OK, but we are merely talking, no harm in exercising your mind. If we don’t think outside the box because of fear of being wrong, we could never make progress. Theories fail all the time in the lab. If fact you can count on it. Being wrong part of time is really part of new understanding. We shouldn’t be of fear of talking 2015 and believe we can go no further than the 13th century. Think of how much more we know now.The following is my opinion and whether it is in line with what anyone else writes, I do not know.
I believe that God created us to be able to choose either A or B, free will in other words, but that God “knows” just what we will choose before we choose it.
I believe, firmly believe, that these two things seem to be in direct contradiction in our human mind, at least in my human mind, that is why I say that these two things (free will and God’s Omniscience in knowing how we will exercise our free will) is beyond our (human) ability to see how they can both be true.
I may not “understand” Omniscience but I do “know” what I consider the definition of Omniscience.
We are NOT puppets and God did NOT script the play, so to speak, we freely do what we do but God “knows” what we do before we do it.
As far as I am concerned, if you understand what I am trying to say, fine, however, if you understand how this can be, than it is my firm belief that you do not see what I am trying to say.
No one has to agree with what I write but it would sure be nice if anyone could see what I am writing concerning this.
It is my firm belief that there are things about God that are beyond our human ability to understand, to put it mildly.
However, there is really only One Choice, there is right and wrong. There is no third choice that I can think of