Traditional Latin Mass not in union with the diocese

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I usually go to a pretty traditional parish that does the NO in Latin, and has all the bells and smells, etc…

But, sometimes I have to go to the parish I actually live in, and it’s all about being Lifted Up on Eagle’s Wings to receive communion in the hand from some grubby altar girl, blah, blah, blah (“blah blah blah” is latin for “yet another meandering homily on love.”)

I hate going to Mass there.

And, I am ashamed of that. Even at its least inspiring, it’s STILL THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS and I should be moved to the depths of my soul. I think it must be pride and my own corporal weakness that makes me react this way. Like, unless they do it the way I prefer, singing hymns I know, and unless it’s all gussied up with incense and altar rails, etc… then I can’t handle it. Like a little snot who wants the crusts cut off her sandwiches or something.

I sometimes torture myself with the thought that I ought to go there every week just as penance or something.
err… i know alot of people that want it “THEIR” way, but you can really have it your way… it’s like me, sometimes things(nothing to do with altar rails and incense) don’t go the way you want it it too, but you can’t really be picky… someone (13 year old) said they wouldn’t come to church unless it had an exciting event like a rollercoaster. :mad: i mean common… it’s about serving God, not going there for your own amusment!
:blessyou: Podo the Hobbit
Katy - I have sometimes felt anger and disgust at N.O. Masses - sometimes for the reason you say but especially when I see “actual” liturgical abuses which are disrespectful to the Holy Eucharist - those are the ones we are called to report in Redemptionis Sacramentum.

When I have or do have to attend N.O. at my local parish rather than at the one that has the Traditional Latin Mass - I try to do these things to help get through those “feelings” you mention.

Pray on the way to Mass that you will not allow your personal preferences to distract or upset you and that God will allow you to focus on the Sacrifice of the Mass and not on the actions of those around you.

Attend with a spirit of prayer, praying as the church teaches us to pray and avoiding distractions. That includes our internal distractions of personal preferences - so long as they are not actual liturgical abuses (things we don’t like but are permitted by the Church - like those hymns you mention or femme altar servers or EMHC’s - all allowable).

Just try to be one with the words, actions and gestures of the celebrant who is acting in the person of Christ. Live the Holy Mass feeling yourself to be part of the Mystical Body of Christ remembering that in spite of our differences and preferences we are all Catholic and all One Body in Christ.

Sit, stand, kneel and obey the rubics prescribed in the GIRM and be serene when you see someone who does not do so.

Before leaving remain and give some prayers of thanksgiving

Hope this helps.
err… i know alot of people that want it “THEIR” way, but you can really have it your way… it’s like me, sometimes things(nothing to do with altar rails and incense) don’t go the way you want it it too, but you can’t really be picky… someone (13 year old) said they wouldn’t come to church unless it had an exciting event like a rollercoaster. :mad: i mean common… it’s about serving God, not going there for your own amusment!
:blessyou: Podo the Hobbit
Podo: I think you didn’t understand my point… my point WAS that I shouldn’t be frustrated with a Mass that isn’t to my taste.
. And I don’t think today’s Mass is completely better. I ‘feel’ much better after I have been to a Tridentine Mass. The new Mass leaves me cold.
Amen sister! I have attended the TLM since I was born…have gone to maybe 2 novus ordo Masses in my life. I still shudder when I think back on the impression it left on me. Very cold and…sterile, somehow. The church alone looked like a Masonic lodge with a plank laid upon two corks for an “altar”. :ehh: I can’t say that the prayers do much to stir my spiritual side, either.
err… i know alot of people that want it “THEIR” way, but you can really have it your way… it’s like me, sometimes things(nothing to do with altar rails and incense) don’t go the way you want it it too, but you can’t really be picky… someone (13 year old) said they wouldn’t come to church unless it had an exciting event like a rollercoaster. :mad: i mean common… it’s about serving God, not going there for your own amusment!
:blessyou: Podo the Hobbit
:amen: :amen: :blessyou: I wish you were kidding about the 13 year old…atleast I know it wasn’t you or me…but that kid needs to get a grip on the Catholic faith and then some…I actually know a 13 year old who thought praying to God was stupid, and yet they recieved Holy Communion!:mad: (I go to school with the person, and we have mass every Tuesday so…That makes me soooo mad!:mad: Anyways…
Amen sister! I have attended the TLM since I was born…have gone to maybe 2 novus ordo Masses in my life. I still shudder when I think back on the impression it left on me. Very cold and…sterile, somehow. The church alone looked like a Masonic lodge with a plank laid upon two corks for an “altar”. :ehh: I can’t say that the prayers do much to stir my spiritual side, either.
Come on people! How could the novus ordo mass leave you cold? (unless it was cold on that day…lol) The novus ordo is a joyful mass! Maybe you shudder because you are too attached to the old mass, like a lot of people. Still i encourage you often… i know some people have bad experiences…like a person i know who doesn’t go to church because he had a bad experience. But Come on, that is the new mass… maybe try another parish! They are wonderful masses!
The thing is that i would feel colder attending a TLM because i wouldn’t know what is going on(i don’t speak latin) so it would be cold because i wouldn’t know what to respond to or understand.
Podo The Hobbit:blessyou:
how could you feel COLD at the No. mass?:eek: sad…
Podo: I think you didn’t understand my point… my point WAS that I shouldn’t be frustrated with a Mass that isn’t to my taste.
oh ok whoops…sry
Podo the Hobbit:blessyou:
I do not know if this means anything to you Podo, but the Saints loved the Traditional Latin Mass.

If you have been to a Solemn High Mass w/ Palestrina, it is a joyous occassion.
I do not know if this means anything to you Podo, but the Saints loved the Traditional Latin Mass.

If you have been to a Solemn High Mass w/ Palestrina, it is a joyous occassion.
The Saints loved the traditional mass… yes but that was BEFORE the 2nd vatican council and the apperance of the Novus Ordo mass!
:blessyou: Podo The Hobbit
Im sure they would love today’s mass too;)
The Saints loved the traditional mass… yes but that was BEFORE the 2nd vatican council and the apperance of the Novus Ordo mass!
:blessyou: Podo The Hobbit
Im sure they would love today’s mass too;)
That’s an interesting thought. It would be interesting to see if Saints like St. Paul or St. Joan of Arc or… would like the mass. I think they would because Vatican 2 came up with it so…but once your in Heaven you can ask them so…😃
I just visited a new Traditional Roman Catholic Church near me and talked to the priest there. He said that he wasn’t part of the diocese and he did everything according to before Vatican II. He showed me the church. It was truly beautiful. Now my question.

Would it be a valid Mass? But not licit? And can somebody please explain what is the difference between valid and licit? What about the sacraments? Thanks for any help.
It sounds like you stumbled upon an SSPX mass…
No - it was not SSPX - it was some other renegade sect - I checked it out
Come on people! How could the novus ordo mass leave you cold? (unless it was cold on that day…lol) The novus ordo is a joyful mass! But Come on, that is the new mass… maybe try another parish!

Podo The Hobbit:blessyou:
how could you feel COLD at the No. mass?:eek: sad…
I have tried many other parishes. I just tried one today as a matter of fact. Same feeling. Bad music, no reverence, loud talking. COLD.
Sorry, Podo. I tried.
I have tried many other parishes. I just tried one today as a matter of fact. Same feeling. Bad music, no reverence, loud talking. COLD.
Sorry, Podo. I tried.
hmmm… bad music…(well one of the choirs at my parish kinda suck because i can’t hear them) what do you mean “No reverance”? There is plenty of reverence in any Novus Ordo Mass! Loud talking… well people shouldn’t do that during mass… you need people who are mature about their faith…
But you see it could be the same with the Latin mass at a certain parish… so you can’t really judge just because it’s the novus ordo.
I think the Novus Ordo is joyful(if only you lived near my parish, then you’d see a real joyful mass!😃 )
Podo The Hobbit;) :blessyou:
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