhere, a Being of Love.