See, I have to repeat myself. Who here is advocating not bringing the children to church? Let’s not fixate on a non- issue.
Apparently, Island Oak is. See below.
I can’t imagine anything positive coming from an experience like the one described above, for adult or child. If this is what it takes to get one’s toddler through mass, my common sense would tell me the child is not yet ready and it might be far healthier for everyone to just stay home.
I know we would like to have THE answer, but life is not that simple. We do not know what is going on in the minds and hearts of those around us. If we did, we would be God, and we’re not. While I might assume “common courtesy” would tell me who is wrong and who is right in my own imagination, “common courtesy” is a function of society’s whims, not the teachings of Jesus or cannonical law.
As for my parish, there is no place to go but outside to quiet a child. How much of the Mass is either of us attending if we are completely outside the building? Fortunately, we are a parish of MANY young familes and the noise level on a Sunday morning mass is extraordinary. I just chalk it up to “making a joyful noise.”
I saw a sign on a local grocery store that informed customers of when peak hours and slow times were so that people could choose or be prepared for their shopping experience. Perhaps we should do this with our masses.
6:30 - Old people who can’t sleep, working folks who can’t attend other times, a cantor who will keep your ears ringing for the rest of the day.
8:00 - Young families who made it on time to this Mass because their newborn kept them awake since 2a.m., and families of teens who have to be semi-conscious in order to be “tricked” into attending mass.
9:30 - Families with children through age 12. This will be noisy, there won’t be enough space in the cry room, vestebule, or nathrix for all the parents of fussy children. Expect extra noise. But the choir and the organ will drown most of it out anyway.
11:00 - Guitar mass. Bring a flower and an organic snack to share after Mass.
12:30 - Mass for those who were out partying a little too late (and too hard) last night. Parents, please bring your colicky and overtired infants to this Mass to increase the penance of the party crowd.
5:00 - Teenlife Mass. Parents please drop off your teens two blocks from the church so their friends won’t know you exist.
Honestly, let’s just have a sense of humor about all this, even the indignation and offense we are both causing and receiving. God is bigger than all of it, so let’s just get to Mass and see what He’s giving us today. It may be exactly the opposite of what we want, but just exactly what we need.
Blessings to all!