And who designed and created that set up?
The God you say you don’t believe exists.
If you’re right, bully for you!
If you’re wrong, on the other hand, it all comes down to God’s judgment of whether it’s reasonable that you did not have belief in Him. If it’s reasonable (in Catholic terms, it’s called “invincible ignorance”), then you’re all good. If it’s
unreasonable, though, that you do not believe (that is to say, if you should have but chose not to), then you’re responsible for the consequences of that decision.
Once you have made your choice – permanently, and therefore, eternally – by the end of your life, the consequences are likewise permanent and eternal. That’s why there’s no inequality between the ‘choice’ and the ‘consequences.’
And, in the metaphorical way of describing it that you rail against, you will have had made a choice whose consequence is “loss of eternal life with God.” (The ‘burning’ stuff? That’s a mode of description. The Church teaches that the primary ‘pain’ of hell is the eternal and immutable separation from God.)