CradIe Catholic is a term that I am very much at home with - seeing that I am one. I have always it as something real good!! If I can be truthful about it, I have always considered myself very lucky and superior to have been born a catholic and still practicing it all these while !!! Imagine what a loss it must have been to grow up without attending a Latin Mass, taking part in the Station of the Cross;Rosary or in all the Easter activities. Yes, I imagine it to be a big loss not to have been a cradle catholic. - I was therefore a bit surprised to read of it being used as a derogatory term. To those that denigrate the term, could it be that they are jealous of what they missed? Granted, there are a lot of taking things for granted by us the "“CCs” and also being lukewarm as against the fire and push of our protestant brothers, I always look at all their activities with a smug smile - satisfied with the belief that I have the best while they are struggling to come up to what I have. And that is the way I want to keep on seeing it - Cradle Catholics have it all and are not apologising about that. We cradle catholics, however, will do have a lot of work yet to do in terms of the impression we create. We have to show that we know what we have in the Church, defend it and live it. By so doing, those who did not the same advantage we had will see what they lack and strive to learn it - instead of denigrating us.