I don’t doubt that the NO made it easier for poorly formed priests to abuse the liturgy. But, they had to be poorly formed first and that happened in the seminary well before Vatican II.The examples you gave are perfect examples of what the so-called “spirit of V2” has given us. It it what the majority of the Church Fathers envisioned at the 2d Vatican Council? That’s debatable, but for the sake of discussion, I’ll say no.
Now here’s where the rubber meets the road… what was it that opened the door itself for “the spirit of V2” to cause practicing Catholics to disbelieve The Real Presence, quit going to Mass altogether, vocations to dry up, etc?
I’m of the opinion that it was the vague, generic, do-it-yourself liturgy that is The Mass of Paul VI.
And of course, you’ll disagree with me. That’s OK. But one thing I don’t think can be argues is that pre-V2, Catholicsim was a lot of black on one side… a lot of white on the other… and a very thin strip of gray in the middle. Present day we have a very thin strip of black on one side… a very thin strip of white on the other… and a huge block of gray in the middle.
After all, Lex orandi, lex credendi.
Just like guns don’t kill people, the liturgy doesn’t abuse itself. It needs an agent with poor formation or a bad intention. The fact is with or without Vatican II we would be in bad shape because of the very poorly formed priests who were in seminary in the 40’s through the 80’s. Thankfully, only in the last 10 years are we getting better new priests.
The general changes in society contributed also to a skepticism which began to permeate our culture. After all, Vatican II didn’t cause the hippie movement of the late 60’s. There was a rebellion of the youth against tradition and, no doubt, some of them tragically brought this to the liturgy. Mass attendance started to decline in 1957 and basically was a steady decline through 1995. If the NO was not really implemented until the late 60’s then how did the steady decline begin 10 years prior to the arrival of the NO?
Is the NO solely responsible for the decline in active Catholicism? No. Is it partly responsible? Sort of, because it is easier to abuse. But, make no mistake. If the vast majority of bishops since Vatican II were like Bishop Bruskewitz and others, the NO would not bear nearly the reputation that it now possesses.
So, what was the primary cause of the weak homilies, watered down theology and abused liturgies? Poorly formed (and sometimes ill-intentioned) priests and bishops.
What is the remedy? A return to orthodoxy in our seminaries. A return to orthodoxy in the parishes inspired by the products of these seminaries and the appointment of more bishops in the mold of Burke and Bruskewitz. BUT, it will take a long time to wash away the vestiges of 60 years or more of many, many seminaries infected with modernism.
As for the black and white, there is just as much black and white as before. But, there are far fewer priests and bishops who know what is black and white than back in the 20’s or earlier (I won’t say pre-Vatican II because let’s face it MANY of the priests and bishops who allowed modern heresy into the seminaries and perpetrated abuse in the liturgy were educated way before Vatican II.
Through all of this there is hope. Look at what St. John Vianney accomplished in his lifetime. All it takes are more good priests and bishops to bring us back on track.