Or any family.
Also bear in mind that crime rates are based on convictions. For a number of crimes, African-Americans are convicted at higher rates than their white counterparts. A quick search engine tour on racial disparities and marijuana convictions will elucidate this issue. Conviction is a subjective process vulnerable to racist biases.I’ll need to explain that the crime rate, crime itself or criminals have nothing to do with racism.
I didn’t read the article, but from the discussion I’ve read here, I agree with your statement.I agree. His very premise blames Black Americans for the racism against them.
You absolutely have to understand intersectionality, to understand what is going on in this country today. This is the Democratic Party’s bread and butter. They do an outstanding job of corralling together all the “identity groups”, getting them to support one another’s agendas and concerns, and mashing this all together into “progressivism”. And as anyone with an elementary-school command of math can tell you, when you add together enough people to get 51 percent of the vote, you win elections.Freddy, come on, you’ve never heard of intersectionality?
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Intersectionality is a theoretical framework for understanding how aspects of a person’s social and political identities (e.g., gender, race, class, sexuality, ability, physical appearance, height, etc.) might combine to create unique modes of discrimination and privilege. Intersectionality identifies advantages and disadvantages that are felt by people due to a combination of factors. For example, a black woman might face discrimination from a business that is not distinctly due to her Inters…
Excellent article here about the woman who first coined the term and what it actually means - as opposed to the way that it’s apparently being used these days: Intersectionality, explained: meet Kimberlé Crenshaw, who coined the term - VoxYou absolutely have to understand intersectionality, to understand what is going on in this country today. This is the Democratic Party’s bread and butter. They do an outstanding job of corralling together all the “identity groups”, getting them to support one another’s agendas and concerns, and mashing this all together into “progressivism”. And as anyone with an elementary-school command of math can tell you, when you add together enough people to get 51 percent of the vote, you win elections.
This is something that Booker T. Washington often argued. His argument in the late 1800s is that while some people truly are racist, there really is little anyone can do to change their minds except by living a good life.catholiclala:
And he doesn’t explain the title. How is ensuring stable black families going to counter racism?He has a lot of good points but never actually gets to how to revive the Black family and kind of rambles.
‘I’m not going to hire her because she’s black’.
‘But she’s from a stable family’.
'Oh, my bad. Call her back. I’m only racist against black people from unstable families.
I agree wholeheartedly; but of course this view of marriage is one which should apply to every married couple.Perhaps by returning to and celebrating marriage as a covenant relationship and a pathway to holiness in which husband and wife form a domestic church and assist each other towards their heavenly destination and in which children are seen as the fruit of this covenant, as souls, entrusted to parents by God to be raised to become saints.
Honestly, I don’t think it can be achieved by government. This was something that both Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X both agreed on.But how is that achieved in practical steps?