Transitional Fossils and the Theory of Evolution in relation to Genesis Accounts

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Ah yes, but 99% of scientists are wrong and need to be educated by armchair theologians who understand “real science” better than they do…
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Capta(name removed by moderator)rudeman:
Where did you get this idea? Changing climates affect every species. Some species are more able to adapt in their current forms, while others have more drastic changes, but everything is forced to change with climate.
Which experiment demonstrated that a change in climate will produce a novel organ or appendage?
Aaaaargh! Changes in the environment don’t produce changes.

Changes in the evironment allow certain changes to be beneficial. Cold climates DO NOT CAUSE THICKER FUR. But if, by chance you have a genetic change that gives you thicker fur, then you have an advantage.

I don’t understand why you don’t understand. This is very simple. You may not agree with it, but the fact that you don’t understand it…it’s not credible.
The better you see, the better you can avoid death by either starvation or being eaten.
We know eyes are an advantage. What we don’t know; is how did the shape of an eye lens develops over 1800 incremental steps. If the eye lens improves 1800 times, the optic nerves and brain would also have to improve by 1800 incremental steps.

All these improvements would still be pointless; if the increased information was not acted on in an improved way by the limbs.

If the magical HOX gene could duplicate this for two eyes, why aren’t there more species with 5 or 7 eyes.
If the magical HOX gene could duplicate this for two eyes, why aren’t there more species with 5 or 7 eyes.
Spiders can have up to 8 separate eyes. Dragonflies have thousands of simple eyes in each of their compound eyes. There is more than one way to evolve light reception.
What does that have to do with environmental changes ?
Environmental changes determine whether the mutation is neutral, deleterious or beneficial. If Jimmy’s parents had changed environment to live in a dark cave then using less energy to build eyes could be beneficial.

Mutations happen before selection. It is the selection part that depends on the environment, not the earlier mutation. That is why cave fish are often blind and moles have very bad eyesight. In both cases it is because of the environments where they live. An eagle with the eyesight of a mole would be at a severe disadvantage hunting for food.
Eric, after all this time…why don’t you understand this? It’s been explained so many times.
Freddy, if the evidence was convincing; then we would all agree with you.
So the environment doesn’t cause an eye to change. The change is random.
The model I have seen for the eye lens to evolve does not seem random. !800 incremental steps to meet 7 parameters.
And at each stage the disadvantageous changes are lost and the advantageous ones are kept. And the environment will dictate which ones are kept and which one’s aren’t.

Do you understand that?
I understand what you have said, but I can’t accept this for an explanation as to how the eye lens could evolve.
Environmental changes determine whether the mutation is neutral, deleterious or beneficial.
You have explained how natural selection works; and I don’t have a problem with that.
Mutations happen before selection.
If God is in control, then he can guide mutations. If there is no god; I just don’t see how 1800 steps to meet 7 parameters could be called random or unplanned.
If there is no god; I just don’t see how 1800 steps to meet 7 parameters could be called random or unplanned.
They aren’t random. The initial mutations were random, and there were a lot more than 1,800 of them spread over the whole population for a few hundred thousand generations. From that wide pool of many mutations natural selection selected the beneficial ones.

Because the whole population is evolving the process is massively parallel. For example, the average human has about 75 mutations. Multiply that up by a population of about 2.4 billion per generation and 200,000 generations. That is a very large pool of mutations to select from.
Eyes just happened to evolve many time. The god of BUC is mighty powerful.
Eyes just happened to evolve many time. The god of BUC is mighty powerful.
Again you try to denigrate science by calling it a religion: “The god of BUC…”

Do you really think that religion is inferior to science?
Can you give me an example… in real life, right now of an organism that’s not fit for its environment ?
Pretty much any amphibian. There’s a reason they’re all going extinct. They’re not fit for the environment and can’t adapt fast enough.
We know eyes are an advantage. What we don’t know; is how did the shape of an eye lens develops over 1800 incremental steps.
Drop the big number. It means absolutely nothing, but it does annoy me. I already told you how it would evolve. Perhaps you need to read it again?
If the eye lens improves 1800 times, the optic nerves and brain would also have to improve by 1800 incremental steps.
False. No changes would be required of your processor if you improve your graphics card. Why would the brain need changing if you only change a sensory tool? The information is still presented to it in the same manner.
All these improvements would still be pointless; if the increased information was not acted on in an improved way by the limbs.
The organism would use the information provided by its eye the same way all other species do, it’d just be better at it because it would have more avaliable information.
Freddy, if the evidence was convincing; then we would all agree with you.
If the evidence convinced you. Refusal to accept what science has concluded for years does not invalidate the theory. It just means you don’t understand it.
The model I have seen for the eye lens to evolve does not seem random. !800 incremental steps to meet 7 parameters.
That’s because the model you’ve seen isn’t a perfect model of true evolution.
I understand what you have said, but I can’t accept this for an explanation as to how the eye lens could evolve.
Then what would you accept, Eric? He literally described adaptation guided by natural selection.
You have explained how natural selection works; and I don’t have a problem with that.
Obviously you do, because when it’s explained in the context of actual features, you don’t accept it.
If God is in control, then he can guide mutations. If there is no god; I just don’t see how 1800 steps to meet 7 parameters could be called random or unplanned.
God designed our universe according to unbreakable physical laws. Those laws govern every interaction between matter in our world. It is these laws which result in mutation, and these laws which create differing conditions which cause natural selection to matter. How can God “guide” mutations, exactly? They’re not random events, they’re deterministic. Replicate the same exact conditions and the same thing will happen, every time. Our existence is not an accident, it’s the natural result of how our universe was created. You think mutation and natural selection are random, but I don’t know why. I’ve maintained that they’re deterministic, because they have to be. All interactions between matter are
Almost all of them. Frogs, for example. Many species of frog are going extinct because they can’t adapt to the environment mankind is creating. If you need more information, Google exists. I can only spoon-feed so much information.

I’m not being vague. “Pretty much any amphibian” is not vague, it describes pretty much every amphibian.
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Capta(name removed by moderator)rudeman:
environment mankind is creating.
Man’s encroachment on an environment is a modern-day phenomenon that has nothing to do with natural climate change.
If we get to a point where koalas are restricted to parts of Victoria and South Australia, a big bushfire event like the one we’ve just seen could threaten the survival of the species.

Scientists fear that is exactly what has happened to between 20 and 100 species in the last few months, including the long-footed potoroo and Kangaroo Island’s glossy black cockatoo.

If we include invertebrates, it’s estimated that up to 700 species will be pushed to extinction by this season’s bushfires. Think Australia's bushfires killed a lot of animals? Weak environmental laws threaten the lives of more - ABC News.
Eric, after all this time…why don’t you understand this? It’s been explained so many times.
Freddy, if the evidence was convincing…
I can’t add any more than the excellent response by the good Captain.
Man’s encroachment on an environment is a modern-day phenomenon that has nothing to do with natural climate change.
Ah yes, because an amphibian can certainly tell the difference between a temperature rise caused by man and a temperature rise caused by natural cycles. It’s called the “That’s not how that really works” effect.
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