Threading the needle on LGBT issues

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But the point is you don’t feel society should treat heterosexuals who don’t have children differently. We aren’t banning them from getting married at least in a civil sense. But you are supporting banning homosexuals from the same. The church can do what it wants but enforcing church rules on non-Catholics is the reason discussions like this thread have to keep happening.
It’s not a matter of how society should play pretend, how it should go along with a lie, so that someone can “feel” better.

The Church’s role isn’t to go along with lies and play pretend for feeling’s sake.

The Church’s job is to redeem all souls.

And that means providing clarity in the moral life, not feel good lies.

It’s a matter of seeing and recognizing the truth in our nature.

It’s much bigger than you’re thinking.

Marriage EXISTS for families, unitive serves the procreative.
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venting on a catholic forum just opens yourself up to be judged by people who dont know you from a hole in the ground.

the democrat party and liberals have used homosexuals to create a " LBGT issue " which is this idea that everyone outside the party and liberalism is against homosexuals and are homophobes. which is kinda true for the catholic church, i mean they allow closet homosexuals to become priests then act super surprised when they come out of the closet etc etc, an it is a complex issue that unfortunately God doesn’t feel the need to clarify .
He was quite clear in His complementary design of our bodies.

He wrote His intention for us on our bodies, so we wouldn’t be confused about our destination, much less our identity.
The Church’s role isn’t to go along with lies and play pretend for feeling’s sake.
The Church isn’t being asked to be involved. The Church can refuse to perform these ceremonies as much as it wants. If I wasn’t clear I’m talking about imposing that view who don’t ascribe to those beliefs. The same way the Church can prohibit divorce for its members but not enforce that on married couples who aren’t Catholic.
You missed the order.

The Jewish laws and the Catholic Church were the ones who instituted marriage. The Protestants caused the governments to get involved.

Long after secular governments and laws come and go…and they do come and go…the nature of marriage and the nature of persons will be the same.

Besides…the points about the the nature of out bodies, etc…is entirely natural law. The logic of these points apply w/ or w/out the Catholic Church.

Same sex couplings mimicing marriage are in their essence sterile and barren, totally incapable of the fruitful union that the soul’s nature seek (God put it in the soul), given their nature.

The governments can play pretend…but their changing laws will never make a same sex couple happy…because their soul will know it’s just a big and shallow (and empty) good-feel good lie.

Law becomes lie. Just what the devil wants!
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How much predjudice do you face due to your sexuality?
There’s a full blown war against straight men.

As far prejudice is concerned, I’ve been hit most every racist name, thanks.

Either your equal to heterosexuals or you are not. If you are equal, stop whining about being victims.

Also, how does a pride parade help solve problems for homeless gays?
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Gay people are equal to straight people. I am very comfortable with gay people having equal rights under the law, including gay marriage.
Ok. I and the Church don’t agree on the gay marriage part (you know this of course). I do agree when you say:
But quite clearly at many different times at many different parts of the world gay people have not been afforded equal rights. You surely don’t need me to list examples.
The human person whether attracted to the same sex or not, deserves to be treated with respect and compassion. Unjust discrimination of the person should be avoided
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There’s honestly no war against straight people, let’s not victimize a group of people that will always be considered normal and natural now. The only people whining about men and straight people are a tiny bunch of people with quick fingers. Come on man…
As far prejudice is concerned, I’ve been hit most every racist name, thanks.
I’m quite curious because we talk a lot here and you say that a lot but I have no idea about your race. Are you a racial/non European minority? Or do you not disclose that intentionally?
Either your equal to heterosexuals or you are not. If you are equal, stop whining about being victims.
I’m sure they meant they’re equal in nature but they’re not being treated like it. Kind of like how men and women are equal but say, people in India are protesting because people don’t want to accept that fact there.
how does a pride parade help solve problems for homeless gays?
It doesn’t. It’s just a celebration for them. It probably started off when that’s the only time they can be openly themselves in a group, but now it’s just a celebration.
It’s not allowed because the Church is against actively working against the procreative and unitive aspects of sex. A sterile straight couple isn’t doing that unless they use contraception. A gay couple can never have conceive due to the anatomy so it’s seen as working against the procreative aspects of sex. They aren’t being targeted, straight couples who do other sexual acts that don’t end up in PIV are also sinning as well.
No they did not. For instance they could not civilly marry who they wished to.
This is true of everyone. If a man wanted to marry a 10-year-old, he was not free to. If a man wanted to marry his mother, he was not free to. Do those policies against child marriage and incest constitute treating people as second-class citizens?

If not, then laws against same-sex marriage did not, either.
And please, don’t say I’m “comparing homosexuality to incest and pedophilia”. It’s quite clear that that is not what I am doing. I am saying that NO ONE can marry “whomever they wish to”, unless they happen to wish in accordance with the law.
The same standards apply to heterosexuals. They can’t just marry whomever they want either.
There’s honestly no war against straight people, let’s not victimize a group of people that will always be considered normal and natural now.
Wake up. Liberal GLBTQ folks are well-funded with lots of power.
I’ve been following this topic, and I’ve seen a lot of things I didn’t quite understand. Would it not just be easier to say that homosexuals are disordered, but they are for a reason and therefore perfect the way they are?
While the desire to sleep with people of the same sex most certainly constitutes a temptation, the attraction is not in and of itself the temptation. Nor would I call that attraction unwanted. Unexpected maybe, at least in my own personal experience, but not unwanted. To call it unwanted is to suggest that it is a part of yourself you should try to be rid of. It isn’t.
If a man has an attraction to sleep with a woman that is not his wife, what should he do with that attraction? How should he deal with it? Most men are very attracted to pornography; what should men do about that attraction? Should these men go around saying they are pornosexuals?
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If a man has an attraction to sleep with a woman that is not his wife, what should he do with that attraction? How should he deal with it? Most men are very attracted to pornography; what should men do about that attraction? Should these men go around saying they are pornosexuals?
Of course not. Just like I don’t go around identifying myself as a homosexual. I have homosexual urges but that is simply one facet of who I am as a person. It is a PART of who I am but not an identifying factor.

You seem to have completely missed the point of what I was trying to say, and misconstrued it as something else. Embrace the fact that you have those urges, it is no use denying the truth that you have them. Once you embrace the facts you can work on overcoming them. But you can’t overcome something without first acknowledging that it exists in the first place.

Acknowledging that you have an affliction is not the same as diving headfirst into said affliction. I can acknowledge my homosexual urges without giving in to them. In fact, it is precisely because I acknowledge them that I am able to resist giving in to them.

A good equivalence would be a car. You can’t fix your engine without first knowing what is wrong with it.
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