How do the Orthodox have
licit sacraments when they, too, have broken with the Primacy. In fact, they don’t even recognize it, which means they are steps beyond the SSPX. I spoke with a Ukrainian Orthodox bishop a few months back and he said that he cannot accept that the Pope has primacy and supremacy and is the Vicar of Christ. From his point of view, the Patriarch of the West has fallen into error and has separated himself and his churches from the Church. This is not his ancestors, or an uneducated laity. This is a Bishop who ordains clergy (he runs a seminary in New Jersey). His sacraments are obviously valid because of succession, but how could they be licit? And if they are licit, then why are Catholics not ordinarily allowed to receive sacraments from the Orthodox?
I suppose the answer is that the Orthodox don’t have to follow our rules, but how can we say everything is fine and dandy over there in Orthodox land when they deny the visible head of the Christ’s Mystical Body? Shouldn’t there be some sort of consequence for doing that? If their sacraments are all valid and licit, then they have equal access to sanctifying grace and therefore equal access to heaven. It makes being Roman Catholic just another option, not the ONLY option.
This is probably a major thread derail. My apologies.