I think thinkandmull is correct in saying that the Old Catholic Encyclopedia is exaggerating when it asserts that this is Catholic dogma. (Remember that an encyclopedia is not an instrument of the Magisterium, so it is only as reliable as its editors.)In New Advent it also states clearly that the Catholic God preordains all future events from all eternity. The links are all over the threads related to free will and predestination. It is Church Dogma. They attempt, with no offer of any logical proof to say that people still have free will…and it is almost sad, IMO.
This is the very reason that I left the Church.
In fact, the Church has specifically refrained from taking sides in the Bañez–de Molina controversy. (I think there is a solution that supersedes both of them, but that is a topic for another time.)
But I have not heard your reasoning. Why does the fact that God knows what will happen imply that God fixes what will happen? (I happen to think there are cogent arguments to the contrary, but I want to see your opinion.)