I’ve been reading about evolution ever since The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris came out some time back in the late 60’s (sheesh, that seems like a long time back). And there is always something either on the shelf or in my Kindle that’s half read or just finished (Behave by Robert Sapolski at the moment).But, Buff assures us that scientists are going to throw out evolution any minute now! I’ve only been here two years so not long enough to see the eureka moment yet, I guess. :hugs:
Hang in there, Buff. Please don’t ask us to hold our breath, though…
Which doesn’t make me an expert. Very far from it. But it does keep me up to date with anything new. It does keep me informed as to new ideas. I read a lot of Steven J Gould’s stuff when it came out in the 70’s for example (punctuated equilibrium). Dawkins’ Selfish Gene and many others in the 80’s then Tooby and Cosmides take on evolutionary psychology in the nineties.
And what have I seen? Well, I’ve seen new ideas. I’ve seen new proposals. I’ve seen some theories fine tuned. I’ve seen aspects of others gradually lose traction. I’ve seen science in action. And my understanding of what evolution entails is a lot richer.
But what I most definitely have not seen is any refutation of the theory itself. Not at any time. By anyone. Except…by creationists and their buddies the ID mob. Except…by people like Buff in forums like this. And they’ll tell you that it’s all a-coming! That major changes are just around the corner! That a great unveiling of this monstrous fallacy will be upon us!
But it’s not. It never has been. And it never will. It’s all smoke and mirrors. But it’s entertaining up to a point. Just like Pen and Teller convincing you that what they do is impossible. But then they tell you that it is just smoke and mirrors. Part of their schtick is to tell you that they’re fooling you and how they are doing it. They want you to know you’re being fooled.
And when it comes to ID, people use the smoke and mirrors to try to convince you. But they themselves think the trick is real. They fool themselves.