More and more talk about the freeing of the Tridentine Mass. More and more whining and crying from some of the more liberal bishops of France, Germany, the United States, Canada, Australia, etc.
As I’ve stated many a time in the past, I’ve come to the conclusion that these liberal bishops are so dead-set against the Tridentine Mass because either;
- They hate it
- They’re afraid of it.
I can’t come to any other conclusion.
But anyhow, I remember reading sometime back that Fr. Franz Schmidberger, first Assistant to the Superior General of the SSPX, was asked if the SSPX would demand the abolition of the New Mass.
He stated; “We do not demand the abolition of the conciliar Mass at first. With the liberalization of the Tridentine Mass, the conciliar Mass will disappear of itself.” In other words, eventually the faithful will realize what an absolute watering-down of Catholicism the New Mass is, and eventually, it’ll die on the vine. Agree, disagree or indifferent to what Fr Schmidberger said… that’s irrelevant. At least he had the guts to let the world know where he stands.
Now when it comes to the ultra-liberal, Modernist, “Spirit of Vatican II” bishops… why don’t they have the same guts as Fr. Schmidberger?
Why don’t they just call the pope’s bluff? Why don’t they just come out and say "we believe that the Tridentine is just for dinosaurs and a very small minority of cranks. If The Holy Father wants to liberalize the Latin Mass… then go right ahead! We’re absolutely sure that the overwhelming majority of Catholics will reject the Latin Mass because of it’s lack of tambourines, bongos, hand holding, feel good spirit, arm raising, shaking hands during The Sign of Grope, fast-food gingle hymns, spontaneous applause, chewing gum while taking Communion, self-worship, etc.
OK, all joking aside… if the rabid anti-Latin Mass crowd is so cock-sure that the Mass of Paul VI is where it’s at, then I challenge 'em to pony up and put their money where their mouth is.
But I doubt they will.