Those Were The Days

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The opposite is not true. Jim Orr, within the last week, called the Democratic Party followers of evil, and others have called us dupes of the Devil. Sorry, we don’t demonize you fellows even as some of you demonize us.
When you make an accusation, it would help to support it with some evidence.
If you want to know who you are, look at yoru friends. Who are the friends of the Democrat party? Abortionists, sodomites, moral relativists, atheists, feminists, heretics, communists, secularists, and the list goes on and on. Every evil you can fathom! And as planks!

This is not the same party of FOURTY years ago. It has changed hands. They ACTIVELY do the work of Satan.

Are there good people in the party? YES! Do they have good intentions? YES! Do they have control of the party? NO!

I implore you, look at what your party is trying to do to our country. It’s not good. You may not agree with the Republican social method, but not getting free school lunches can’t send you to hell. No we are not perfect but voting for moral evils is no way to change that.

What was the first thing Jesus made sure of with the rich young man when he had asked how to get eternal life?
Y Working strenously to avert a war and deferring to the United Nations are not actions that express complete opposition to any military intervention in Iraq.
Working strenously to avoid a war and wanting to defer to the United Nations in the face of the Iraq War seems to be evidence of opposition to that war. He wasn’t just going through an academic or theoretical exercise to avoid war in the abstract.
This would be good policy for the NYC police. We can’t catch all the criminals so let them all go.
Police operations and military operations and establishment of the goals of police operations and the goals of military operations are different things. I don’t see how the two can be compared.
You are correct. We can differ. I’m just shocked that some Catholics would rather have Sadaam Hussein in power.
Like the Pope. Suppose that he had succeeded in stopping Bush from invading. The Pope would have been taking the side of the despot, right?
We are not there to subjugate the Iraqis. It is not a goal of ours, never has been, so I don’t see the point.QUOTE]

The point is the only way to have any type of long term reform is to subjugate the population. If you don’t there’s going to be another dictator there within two decades.
This is not the same party of FOURTY years ago. It has changed hands. They ACTIVELY do the work of Satan.
You’re absolutely right: 40 years ago Democrats were conservative and Republicans were liberal.
Who are the friends of the Democrat party? Abortionists, sodomites, moral relativists, atheists, feminists, heretics, communists, secularists, and the list goes on and on.
And who are the friends of the Republican Party? The rich, the greedy, those who hate the poor, those who exploit the working man, those who would deny men basic rights. IOW, those doing the very work of Satan!

Go ahead. Demonize us. You and I can sling insults at each other all day long. And to what end? More and more polarization?
Do they have control of the party? NO!
Do pro-lifers control your Party?
And who are the friends of the Republican Party? The rich, the greedy, those who hate the poor, those who exploit the working man, those who would deny men basic rights. IOW, those doing the very work of Satan!

Go ahead. Demonize us. You and I can sling insults at each other all day long. And to what end? More and more polarization?

Do pro-lifers control your Party?
Please explain how it is evil to be rich?

I think it’s obvious that both sides are greedy.

Hate the poor? I’d consider enslaving the poor to a welfare state hate full, I’ll add that to my list for Dems, thanks.

How is it a mater of Republican policy to exploit the working man?

No right is more basic than the right to religious freedom.

I do agree that this is not the best way for us to see each other view, but you have to admit, you get a bit of a rush out of it?

God bless you, I know you have good intentions, I just can’t understand their ways. And yup, I as there before, but got wise.
Heh. I actually claimed myself as a communist for about two years in college. Sometimes you smack yourself for the things done in the past.
Working strenously to avoid a war and wanting to defer to the United Nations in the face of the Iraq War seems to be evidence of opposition to that war. He wasn’t just going through an academic or theoretical exercise to avoid war in the abstract.
No. He was going through a vigilant exercise to solve the problem peacefully. Did you know all that he did to bring down the Soviet Union when it was happening? Perhaps he had non-military means in mind. Perhaps these ideas didn’t work out. This has to be a consideration. To just say he opposed getting Sadaam out is far too simplistic, as is saying he opposed military intervention no matter what.
Police operations and military operations and establishment of the goals of police operations and the goals of military operations are different things. I don’t see how the two can be compared.
And I don’t see how you can say we shouldn’t try to save the few if we can’t save the many.
Like the Pope. Suppose that he had succeeded in stopping Bush from invading. The Pope would have been taking the side of the despot, right?
Not at all. I believe you are oversimplifying and mischaracterizing the actions and intentions of the Pope. Neither you or I know exactly what he was doing or what he wanted.
I do agree that this is not the best way for us to see each other view, but you have to admit, you get a bit of a rush out of it?
Painting our opponents, whether we are Republicans or Democrats, as servants of the Devil can be an interesting exercise in conjuring up descriptive language indeed, but it does no one any good to think in those terms in reality.
Heh. I actually claimed myself as a communist for about two years in college. Sometimes you smack yourself for the things done in the past.
If there was no harm done, no need to repent for it.
Given the number of countries in the world with despotic rulers and whose people suffer under them, how many invasions of other countries are you willing to support, Lisa? Should we mobilize for an invasion of Iran? What of North Korea? If Bush is so set on “saving human beings,” why hasn’t he sent troops to Darfur?

And, what are the criteria for military action to save people?
So if we can’t be everywhere we let everyone suffer? What a charitable approach you have Richard. Have you ever heard the strategy of pick your battles? Pick the hill you die on? Iraq was considered by people smarter than you or me to be that hill.

As to Darfur well let’s see, wasn’t President Bush criticized for not abiding by UN directives? So now we wait for a UN directive and we are criticized for not making a unilateral stand? You can’t have it both ways.

Lisa N
I agree. But his atrocities were justification for the Iraq war, correct?
That would be no…we were sold this war based on the “facts” that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, ready to be sold to Al Queda, or some other terrorist organization. Furthermore, that world oil prices would drop as Iraqi’s oil production came online entering the market without production quotas. Finally, revenue from Iraqi oil sales was to greatly help finance reconstruction efforts.

God bless our troops…but I do not see any evidence of this, quite the contrary. We’re there now…and need to follow through, but George Tenet has much blood on his hands. They should put a rifle in those hands and send his sorry *** to Falujah.

May our Father’s hand be over our troops and bring them home safely soon.
Lisa N:
Iraq was considered by people smarter than you or me to be that hill.
Don’t deprecate yourself. Given what we’ve been learning about the intelligence failures connected with planning and executing the war, I seriously doubt that those people were “people smarter than you or me.”
What makes it the U.S.'s obligation to be the world’s Wyatt Earp?

Actually it is the reponsibility of every human being to protect the innocent. If a country can do it, they should.

Remember: All men are endowed with their CREATOR with certain rights. Liberty is one of them. This is a Natural Law.
What makes it the U.S.'s obligation to be the world’s Wyatt Earp?
Because the UN is too impotent and corrupt to do their job.
What makes it the U.S.'s obligation to be the world’s Wyatt Earp?
We are because we believe in freedom for all, and we have the power. Do you expect perhaps Belgium, or Luxembourg to liberate anyone? Get real. We are obligated. If we turn the other way then we are evil and selfish.
We are because we believe in freedom for all, and we have the power. Do you expect perhaps Belgium, or Luxembourg to liberate anyone? Get real. We are obligated. If we turn the other way then we are evil and selfish.
I am sincerely vexed with this whole situation and this can be argued ad nauseum…what good would it do? A country that is so gifted in so many ways, cannot protect its own. Invasion of Iraq was so primary to save the people from their leader and yet could not save Terri Shiavo…can not save aborted babies. If there is a belief of freedom for all…welll…where does Terri come in? or all the silent screaming of the aborted babies who were beheaded, burnt with acid, etc etc? There are others who are being starved to death within the same country…and yet we worry of others in other countries who have been suffering just as long as Iraq…I truly do not understand…

Is this a situation of ‘physician heal thyself?’ Would the world listen more to the US and help them more if that was the case? who knows…

And before I get shot :eek: I am very much aware of the corruption in my own country. And totally vexed by it…:crying:

Christ si risen…truly he is risen!
gilliam said:
**Those Were The Days… **

I walk into the darkness and hear them cry
Random voices but there’s no one around
Amid the forest, everything seems so dry
Queues upon queues, leaves lay on the ground

I kick the leaves and stumble on a stone
Rummaged through the trees with my hands and knees
Aching were my bones, but I continued alone
Quiet became the night, with a slightly cold breeze

I hear those cries yet again
Rain began to pour on the dry plain earth
Amid the soil, hands reached out in pain
Quickly I dig, Its a woman giving birth

I dig some more trying to help
Reeking was the place, reeking was the air
A hand, a leg, a mother crying for help
Queasy became my self, I reached down in despair

I felt the blood and the lifeless corpses
Rows upon rows of rotting humans
As they lay there, dead without causes
Questions I ask, where they Shia’s, Sunni’s, Kurds or Christians

Iraq was a place once ruled by the devil
Rivers he dried, money he stole
A million and more were left to shrivel
Quickly they were buried alive in a hole

It’s the mass graves everywhere you see
Running, are the spirits away from He
An unborn child couldn’t even flee
Quiet were the wombs, how else would they be….

Im sorry if this is a feeble attempt of poetry but Im just angry and pissed off at the moment.It boggles my mind when people still wander whether getting rid of Saddam was worth it. It angers me more when I hear “Human Right” activists complain about the way insurgents are being treated on TV. Give me a … break will you!!! Where were your voices when Saddam and his men took people in the middle of the night from their homes, from their beds, and tortured them??? Where were your voices when bodies were cut up and thrown infront of houses for their families to claim???Where were your voices when his sons raped and murdered girls???

Tell me where were your voices when unborn children were buried in the earth. Thousands upon thousands just disappeared. Where were your voices when the massacre of Halabcha took place, or the massacre of the March uprising in the South???

Your reports didnt save them, and now you come and say that its against human rights for those criminals to be shown on TV??? My God!!! Dont give me text book words, and talk about principles. Do these “suicide” bombers have principles by killing hundreds of innocent people inorder to get a few hundred dollars??? Are these the principles we want to teach the new Iraqi generation???

These are videos of Saddam’s men torturing people. I couldnt even continue watching, too disturbing too real. Be warned these videos are really DISTURBING and GRAPHIC. If you can watch them, watch them and then come to me and tell me that it wasnt worth it removing Saddam and his tyrant regime. Watch them and then come to me and tell me that these criminals on tv are being unjustifyingly slapped around.

Read the rest from Neurotic Iraqi Wife. (warning, graphic)

I absolutely agree. I can’t believe people think insurgents should have any rights. If anybody has watched a beheading video, they know we’re dealing with absolute evil. If anyone wants to watch one, PM me. Be warned: they’re extremely vicious.
You all know that Saddam let all the criminals go just before the war. Hundreds of thousands of them.
Iraq is still living with that legacy.

It explains a lot of what is happening over there.
Beggars, thieves, rapist, and other common criminals usually don’t run around setting up roadside bombs, hit and run attacks, and blow up M1 Abrams tanks. What we’re probably seeing is Saddam’s Army and Republican Guard leftovers that mysteriously disappeared.
I absolutely agree. I can’t believe people think insurgents should have any rights. If anybody has watched a beheading video, they know we’re dealing with absolute evil. If anyone wants to watch one, PM me. Be warned: they’re extremely vicious.
Surreal ain’t it?
I absolutely agree. I can’t believe people think insurgents should have any rights. If anybody has watched a beheading video, they know we’re dealing with absolute evil. If anyone wants to watch one, PM me. Be warned: they’re extremely vicious.
Surreal ain’t it?
It’s nothign like what people think either.
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