Top misconceptions Non-Catholic Christians have of Catholics

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Virtually every unbiased scholar who has done any research in the area at all will agree that Peter was indeed in Rome. Not only was he there, but he was killed there by being crucified upside down, and was buried there. The evidence, for those who truly seek the truth, is readily available from multiple public sources. You need to do a little homework and stop parroting the falsehoods that were told to you.

I apologize for being so blunt, but it takes so little effort to determine the truth of these matters that failure to do so is really inexcusable.

God Bless.
Ignatius, what is the title of this thread?
Seems to me that if the Church had done a good job all through my Catechism and Confirmation classes, I wouldn’t have had to go down this road…

Example: A month ago I go to my Priest to ask for advice on where to find answers (books, scripture, etc.) on the early church, on protestantism. He says he’ll get back to me- and never does.
Christ Himself said there would be “tares amoung the wheat”. Don’t expect to find perfection. His Church is not a resort for saints, but a hospital for sinners. The writings of the first post-apostolic christians are so commonly available that he probably thought you were not really interested. Go to any on line bookstore and ask the help desk for ancient christian writers. Some examples are Ignatius of Antioc, Polycarp, Clement, Justin the Martyr, Eusebius, Iraneous. Many of them were taught directly by the apostles themselves and give great insight into the correct interpretation of Scripture because they were taught directly by the Apostles.

Those who founded the protestant denominations weren’t even around until the 16th century. Why would you follow the false teachings of these mere men who really were separated from Christ and His Apostles by thousands of years?

Try reading the book Evangelical is not Enough or Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic. Both by protestant ministers who discovered the Truth of the Catholic Church.

I will pray that God bless and guide you to the Pillar and Foundation of Truth.
Not to mention that the Catholic Church forbade the people from reading the bible, and burned bibles.
Not only that, but they roast the people over a bond fire of burning bibles and then they eat their flesh and drink their blood.
With the passing of our beloved Holy Father let me add this one that I’ve seen on many sites. The cross that Pope John Paul II had was bent thus it is proof positive that Catholicism is satanic and the Pope is the Antichrist. :banghead: Don’t these people have any appreciation for a naturalistic form of art?
As a protestant, I can tell you what I have thought at various times.
  1. Religious Orders are roughly the same as Protestant denominations.
  2. That not taking communion from a Protestant minister is exclusionary and therefore silly.
  3. That the Reformation was God discliplining the Church in the same way that, say, Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart were discliplined in the 80’s.
An oldie, but a goodie:

Priests used to build connecting tunnels from their monasteries to nearby convents, have sex with the nuns, and bury the resulting babies in the tunnels. . .
I forgot to add…any references to Mysteries or mysticism are occultish.
As a protestant, I can tell you what I have thought at various times.
  1. Religious Orders are roughly the same as Protestant denominations.
I used to think Protestants didn’t have religious orders (no sisters, nuns, etc).

Welcome to the board, I see you are new.👋
catholica said:
…what, from your experience, are the top misconceptions Protestants have of Catholics and/or Catholicism…

Probably not one of the top misconceptions, but certainly worth an honorable mention:

The Knights of Columbus have a secret oath in which they pledge to overthrow the government of the United States for the Pope, to kill or forcibly convert all protestants, to kill Freemasons, etc.
One thing I hear all the time is the reference to the papacy as being the antichrist and the church as the whore of babylon…really boils my blood

Has anyone mentioned the Catholic Church being the Whore of Babylon yet? I hope I’m not repeating. 😛

Also, there is something in Revelation about a church of Thiatara(sp?), which is now modern day Turkey. I keep reading something about this Jezabell who tempts some king or something like that.

well even with my bad memory, I suppose many people think we are all one big church of anti-christ. 😦
That the Catholic Church gloamed on to the true Church of early Christians (this mythical pure unalloyed Christian Church can never be found by the Protestants). That Easter is a pagan holiday, hence the term Resurrection Sunday, that Mary is really the pagan goddess Astarte, I believe the name is, that Catholics are going to hell, that they’re not saved, that they don’t know the Bible, that they get caught up in rituals, they they say prayers whereas Protestants pray, that they pray to the Saints, that they worship bones, that the Vatican is a secret organization, that Opus Dei is a secret organization.
That the Pope started Islam

That Catholics believe man can be God
I am not Catholic. I am Southern Baptist. Believe it or not, many in my denomination see transubstantiation as more of a doctrinal difference than a doctrinal falsehood. Priests not marrying is seen as a doctrinal difference not a doctrinal falsehood. Alcohol consumption is seen as a difference and not a doctrinal falsehood.

Many people in my denomination see confessing to a priest as a doctrinal falsehood if the priest is forgiving sins for God. They don’t if it is done for counseling or the need to unload and receive prayer and help.

Ban of birth control is seen as a doctroinal falsehood.

Prayer to the saints and Mary is strongly understood. They assume you are giving them “powers” that should be those of God/Jesus. If it is explained in the nature of it being a prayer request, they sometimes take a different view.

Immaculate conception of Mary is seen as unBiblical.

Many others…
I am not Catholic. I am Southern Baptist. Believe it or not, many in my denomination see transubstantiation as more of a doctrinal difference than a doctrinal falsehood. Priests not marrying is seen as a doctrinal difference not a doctrinal falsehood. Alcohol consumption is seen as a difference and not a doctrinal falsehood.

Many people in my denomination see confessing to a priest as a doctrinal falsehood if the priest is forgiving sins for God. They don’t if it is done for counseling or the need to unload and receive prayer and help.

Ban of birth control is seen as a doctroinal falsehood.

Prayer to the saints and Mary is strongly understood. They assume you are giving them “powers” that should be those of God/Jesus. If it is explained in the nature of it being a prayer request, they sometimes take a different view.

Immaculate conception of Mary is seen as unBiblical.

Many others…
Sola Scriptura is the height of unbiblical
On whose authority does the Baptist church operate in declaring Catholic doctrine on birth control false? If Baptists are for birth control, where is the biblical PERMISSION to do it.

We don’t confess to the priest to get forgiveness FROM the priest. The priest offers the forgiveness of God, as Jesus gave that power to the Apostles and their successors.
Sola Scriptura is the height of unbiblical
On whose authority does the Baptist church operate in declaring Catholic doctrine on birth control false? If Baptists are for birth control, where is the biblical PERMISSION to do it.

We don’t confess to the priest to get forgiveness FROM the priest. The priest offers the forgiveness of God, as Jesus gave that power to the Apostles and their successors.
Let me clarify my previous statement by saying that I was not personally saying that Catholics get forgiveness from priests. I was saying that that can be a misconception amongst people in Southern Baptist backgrounds. I was saying that if they believed that, they would see that as a doctrinal falsehood. However, they would not see confession to a priest as a doctrinal falsehood if it was meant to have the priest pray for them or act as the person to whom they seeked counsel.
You asked where the Biblical permission was for (Southern) Baptists to use birth control. Southern Baptists do not have an issue with birth control because they state that the Bible does not come right out and state that birth control is a sin. They use the Bible as their authority. Sola Scriptura.
Southern Baptists take the view that Sola Scriptura exists because they do not see any Biblical statement arguing against it. Do you see Biblical examples that argue against the use of Sola Scriptura? By the way, I post on this site because I have an interest in Catholic church history and theology. I often “defend” uneducated sentiments towards Catholicism in the church circles I know. My earlier post was not meant to be antagonistic. I was posting a comment based on my own experiences from the other side.
Lets see, I was on a site I THOUGHT was for Christians for a whole 2 days. In that time I was told by the non-Catholics that:

I wasn’t ‘Christian’ I was Catholic.:bigyikes:

Why did I say I read the Bible. ( I really have, twice in fact!)

I was pagan.:banghead:

The Catholic church is the hoare of Babalyon of the Bible.:ehh:

The Pope said that the Muslims were Catholics ‘brothers in Christ’

We worship idols.

The Blessed Mother is considered our ‘Savior’

I could go on and on but Im sure you get the drift. Funny thing is, before I visited that site I had NO IDEA that ppl who refer to themselves as ‘Christians’ hated Catholics. I thought we were all Christian! Silly me! I lead such a sheltered life!:whacky:
and i quoted from david currie :“there were other beliefs i found offensive as well:purgatory, prayers to saints,veneration of images and relics, the assumption, the immaculate conception, elevation of mary as co-redemptrix and mediatrix, indulgences,salvation by works, the daily re-cruxifiction of christ in the mass,regeneration by baptism,belittling of scriptural authority,infallibility of the pope, the insertion of the apocrypha into the bible, adoration of the host, addressing priest as “father”,and confession of sins to men rather than to god.” :blessyou:
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