Ticket to Heaven

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Does anyone know what i have to do to get into heaven?
In what sense? Spiritually there are many people here who are familiar with the concept of Grace by which we are saved, and the need for Faith and Works on our part in order to get into heaven.

Physically, there have been very few examples of people who have gotten into heaven before they died, so dying has to be a part of the answer to your question too I guess… 😉

Let me know what your specific questions are in regards to salvation and I’d be glad to try and help you out.
No, i was not thinking as deep as getting into heaven before death (perhaps that was St. John’s experience as he wrote in Revelation?)

I’m thinking about the requirements to make it to heaven.
In the gospels a rich man asks Jesus this same question. In reply he tells him to keep the commandments and then gives several examples. The discussion goes on to what else is required in order to become perfect.

Get baptized if you’re not, and talk to a priest. Obey God’s laws. Start praying.
Richard Lamb:
You mean, RE-vert, don’t you? 😉

I was confirmed a Roman Catholic but have drifted from the church.

Does anyone know what i have to do to get into heaven?
Then he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”
(Acts 16:30-31 ESV)
In the gospels a rich man asks Jesus this same question. In reply he tells him to keep the commandments and then gives several examples. The discussion goes on to what else is required in order to become perfect.

Get baptized if you’re not, and talk to a priest. Obey God’s laws. Start praying.
I was baptized as a child in the Roman Catholic church, Flounder (love the user name, by the way!)

Do you think that Jesus meant we are to keep all the commandments or just some of them (such as the 10 commandments that Moses gave to the Jewish people)?
Then he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”
(Acts 16:30-31 ESV)
Thanks for the quote, Ric.

I think it is interesting that St. Paul tells the person to believe IN Jesus, not just in what Christ said. I think there is a difference there, would you agree?
Thanks for the quote, Ric.

I think it is interesting that St. Paul tells the person to believe IN Jesus, not just in what Christ said. I think there is a difference there, would you agree?
Yes, because Jesus is my hope. With out Jesus - I’m dead!
Richard Lamb:

Do you think i have to be a member of a the Catholic church to get into heaven?
Thanks all for responding so quickly.

I’ve got to mow the lawn but i’ll check back in a bit to see what opinions there are to help answer my questions.

God bless,
Thanks all for responding so quickly.

I’ve got to mow the lawn but i’ll check back in a bit to see what opinions there are to help answer my questions.

God bless,
Hey Christopher,

No problem Brother!

If you want to talk more, you can always PM me. 🙂

Your Brother in Christ alone,
Richard Lamb:

Do you think i have to be a member of a the Catholic church to get into heaven?
(I’m not Richard Lamb, but):
I think that by the time anyone gets there he is a member of the Catholic church… 😉
More seriously: As a married man, I’ve often called my wife my Ticket To Heaven. ❤️

If I can learn to love the right way by loving her, I get to go to heaven. Woo-hoo! (It’s a little oversimplified, but still I think correct)
I like Jimmy Akin’s answer:
“People try to make the Catholic message sound complex, but it’s really simple: ‘Repent, believe and be baptized; then if you commit mortal sin, repent, believe, and confess. Period.’ – even a five year old child can understand that.”
See also Akin’s, “The Necessity of Being Catholic
Do you think that Jesus meant we are to keep all the commandments or just some of them (such as the 10 commandments that Moses gave to the Jewish people)?
We are not freed from obeying God’s law, the 10 commandments included, but Jesus did prioritize them somewhat. He told us there were two that were the most important.
  1. Love God
  2. Love your neighbor
A simple question, and yet it has no simple answer. There is no ticket to heaven. Your entire life is required: your whole person-- body, mind, soul, and action in the world. (Hence “love the Lord your God with your whole heart, mind, soul… and love your neighbor as yourself.”)

The Gospel sayings and discourses are a diamond, each facet shining light on part of the picture.

It starts with asking for and receiving faith (baptism), it continues by living the Faith (commandments, virtues, and vocation).

Body: nourished in the Eucharist in the Liturgy

Mind: nourished by the Word in the Liturgy and in personal prayer, reading, and bible study.

Soul: nourish through prayer, vocation, and the Sacraments, and enriched through charitable works.

So, your ticket to heaven is to convert your heart and your life, to continue to seek, knock, and enter each and every day. It is to run the race to the end, as St Paul says.
You mean, RE-vert, don’t you? 😉

I was confirmed a Roman Catholic but have drifted from the church.
convert is more than that, it is a whole change of life, outlook, a change of being, all things are new says Paul…
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