err… i know alot of people that want it “THEIR” way, but you can really have it your way… it’s like me, sometimes things(nothing to do with altar rails and incense) don’t go the way you want it it too, but you can’t really be picky… someone (13 year old) said they wouldn’t come to church unless it had an exciting event like a rollercoaster. i mean common… it’s about serving God, not going there for your own amusment!I usually go to a pretty traditional parish that does the NO in Latin, and has all the bells and smells, etc…
But, sometimes I have to go to the parish I actually live in, and it’s all about being Lifted Up on Eagle’s Wings to receive communion in the hand from some grubby altar girl, blah, blah, blah (“blah blah blah” is latin for “yet another meandering homily on love.”)
I hate going to Mass there.
And, I am ashamed of that. Even at its least inspiring, it’s STILL THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS and I should be moved to the depths of my soul. I think it must be pride and my own corporal weakness that makes me react this way. Like, unless they do it the way I prefer, singing hymns I know, and unless it’s all gussied up with incense and altar rails, etc… then I can’t handle it. Like a little snot who wants the crusts cut off her sandwiches or something.
I sometimes torture myself with the thought that I ought to go there every week just as penance or something.
Podo the Hobbit