Toxic effeminacy kills the Boy Scouts

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We live in an area with farms and small cities. FourH groups here do everything froom crafts to raising livestock. There is nothing girly about raising a steer. It is neither girly or boyish.
I do not know about their camps.
Sorry, but whoever told you this is a bit confused.

I was involved in Girl Guides in the UK for over 25 years. Girl Guides is actually what was set up by Baden-Powell following the Crystal Palace Rally, as he worried that parents of that time did not want their daughters to be ‘hooligans’ and so would not have let them join if they were not separate from the boys’ organisation. He asked his sister Agnes to organise these new Girl Guides, who were named after the resourceful guides he had met on his various army duties.

So in the UK and other countries of the former Empire or the present Commonwealth, Guides are the equivalent of the US ‘Girl Scouts’. If you google ‘Girl Guides’ or GirlguidingUK, or WAGGGS( World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts) you will get a vastly different result from that of your informant.

What your informant has confused is where Girl Scouts are and where Girl Guides are. Girl Guides are separate and girl-specific so that girls can lead, and also that parents can be happy to send their daughters there, for example, in areas where Muslims are the majority.
He was referring to organizational structure. Girl Scouts are completely unaffiliated with Boy Scouts. They share nothing but the common word in the name. They don’t have the same vision or program or goals.

But, my brief online research shows that there are actually many different scouting organizations active in the at this time. Some seem to be co-ed, others single-sex.

And just to reiterate: Boys and girls will continue to be separate under the new guidelines. Both boys and girls will be following the BSA program. Girls can lead girl patrols and boys will lead boy patrols. There seems to be great misunderstanding about this. This will be different from Venture Scouts, another BSA program that has fully integrated boys and girls for many years.
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We have 2 4H farms in town, and I live in a modest-but-thriving city. Took my kids there for day camp during school holidays. Overall I thought it beneficial, but girly past the primary school age (very much bunny agility and the pony club crowd)
It depends on the projects offered. If all your local club offers is quilting and sewing, maybe so. They just need an adult leader to step up and offer something else.
Quite frankly, as someone who actually has lived both then and now, I have to say that I strongly prefer now, and am happy that my boys got to grow up now, rather than when I did. Things were not a bed of roses back then, and it was no golden age.
Right! Nowadays, “Johnny” doesn’t really have to be “Johnny” anymore. Today’s society actually encourages “him” to experiment, and try becoming “Jenny” tomorrow! Isn’t that special? And all being taught to "him " or umm…her, right now in your average kindergarten class. So yeah, how great this world is today for boys and girls to be brought up in. :roll_eyes:
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It’s just our local 4H that went full bunny cuddlers
Did you have the Hug-a-Pet project? Groan.
Do they rase rabbits because they are smaller and cheaper than hogs and sheep? Some kids near here do that.
Exactly, these people fail to realize 2 things.
  1. Boys can only learn how to be men from men.
  2. A coed group has an entirely different dynamic than a male group.
Again, they aren’t planning coed groups. There will be boys groups and girls groups. Why is this so hard to understand?
Right… because separate but equal held up so well during the 50’s and 60’s. This is just a first step.
Maybe, but maybe not. They already have coed Venture Scouts, which has welcomed girls for years.
Quite frankly, as someone who actually has lived both then and now, I have to say that I strongly prefer now, and am happy that my boys got to grow up now, rather than when I did. Things were not a bed of roses back then, and it was no golden age.
Right! Nowadays, “Johnny” doesn’t really have to be “Johnny” anymore. Today’s society actually encourages “him” to experiment, and try becoming “Jenny” tomorrow! Isn’t that special? And all being taught to "him " or umm…her, right now in your average kindergarten class. So yeah, how great this world is today for boys and girls to be brought up in. :roll_eyes:
Or, my nephews or sons will not have to deal with what my husband did…that is growing up being some kind of pariah for not loving sports or cars. My husband liked building forts and making up stories and reading in the woods, he loved mechanics (just not vehicles) and got into computers at a very young age.

He was called gay and told he wasn’t “really a boy”. People even said that his parents really had “all daughters”. Even now as a man who doesn’t wear a suit or work with his hands (professionally), watch sports or like cars my children have been told that they “don’t really” need to celebrate Father’s day then.

This is about way more than gender identity. Masculinity had it’s own toxic side!
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As a substitute teacher, I’ve seen math lessons for young primary students where boys have just such occupations. I was blindsided, grrrr.
A society where flower arranging is considered masculine would end up arranging flowers for societies where men engage in traditionally masculine pursuits such as training to bring fire and fury upon their enemies.
You are aware that things switch gender “assigment” from time to time. Embroidery was once a very masculine thing for warriers, and the first “debuggers” and programers of computers were women.
When I was young we had girl scouts, boy scouts and explorers club which was for both boys and girls.

Perhaps there should be a nationwide
Club like explorers for those who enjoy a co- ed scouting experience and have the boy and girl scouts remain as they are.
When I was young we had girl scouts, boy scouts and explorers club which was for both boys and girls.

Perhaps there should be a nationwide
Club like explorers for those who enjoy a co- ed scouting experience and have the boy and girl scouts remain as they are.
The Boy Scouts are not proposing to offer a coed program. They already have one. The want to offer to girls, in their own troops, everything that traditional scouting has to offer. Girl Scouts does not currently offer this.
I’ve heard it said that, for the progressives, masculinity is a force in society which must be controlled, minimized and preferably negated where possible. There appears to be a great deal of fear behind such an agenda.
Gee, when my wife was a Girl Scout, they did pretty much everything the Boy Scouts did.

They went camping, learned to make camp fires, care for the environment etc.

They learned to tie knots, but unlike the Boy Scouts, they learned how to sew clothes, learn good values, especially modesty.

I’m not sure what’s missing in Girl Scouts today, that the need to destroy the Boy Scouts is necessary.

Because it violates the cultural Marxist agenda? Which is of course the agenda of the ancient enemy of God–to sew confusion and doubt about God’s design.
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