Those Were The Days

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I think we all agree that Saddam is evil. However, Bush’s job isn’t to go around “spreading democracy” (more like “spreading capitalism”), his job is to defend America. Saddam was not involved in the attacks on September 11th, and it might have been a wise move for Bush to focus on getting Osama Bin Laden before he goes around “spreading democracy.” But, I guess he was right- I mean, he was defending America, since Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. Oh, wait a minute…never mind.

Also, our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, was against the war. Does hold any meaning to you?
Surreal ain’t it?
It’s nothign like what people think either.
Yeah, the slow cutting through the flesh is horrific.
Also, our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, was against the war. Does hold any meaning to you?
Am I bound to his favorite color as well?

If he felt the need he could have bound it to our faith. But he did not. It is up to those in charge of the nation to decide if a war is just, not our Holy Father, as per the CCC 2309, 2310
Brad said:
#1 is unproven. #2 has nothing to do with the question.

So, in summary, as a Catholic, you think Sadaam should still be in power to rape, kill, and torture innocent men, women, and children.

I have a different opionion, as a Catholic.

To say that the Pope’s opposition to the invasion of Iraq is unproven is just plain incorrect.

Note especially the Pope’s taking comfort in the antiwar movement (mentioned in my last link).
hey people,

John Paul was a great great man. More moral than I. But it’s not a crime to think he was wrong about his opposition to the war. I think judging by catholic just war theory, the war is completely justified. and if we invaded north korea etc, those would be justified too. by the Pope’s logic, even WW2 would not have been justified. I love JP2, but I can be a completely loyal Catholic and still hold that I disagree completely with his opposition to the war.

I believe in and follow EVERYTHING the church teaches. the just war theory hasnt changed. JP2 was free to oppose the war as a Catholic, just like I’m free to disagree with him. This is an area where we can have disagreement.

JP2, rest in peace.
hey people,

John Paul was a great great man. More moral than I. But it’s not a crime to think he was wrong about his opposition to the war. I think judging by catholic just war theory, the war is completely justified. and if we invaded north korea etc, those would be justified too. by the Pope’s logic, even WW2 would not have been justified. I love JP2, but I can be a completely loyal Catholic and still hold that I disagree completely with his opposition to the war.

I believe in and follow EVERYTHING the church teaches. the just war theory hasnt changed. JP2 was free to oppose the war as a Catholic, just like I’m free to disagree with him. This is an area where we can have disagreement.

JP2, rest in peace.
Very strong nit.




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