Please forgive me if I seem sarcastic, but I’ve been reading this thread, and other non-Catholic-type threads on this board, and, really, you just can’t buy entertainment like this.
It’s true, I left the (Presbyterian) church over 30 years ago, so maybe things have changed. But I don’t remember *any *protestants expressing the things you all have mentioned. Sure, there were always a few things in Catholicism that we didn’t agree with, but we figured they were just differences in the way the faiths were practiced, and not important. And I never heard any of my fellow Prots suggesting that Catholics weren’t Christians.
I think its important to be aware of *where *you hear these things. The most vocal group of Protestants these days are the evangelicals, and I wonder if that’s where you’re getting most of this stuff. Generally, they are the ones most likely to be so intolerant. Remember, though, that there are many other Prots out there who aren’t like this. They tend to keep a lower profile, so you’re less likely to hear from them.
And, for what its worth. let me relate the following story: when I was about 5 years old, I began attending the Protestant church. My grandmother was staunch Catholic, against me being Protestant. One day, she asked me what my church teaches. Specifically, she wanted to know if we believed in Jesus Christ as the savior, and Mary as the virgin mother. She was actually surprised to hear we believed pretty much the same things.