Hey all,
Many blessings during this Lenten season. I am a regular daily mass goer with my 22 month old. Most of the time she is pretty good with the occasional bouts of noise. As you Moms and Dads know, all I do is strive for holiness and receiving our Lord in daily mass is that extra grace and push I need for patience and love for my little one.
Well today was not a great day- She slept bad last night and the noon mass was cutting it close to nap time. She made some noises- pretty loud and after mass the Pastor said that she is a distration and that when she gets loud I need to leave.
I was stunned and taken aback. “Let the little children come…” I kept thinking as I wept later on.
Anyother parents out there with a similar experience? How did you react? My emotional side says never again should we go back there (and it’s our Parish!). My husband and I put a lot of our time and energy into the parish- we teach bible study, etc… and so I am definately considering a move to a more child friendly and mom supportive parish.
What’s your thoughts?
Many blessings during this Lenten season. I am a regular daily mass goer with my 22 month old. Most of the time she is pretty good with the occasional bouts of noise. As you Moms and Dads know, all I do is strive for holiness and receiving our Lord in daily mass is that extra grace and push I need for patience and love for my little one.
Well today was not a great day- She slept bad last night and the noon mass was cutting it close to nap time. She made some noises- pretty loud and after mass the Pastor said that she is a distration and that when she gets loud I need to leave.
I was stunned and taken aback. “Let the little children come…” I kept thinking as I wept later on.
Anyother parents out there with a similar experience? How did you react? My emotional side says never again should we go back there (and it’s our Parish!). My husband and I put a lot of our time and energy into the parish- we teach bible study, etc… and so I am definately considering a move to a more child friendly and mom supportive parish.
What’s your thoughts?