We are all born with an innate sense of the existence of right and wrong. That is a fact that applies to everyone except possibly a mentally retarded person or an insane person. Those two exceptions aside, that moral fact alone is sufficient to refute moral relativism. The only matter that remains is to sort out which moral acts are objectively right or wrong.
It’s true that this is a matter of opinion because reason some is a whore and can be paid to adopt any value or act it likes, or repudiate any value or act it doesn’t like. But when reason is upright and firm, it will not sell itself to the highest bidder. That’s when the majority rule comes in to play as the final arbiter of right and wrong. And so the majority generally are right in matters pertaining to morality, and we see that fact played out in the laws of the land that judge rape, murder, theft, etc. to be crimes of fact, not merely opinion. That is also why no one is exempt from these laws because they are rooted in fact, not mere opinion.
The child who has been exposed to the principle of moral relativism in the classroom by his teacher finds that principle easily refuted by the class bully during recess. The bully is a fact, and an ugly fact wherever he may appear. That he needs to be disciplined and counseled is another fact.
It’s true that this is a matter of opinion because reason some is a whore and can be paid to adopt any value or act it likes, or repudiate any value or act it doesn’t like. But when reason is upright and firm, it will not sell itself to the highest bidder. That’s when the majority rule comes in to play as the final arbiter of right and wrong. And so the majority generally are right in matters pertaining to morality, and we see that fact played out in the laws of the land that judge rape, murder, theft, etc. to be crimes of fact, not merely opinion. That is also why no one is exempt from these laws because they are rooted in fact, not mere opinion.
The child who has been exposed to the principle of moral relativism in the classroom by his teacher finds that principle easily refuted by the class bully during recess. The bully is a fact, and an ugly fact wherever he may appear. That he needs to be disciplined and counseled is another fact.