Are the Oneness Pentescostals Protestant? No. But that is what comes from Sola Scriptura.
Oh? Did the Arians follow Sola Scriptura??
There have heretics throughout history, but with a recognition that Christ left a definitive authority behind to rule in His place, those heresies were dealt with. Where in the Bible is that authority? See Acts 15:6-30. Here the new church made a new rule that was binding on Christians.
And, of course, this were the Apostles who Christ appointed for this purpose. When the Church was met with opposition later, they always went back to what these Apostles taught and didn’t act as an authority within themselves. That is the difference.
Christ gave the apostles the right to bind and loose, that is to make rules.
I don’t see “rule-making” in the context of “binding and loosing.”
Why would the church no longer have this authority?
The Church has authority in enforcing that which the Apostles taught, but obviously, there are those who claim Apostolic traditions which can never be verified (the Assumption of Mary comes to mind), thus the Apostolic
tangibles (Scripture) becomes all the more relevant.
Once Luther became his own authority, denying Scripture that he choose not to believe, that is what ultimately has now led to Solo Scriptura and Oneness pentecostals.
You mean
Sola Scriptura.
Solo Scriptura is the belief that everything is in Scripture which doesn’t quite jibe with
Sola Scriptura. I disagree, the belief has been around longer than Sola Scriptura and wasn’t strictly based on Scripture.
But if I believe that Catholics took the relics too far, why should I not believe the Trinity went too far?
Because the Trinity is a logical extension of Scripture that can be verified through many passages (Gen.1:26; Deut.6:4; Lk.3:22, etc.). The Biblical passages regarding relics don’t so much as allude to the depths which Catholics have taken them.
Oneness Pentecostals can go back in history and claim these things have been believed for over a thousand years. They could make every claim about the Trinity that you have about relics.
For them to do that they would have appeal to the Apostles and their teachings. Since none can be found in Scripture and there are no
known teachings that can be attributed to the Apostles regarding this, they would have to “tweek” Scripture to fit their theology.
Why are they wrong but you are right?
You realize you must answer the same question, correct? I make no claims to be wrong or right, but realize that man is capable of error as are man-led institutions. So I rely on the only tangible Apostolic teachings there are, the Scriptures, and I study them fully knowing and trusting in the illumination of the Holy Spirit, that He will guide to all truth.