Tridentine Solemn High Mass

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Everyone, hurray, then there is NO such thing EVER of any liturgical dancers, noise, people eating in mass, all is just perfect in ALL the Novus Ordo masses Podo attends, wow, then I wonder why the Vatican itself has had to correct liturgical chaos in many dioceses in the USA?? cardinal Ratzinger, Arinze, all, you guys were wrong then it seems.
NOOO!!! MISERICORDIE hasn’t grown uP!!!:crying: …lol stop moonwalking misericordie you might accidently bump into the spirit of vatican II!(What a nice thought!) YAY people don’t eat in my church, no litugical dansers and no noise! Ain’t I lucky misericordie!
Ortho I will have to go to confession for this one. I had no idea it would be so large when I pulled it up it was not that big. I am glad you are not my father confessor for surely I would be on my way to hell in a handbacket by now. You do have to admit it is a beautiful sight. Well Ionhannes can appreciate it.
Pandora, thanks for your kind words, and the picture IS VERY BEUTIFUL!!! If you want, PM me, and tell me where you got it, wow! That’s a Mass.
NOOO!!! MISERICORDIE hasn’t grown uP!!!:crying: …lol stop moonwalking misericordie you might accidently bump into the spirit of vatican II!(What a nice thought!) YAY people don’t eat in my church, no litugical dancers and no noise! Ain’t I lucky misericordie!
People don’t eat in my church either or liturgical dancers…I’ve been to many, many N.O. masses, and never had any problem…I was born in NM, and I have traveled through many states…and so yeah, I’ve had my share of masses for as old as I am…

That is a very beautiful photo. One way to get around its large size is to post a link to the photo on an external site (the easiest alternative).

I used to post on a message board where everything had to be done the long way- that is, typing everything in with HTML, including smilies, fonts, colors, photos, etc. These shortcuts are great, but the HTML allowed you to cut down the size of posted images, and I wish we had the option. I’m still trying to find a way around the system here. 🙂
Ortho I will have to go to confession for this one. I had no idea it would be so large when I pulled it up it was not that big. I am glad you are not my Father confessor for surely I would be on my way to hell in a handbasket by now. You do have to admit it is a beautiful sight. Well Ionhannes can appreciate it.
Actually, all of us can… It is the posters for TLM rude remarks we don’t… We are being put down by people of our own faith… Very sad 😦
**PODO,**I know alot about the catholic faith because i read and study alot, that’s why is don’t rely on this site to get me all the answers, i come to discuss and of course get rude comments all the time.(sigh)

You know a lot you say. What’s the difference between a SISTER and a NUN?

How did the earthly father of St. Mary die?
Exporter said:
**PODO,**I know alot about the catholic faith because i read and study alot, that’s why is don’t rely on this site to get me all the answers, i come to discuss and of course get rude comments all the time.(sigh)

You know a lot you say. What’s the difference between a SISTER and a NUN?

How did the earthly father of St. Mary die?

With all due respect, I don’t think knowing how St. Joachim died is necessary to be a faithful Catholic. It may be an interesting thing to learn in school or while reading, but it is not dogma.

Perhaps if we worried more about correctly learning and following the dogmas and doctrines of the Church in communion with Rome, we would all have a better understanding of the faith and not argue over which Mass is “more Catholic”. Nor would we run the risk of discouraging an obviously eager, if at times misinformed, young Catholic.
It is the posters for TLM rude remarks we don’t… We are being put down by people of our own faith… Very sad
Am I reading this wrong? I didn’t think I put anyone down.

My question is why does it bother some that a number of us love the TLM? Why do all these threads break down to fighting? I was overwhelmed by my first Solemn High Mass I broke down and wept from the sheer beauty of it. My mother has come back with me for a few Masses. One was the Feast of Christ the King and a whole group of Friars showed up and chanted along with the service. She too was overwhelmed at the majesty of the Mass. She had forgotten how beautiful it was.
Some of love it. I don’t know why this has to break down in to a fist fight.
By the way I was born during Vatican II so I did not grow up in the old Mass. Though Mass has changed since I was a child alot. It has changed alot most in the last 15 years and not for the bettter in my opinion. Up unitl my late teens I could go to any Church and know what to expect now alot of places make it up as they go.
It is the posters for TLM rude remarks we don’t… We are being put down by people of our own faith… Very sad
Am I reading this wrong? I didn’t think I put anyone down.

My question is why does it bother some that a number of us love the TLM? Why do all these threads break down to fighting? I was overwhelmed by my first Solemn High Mass I broke down and wept from the sheer beauty of it. My mother has come back with me for a few Masses. One was the Feast of Christ the King and a whole group of Friars showed up and chanted along with the service. She too was overwhelmed at the majesty of the Mass. She had forgotten how beautiful it was.
Some of love it. I don’t know why this has to break down in to a fist fight.
By the way I was born during Vatican II so I did not grow up in the old Mass. Though Mass has changed since I was a child alot. It has changed alot most in the last 15 years and not for the bettter in my opinion. Up unitl my late teens I could go to any Church and know what to expect now alot of places make it up as they go.
Kathy read some of the comments that have been made by people who attend TLM, I wasn’t meaning you specifically… I am very happy for you that you have found a mass that you feel so connected to. I don’t have a TLM close to me but I have a beautiful NO mass I go to where the people are very reverant… It is a very small parish, maybe that makes a difference. Anyways, the generalizations are what really get to me. It is like what we are saying about our masses don’t matter. I have wanted for a long time to go to a TLM, I appreciate all the beauty of our wonderful Church, especially that brought to us by the Holy Spirit. I actually always liked that we had different types of ways of presenting the same thing… Even though, as I mentioned before, I can’t handle the progressive movement that is going through our Church… it doesn’t reflect NO as a whole.
Amy go back and read my post #141. I said I have been to reverent NO Masses but they are hard to find around Boston. In NYC this summer I went to St Vinvent DePaul that was pefect. Now I have a place to go when I visit my brother who will be there for the next 9 months on business.
You do have to admit though there are a core group that come onto all post for the TLM who come at us with guns blazing? We love the TLM so I don’t understand what is wrong with that? You are lucky to have a faithful priest at your Parish I was not fortunate at my Parish when Fr. Bob came so I gave up and left. You should be thankful for your Pastor.
Amy go back and read my post #141. I said I have been to reverent NO Masses but they are hard to find around Boston. In NYC this summer I went to St Vinvent DePaul that was pefect. Now I have a place to go when I visit my brother who will be there for the next 9 months on business.
You do have to admit though there are a core group that come onto all post for the TLM who come at us with guns blazing? We love the TLM so I don’t understand what is wrong with that? You are lucky to have a faithful priest at your Parish I was not fortunate at my Parish when Fr. Bob came so I gave up and left. You should be thankful for your Pastor.
Kathy, I read that, and I think that post puts it perfectly… I am sorry if it seems I had an issue with you… I was being a bit sensitive… I have to take the good with the bad and realize there is more good, that means with NO and TLM… TLM is beautiful and I have wanted to go to one for a long time. But, certain posters make me feel like I am not worthy, or my mass is considered the red headed step child of the Catholic Church… And, are pretty rude about it… I responded to you, but, I didn’t mean that you where rude… I am very blessed with my Pastor… My whole family is blessed too. We are all connected by the Holy Spirit and fighting does us no good… Thank you for your kind words you really calmed me. God bless.
Me thinks all these site Rad-trads are from Texas and belong to the same motorcycle gang.
No, All Catholics know better:
Hold the bus there sparky. I’m a Catholic and I don’t recall giving you the right to speak for what I think. -1 Cred point.
The traditionalist argument is NOT old and weak:
Traditionalist is a label. You have just stuck it onto a bunch of people like me because I’m one of your “All Catholics.” I know Catholics who love the Missa Cantata and attend each week, and are working to develop a “personal quasi-parish” kitty large enough to build a church ( – WITH THE FULL PERMISSION OF ARCHBISHOP ROUSSIN, OF COURSE.

Catholics should be Catholic because of the Most Holy Eucharist, not the electrified instruments or quantity of incense burned per Mass. Personally, I started to attend this Mass early this year, having never seen the ancient mass before. I love it, and attend whenever I am feeling I need to be SURE proper reverence will be shown by all the faithful present. Other times, I grit my teeth and try to preach without words as St. Francis urged his brothers to do.

For myself, I have decided that the Lord’s way for me is to encourage by example. Maybe start thinking of that as a ministry. “Ite missa est” - “The Faithful are Sent on the Mission”. Vernacular or not, we use the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church’s Holy Mass. It’s up to me to make sure I understand what it actually means, no matter what language I hear it in or how badly it’s translated or sung.

Here’s what this whole “argument” boils down to: people are looking for a ride that better suits their taste–ancient or modern. I think there’s a big potential on either side to rush out at the end, hearts all aflutter with our liturgical thrill-du-jour, and forget WHO remains waiting for us in the Tabernacle of the suddenly-emptied Church. You may tend to find this happening more in the newer form of the Mass, but to claim a viewpoint on behalf of all Catholics, when we both know “most” Catholics have not a clue what you and I are debating, indicates missing the point. My parish priest told me there was no problem with him saying the Mass in Latin. There’s an indult Mass in our archdiocese, according to all the directives of Rome, lovingly provided for those who so love the ancient mass. The problem with re-imposing the ancient mass, or even a Latin Eucharistic Prayer like EWTN’s Daily Mass would be the parish’s acceptance, and the possibility of needing a third priest in our fairly big parish (2000+ families).

Our (yours and mine) beautiful Catholic Church is a family. Sometimes certain members of families have trouble agreeing on things. Some like to watch anything at all that’s on EWTN, some like to watch idiotic animated sitcoms for hours if allowed. That doesn’t mean you take sides in order to condemn, censure or do an in-your-face victory dance in front of the other. One group is not better than the other. We are not to treat them so, because of how our Holy Mother Church treats us.
in fact news has it that soon(a friend of mine in rome tells me) the POPE Himself will give the RIGHT to all priests whenever and whenever to offer the Tridentine Latin Mass.
P I C T U R E S,
but quote your sources or you are merely flinging anecdotes. Notice I didn’t say rumour-mongering, or gossiping or talking out of turn.
By the way: Motu Propio ecclesia dei is not hundreds of years old, non, no, 1988: UNDER THIS POPE.
There are young Catholics at this Missa Cantata who literally turn their backs on EWTN literature. There are old Catholics at the Novus Ordo mass who kneel on the floor to receive Holy Communion. Are they right or wrong? Martyrs or just acting out?

What is most important? The Most Holy Eucharist, that’s what. Latin or English the Christ is the Christ and deserves all our reverence.
Hold the bus there sparky. I’m a Catholic and I don’t recall giving you the right to speak for what I think. -1 Cred point. Traditionalist is a label. You have just stuck it onto a bunch of people like me because I’m one of your “All Catholics.” I know Catholics who love the Missa Cantata and attend each week, and are working to develop a “personal quasi-parish” kitty large enough to build a church ( – WITH THE FULL PERMISSION OF ARCHBISHOP ROUSSIN, OF COURSE.

Catholics should be Catholic because of the Most Holy Eucharist, not the electrified instruments or quantity of incense burned per Mass. Personally, I started to attend this Mass early this year, having never seen the ancient mass before. I love it, and attend whenever I am feeling I need to be SURE proper reverence will be shown by all the faithful present. Other times, I grit my teeth and try to preach without words as St. Francis urged his brothers to do.

For myself, I have decided that the Lord’s way for me is to encourage by example. Maybe start thinking of that as a ministry. “Ite missa est” - “The Faithful are Sent on the Mission”. Vernacular or not, we use the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church’s Holy Mass. It’s up to me to make sure I understand what it actually means, no matter what language I hear it in or how badly it’s translated or sung.

Here’s what this whole “argument” boils down to: people are looking for a ride that better suits their taste–ancient or modern. I think there’s a big potential on either side to rush out at the end, hearts all aflutter with our liturgical thrill-du-jour, and forget WHO remains waiting for us in the Tabernacle of the suddenly-emptied Church. You may tend to find this happening more in the newer form of the Mass, but to claim a viewpoint on behalf of all Catholics, when we both know “most” Catholics have not a clue what you and I are debating, indicates missing the point. My parish priest told me there was no problem with him saying the Mass in Latin. There’s an indult Mass in our archdiocese, according to all the directives of Rome, lovingly provided for those who so love the ancient mass. The problem with re-imposing the ancient mass, or even a Latin Eucharistic Prayer like EWTN’s Daily Mass would be the parish’s acceptance, and the possibility of needing a third priest in our fairly big parish (2000+ families).

Our (yours and mine) beautiful Catholic Church is a family. Sometimes certain members of families have trouble agreeing on things. Some like to watch anything at all that’s on EWTN, some like to watch idiotic animated sitcoms for hours if allowed. That doesn’t mean you take sides in order to condemn, censure or do an in-your-face victory dance in front of the other. One group is not better than the other. We are not to treat them so, because of how our Holy Mother Church treats us.

P I C T U R E S,
but quote your sources or you are merely flinging anecdotes. Notice I didn’t say rumour-mongering, or gossiping or talking out of turn. There are young Catholics at this Missa Cantata who literally turn their backs on EWTN literature. There are old Catholics at the Novus Ordo mass who kneel on the floor to receive Holy Communion. Are they right or wrong? Martyrs or just acting out?

What is most important? The Most Holy Eucharist, that’s what. Latin or English the Christ is the Christ and deserves all our reverence.
If we agree on most issues, I don’t really understand why the sermon? Or the ranting, calm down.
Actually, all of us can… It is the posters for TLM rude remarks we don’t… We are being put down by people of our own faith… Very sad 😦
Who is personally putting YOU down?? If examples of much liturgical abuse has been given here, what does that have to do with you personally. To correct a problem which is being pointed out is only helpful to all catholics.
It is the posters for TLM rude remarks we don’t… We are being put down by people of our own faith… Very sad
Am I reading this wrong? I didn’t think I put anyone down.

My question is why does it bother some that a number of us love the TLM? Why do all these threads break down to fighting? I was overwhelmed by my first Solemn High Mass I broke down and wept from the sheer beauty of it. My mother has come back with me for a few Masses. One was the Feast of Christ the King and a whole group of Friars showed up and chanted along with the service. She too was overwhelmed at the majesty of the Mass. She had forgotten how beautiful it was.
Some of love it. I don’t know why this has to break down in to a fist fight.
By the way I was born during Vatican II so I did not grow up in the old Mass. Though Mass has changed since I was a child alot. It has changed alot most in the last 15 years and not for the bettter in my opinion. Up unitl my late teens I could go to any Church and know what to expect now alot of places make it up as they go.
Pandora you are totally right, and by the way thanks for the Private message, it was all great. Well, as regards this, some are just overly sensative to truth I guess, the same thing when all the scandals of the past came to light. Some are just against putting to the light liturgical chaos in this case. Oh well, anyway, thanks again and keep up the great work!! Blessings.
Amy go back and read my post #141. I said I have been to reverent NO Masses but they are hard to find around Boston. In NYC this summer I went to St Vinvent DePaul that was pefect. Now I have a place to go when I visit my brother who will be there for the next 9 months on business.
You do have to admit though there are a core group that come onto all post for the TLM who come at us with guns blazing? We love the TLM so I don’t understand what is wrong with that? You are lucky to have a faithful priest at your Parish I was not fortunate at my Parish when Fr. Bob came so I gave up and left. You should be thankful for your Pastor.
It’s a miracle he allows anyone to still call him father, those types usually like to be called by thier FIRST names, eliminating FR. By the way, I live here in NYC myself in this sad archdiocese of New York there ar VERY FEW real NO Masses, but a GREAT one is at: Our Savior Catholic Church: Pastor THE GREAT!!! Fr. George Rutler!! Now that’s a priest!!!
I personally attend Saint Agnes on 43rd Street, the Latin Tridentine Mass Sundays at 11:00AM. (the Church where Fulton J. Sheen once was).
You do have to admit though there are a core group that come onto all post for the TLM who come at us with guns blazing?
Now, this isn’t exactly a correct characterization. What happens is that a thread that nicely starts off talking about somebody loving the Tridentine turns into a Normative Mass, VII bashing and even sometimes Pope bashing session. Go ahead, read this thread. I’ve only stated it a hundred times. MANY Traditionalists are driving people away from the Tridentine with this tactic. There is NO attack on the TLM, only the Pauline Mass. For some reason some cannot promote the TLM without bashing something else. Believe me, if the conversation didn’t degrade into a Pauline Mass, VII and sometimes even Pope bashing session, I wouldn’t respond. How about everyone post what they love about the TLM without mentioning the Pauline Mass, Pope or VII. Post all of the beautiful pictures and tell all of your wonderful stories. I guarantee that this will bring far more to the TLM then the bashing of the Normative Mass.
It’s a miracle he allows anyone to still call him father, those types usually like to be called by thier FIRST names, eliminating FR. By the way, I live here in NYC myself in this sad archdiocese of New York there ar VERY FEW real NO Masses, but a GREAT one is at: Our Savior Catholic Church: Pastor THE GREAT!!! Fr. George Rutler!! Now that’s a priest!!!
I personally attend Saint Agnes on 43rd Street, the Latin Tridentine Mass Sundays at 11:00AM. (the Church where Fulton J. Sheen once was).
I repeat: and my little smileys too:
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