my motivation is an eye on salvation, to what purpose the world, if not that? if i am only an accident than i should return to my youth, to the satiation of my flesh in drugs, loose women, gambling, they gave me the barest illusion of happiness and freedom, that in no way can compare with my current contentment.I think I have finally found a question that I can legitimately and in honest curiosity pose to both Catholics and atheists alike (and anyone in between).
To give a bit of background - realising that our base assumptions and our perceptions of how the world works are (perhaps) fairly irreconcilable, I think most of us would agree that there is a certain virtue - honesty, if nothing else - to acting according to our personal convictions. I am in the middle of reading an overview of ethical philosophies, and a concept I stumbled across this morning got me thinking. The suggestion - raised in relation to the 17th-century philosopher Hugo Grotius, and his work On The Law of War and Peace, is that while theists may not deny that atheists can tell right from wrong, they are still concerned that without a belief in God, one has insufficient motive for doing what one sees as right.
So here’s my question: What motivates you to act according to your own ethical principles? For Catholics, to what extent does your personal awareness of God compel you to do what is right? Do you feel a sense of personal ownership over the ethical principles taught through the Church? For atheists, what do you hope to achieve by what you believe to be right actions, if not unity with God?
ive never felt an intrinsic need for the golden rule, i have always been capable of taking what i want, failing that, i could bribe, or con what i wanted. in my life, might always equalled right, the natural order of things, the lion can always eat the lamb.
so i find subjective reasons to act morally to be flimsy, weak, providing no real, lasting motivation. its no more than trusting how someone feels today, its a sunshine policy that cant withstand the rain, so to speak.
we are all selfish, its the basic state of humanity, i sometimes wonder at the selfishness of seeking salvation? the thread about loving G-d if there were no heaven really struck me, i dont know if i would, how much of my desire for salvation is selfish? i dont know but ki do know that at heart we are grabby, grubby little things. thats the natural state.Ever since I was a child, I have struggled with the belief that I am essentially a selfish person. Despite assurances to the contrary from others, I maintained that they could not see inside my head, therefore could not see the duplicity of my motives.
it always made me happy to do what made me feel good, regardless of the surrounding factors. ‘feels good’ would be a poor standard for many people.As I have grown up (I’m now on the wrong side of 30 - or the right side, depending on your perspective!) I have gradually become reconciled to the idea that it’s okay to do good things because doing so makes you feel good. I don’t think it’s an accident that altruistic actions tend to make us feel happy, even if only for a brief moment.
and what if those relationships dissappear? not everyone has those, and many who do, lose them.I find that for me, happiness is a strong motivating factor. By happiness I don’t just mean pleasure, although of course pleasure has its place. The way I conceive of happiness is as an overall feeling of wellbeing, of being at rights with one’s own nature and the world around us. What I want to achieve is a measure of happiness that is not undermined by the knowledge that I have achieved it at the expense of another’s happiness. It is my firm belief that the kind of happiness I seek cannot be achieved in isolation, therefore in order to achieve my own happiness, I must work towards the happiness of others also, especially those with whom I share my life - family and friends.
that sounds great, but what will you do when the rain comes? when what you found your happiness on washes away? neither you nor i have any right to happiness, the universe cares not. it can come or go as easily as the wind. what then?Ultimately, to answer a question posed by JDaniel in another thread, what I hope for, as an atheist, is to know contentment at the end of my life. If I can look back and honestly say that I made others happy as well as myself, I believe I will be content.
G-d forbid, but what if you lost your family to an accident or disease? what if the chinese decide australia looks like a good place to colonize? could you be as happy in the labor camps, alone, bereft of those relationships?
i think real suffering would quickly wash away the foundations of your happiness, what then? for me, its Christ, my faith that i have a purpose beyond satisfying myself. that is a rock that the storms of life cannot move.