I wholeheartedly agree with IslandOak. The mother knows her child and knew that nap time was coming up and I remember my children when they were young and I would have hesitated taking them to Mass close to naptime when they had a bad night before. To me…it is common sense…for the child who is miserable and for those who are the “beneficiaries” of what the child is going to do…cry and fuss. I don’t think anyone should be told to “take them out.”…I think that should be done without being told.IslandOak, I am really saddened by the lack of charity in your post. I don’t know if you have any children of your own or not, but to say that a young mother “inflicts” her child’s noise on others at Mass if really inappropriate. We moms do the best we can. But young children are noisy, active, and totally unaware of their noise and activity. No amount of telling by any adult is going to change this, only time and the dawn of reason can effect it.
I must also respectfully take issue with your comments in the second paragraph. Mommies with toddlers ARE part of the ENTIRE parish. If the priest could hear your uncharitable thoughts towards the children of the parish, perhaps he would find your thoughts too distracting and would ask you to leave as well. Sitting in our pew assessing the inappropriateness of everyone else’s behavior is not what the Mass is about.
We are all called to be participants in the sacrifice of the Mass. Whether the noise is coming out of our mouths, or is just spinning around in our mind’s judgments of our neighbor, God welcomes us. And we should charitably do the same with each other.
Gertie the Grumpy
A young mother with her newborn was at daily Mass yesterday and when baby started fussing…mom got up and walked her around the back of the church. I had no problem with that…baby was happy…we could concentrate on the Mass and it didn’t prove a problem at all. Yes…mommies with toddlers are part of the parish…but there is such a thing as consideration for others. I love children…have 2 adult children and an autistic grandson…and when it appears the chances are not good for the toddler being able to make it through Mass without a meltdown…maybe it would be good for ALL concerned to wait till another time…such a time as when the little toddler is better rested.