Mr S:If that’s true, then either you know a lot more Catholics than you do Protestants or there is something wrong in So. Mich. I am a Catholic in a very Protestant part of the country, and my experience is very different from yours. I would readily grant that there are a very large number of very devout protestants whom I would never hesitate to call “good Christians”. But I will also say Catholics, at least where I live, are much more predictably so.
from an earlier post… :I think I know more Catholics who are “poor” christians than I know non-Catholics who are “poor” christians.
However, history teaches us that for 1500 years there was no difference between christian and Catholic… just levels of intensity or faith… there was only one Church… the Catholic Church founded by Christ, orignally referred to as*** The Way***, and then around 100AD referred to as Catholic.
There is no Roman Catholic Church… but there is the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church.
Perhaps the thread could be titled, What Makes a Good Christian?
If that were the question, the answer would have to include :
only the one who believes(obeys) all, repeat all, that Christ taught (first orally, then much of which came through the Scriptures of the NT written by Catholic human authors and the Divine Holy Spirit.
By necessity, this would include John 6… the source and the summit of the Faith… the Eucharist.
I guess the “argument” could then be made that one is not a christian if one does not believe correctly in the Real Presence.
Many do not, and have mentally walked away… this includes both Catholics and non-Catholics… some out of ignorance, some by being mislead, and some because God has not opened their eyes yet.
of Christian… good or bad.now… to explain a bit further…
The sparks might fly if one were to show that you must first be a Catholic to even be any kind
Then anyone would be able to know more Catholics who are “poor” Christians … no one else could be considered.
Certainly I know more Catholics than non… I am rather active in my own faith.
And Yes … S.Michigan is in bad shape… no wonder Fr. Corapi feels the need to come here so often,… moreso than any other state.