Many people speak of “Cradle Catholics.” The use of that phrase often comes from Protestant to Catholic converts, and the phrase rarely ever comes across well. Frankly, the use of that phrase often sounds condescending and a bit arrogrant with many converts acting as if they are somehow “better” Catholics then those born into the faith.
While it is quite true that many so-called “Cradle Catholics” are weak of faith and have even fallen away to other faiths (and in some cases fallen away to no faith at all); however, it is also true that literally millions of so-called “Cradle Catholics” are the very body of people who have helped keep the Church going so that Protestants and others still have a Church and faith to convert to.
In very large numbers so-called Cradle Catholics have done the following:
– Called for renewal of the Church to regain many lost practices.
– Called for the restoration of things like the Latin Mass and many other holy rituals and practices that have been all but lost.
– Called for a greater participation in the sacraments by all Catholics.
– Spent incalculable hours praying novenas and rosaries for loved ones in Protestant Churches and those outside the faith and even those in the faith. Many Protestants would not even be in the Church had some likely unknown person or group of people prayed for their conversion for years without fail.
– Spent hours in front the blessed sacrament praying for conversions in general and for renewal of the Church.
– Tried to maintain a holy life so that others might be moved by their example…being a strong witness to the faith.
The list can go on-and-on. So-called Cradle Catholics should not be looked down upon, they should be thanked and respected for the faith they have helped live so that there would still be a basic foundation to which non-Catholics can convert.
While a great many Catholics actually present themselves as needing evangelizing, so do Protestants and people of all other faiths. We all know that Jesus promised that the gates of hades would not prevail, yet that does not mean hades won’t try and it does not mean that in certain countries the faith cannot be nearly completely lost (look at much of Europe). Yet, in the United States the faith is nowhere near as bad off as in other countries and part of the reason for that is----Cradle Catholics!
Therefore, people might want to take a more gentle approach towards so-called Cradle Catholics, because Cradle Catholics have been here for a long time and we keep living our faith every day and we keep praying for people we know and love–every single day!
While it is quite true that many so-called “Cradle Catholics” are weak of faith and have even fallen away to other faiths (and in some cases fallen away to no faith at all); however, it is also true that literally millions of so-called “Cradle Catholics” are the very body of people who have helped keep the Church going so that Protestants and others still have a Church and faith to convert to.
In very large numbers so-called Cradle Catholics have done the following:
– Called for renewal of the Church to regain many lost practices.
– Called for the restoration of things like the Latin Mass and many other holy rituals and practices that have been all but lost.
– Called for a greater participation in the sacraments by all Catholics.
– Spent incalculable hours praying novenas and rosaries for loved ones in Protestant Churches and those outside the faith and even those in the faith. Many Protestants would not even be in the Church had some likely unknown person or group of people prayed for their conversion for years without fail.
– Spent hours in front the blessed sacrament praying for conversions in general and for renewal of the Church.
– Tried to maintain a holy life so that others might be moved by their example…being a strong witness to the faith.
The list can go on-and-on. So-called Cradle Catholics should not be looked down upon, they should be thanked and respected for the faith they have helped live so that there would still be a basic foundation to which non-Catholics can convert.
While a great many Catholics actually present themselves as needing evangelizing, so do Protestants and people of all other faiths. We all know that Jesus promised that the gates of hades would not prevail, yet that does not mean hades won’t try and it does not mean that in certain countries the faith cannot be nearly completely lost (look at much of Europe). Yet, in the United States the faith is nowhere near as bad off as in other countries and part of the reason for that is----Cradle Catholics!
Therefore, people might want to take a more gentle approach towards so-called Cradle Catholics, because Cradle Catholics have been here for a long time and we keep living our faith every day and we keep praying for people we know and love–every single day!