Tridentine Solemn High Mass

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Sad to say the photo of Fr. Bob as he likes to be called is quite real. He is the pastor of my families church. I left because of him. Yes he does dance about half naked on the alter for special occasions. He thinks the Church is is own personal theatre. That picture isn’t the worst I’ve seen. Even better are his discussion groups. Yikes!!
I know attend the TLM in Boston. I have been to reverent NO Masses but I haven’t found one close to home and I love the TLM. I don’t know any holier than thou types. Most people I have talked with tend to be harder on themsleves if anything. I have run across a few over the top religious but you get than at any Church.
I think it was really well-understood that the priest and congregation were supposed to face east (or, if this was not possible, to designate the wall of a church is symbolically east).
Sure, it was the common myth that it was required. And pretending the east is where it is not already puts you in the reform camp.
Yes, Mass facing the people did occur in certain exceptional circumstances (for example, in Saint Peter’s).
No exceptional. Anywhere the construction of the altar allowed it – in other words altars constructed before the fad of pushing them up against the wall become popular.

In France and Beligum, where many churches were destroyed during the war, it become common to reconstruct churches with free standing altars and say Mass facing altar and community rather than facing in the aspe. This was before the Council.
But while Mass facing the people was not forbidden by the letter of the law, surely it was contrary to its spirit.
Many would disagree with you. No law.
And even in basilicas like Saint Peter’s it was at one point in history the practice that, at the Eucharistic prayer, the congregation would turn around, so they would be facing the same direction as the Papal celebrant (i.e. East).
This is repeated in certain circles, but an unverified claim.
Um…there are the Episcopal Churches, aka “Catholic-lite”, with smells-n-bells, crucifixes, stained glass, chant, full liturgical calendar and lectionary readings, all the prayers from the Mass, you name it. Only things they’re missing are communion with Rome and a sense of moral direction. (Again, this should tell you something about the importance of externals vs. communion with Rome).

I don’t know how much stock I would put in Novus Ordo Watch. Like many others have stated, they use the same images over and over to produce and promote scandal (and as previous posters have asserted, many of the “scandals” are falsehoods).
Depends who is doing the evaluation as to what is true or false. I take it you neither believe there is any such thing as clown masses OR LITURGICAL DANCERS??? If not, than I take it you really must be in a very secluded parish with little contact with the REAL catholic world.
you guys have the idea worng for the novus ordo, we don’t use jeeps as altars, we don’t have clown but reverant masses… and there is nothing protestant about it. And like i said, God is not just present up there but down here as well.
It’s funny how you guys love the old mass and then find every excuse to criticize the new one…
Again so in your world there is NO such thing, EVER as liturgical abuse in the NO??? Please.
That because that’s all some of you trads can do, show pictures like that. You know what misericordie? You aren’t very catholic doing that… showing pictures that are nothing about the novus ordo just pictures that are irreverant… instead of bringing the youth to mass you are telling them to back off and go to the old ways… THOSE ARE NOT PICTURES OF A TRUE NO. MASS!!! i’ve been to a true No. mass and it is far better than any Trad latin mass! Come to think of it i did attend one(tridentine) and i liked the No mass better…If that’s all you can do to prove a point then it makes me think bad of trads…:mad:
I suggest you first go to VARIOUS Novus Ordo masses, then post a comment on this.
I think the point in showing these photos is that there are many instances where the faithful are not getting to participate in a true Novus Ordo Mass. Then you have to ask yourselves…why not? The rules are simple. Why don’t the priests follow them?

As a Catholic, I have RIGHT to have the sacraments celebrated according to the rubrics and free from abuse. This is a right guaranteed to me by Canon Law, not personal preference. Why then did I have to go to several different parishes before I was able to find such a Mass?

Like the Tridentine Mass or not, but the fact that it is so strictly controlled, from the language to how the celebrant must keep his thumb and index finger touching after the consecration, makes it much less susceptible to abuse. The worst abuse I’ve ever heard of the traditional Latin Mass is that it was said too quickly. That’s pretty tame compared to some of the antics above.

There are many Catholics out there that think these things are perfectly acceptable and normal. We have a duty to educate those who don’t understand that these are grave abuses. Continue to attend your true Novus Ordo Mass, and thank God every day that you have that option.
Exactly my point: thanns, I can tell you have seen the truth and chaos.
I think the point in showing these photos is that there are many instances where the faithful are not getting to participate in a true Novus Ordo Mass.
The photos represent rare extremes, and the Pauline rite of mass is celebrated according to rubrics virtually everywhere, all the time. The Real Presence of Our Lord is confected at virtually every mass. It is important to avoid letting a preference for a rite interfere with perception of the truth of the Church, and to avoid indulging in uncharitable behavior. Satan looks for chinks in our armor, and a preference of most any kind is an opening: a preference for a rite is an especially tricky one. Be careful to value Our Lord infinitely more than you care about the rite.
Sad to say the photo of Fr. Bob as he likes to be called is quite real. He is the pastor of my families church. I left because of him. Yes he does dance about half naked on the alter for special occasions. He thinks the Church is is own personal theatre. That picture isn’t the worst I’ve seen. Even better are his discussion groups. Yikes!!
I know attend the TLM in Boston. I have been to reverent NO Masses but I haven’t found one close to home and I love the TLM. I don’t know any holier than thou types. Most people I have talked with tend to be harder on themsleves if anything. I have run across a few over the top religious but you get than at any Church.
PANDORA!!! I WANT TO THANK YOU WITH ALL MY HEART… The thing is many cannnot accept TRUTH because well, at times it’s easier to believe all is well.
Thanks, sincerely, misericordie. I take it the rest must be said too of the other picture masses.
Again so in your world there is NO such thing, EVER as liturgical abuse in the NO??? Please.
yes there are some BUT these pictures are abuses in different masses that don’t follow the rules… Misericordie stop whining and grow up
I suggest you first go to VARIOUS Novus Ordo masses, then post a comment on this.
i have and they are all reverant, sorry misericordie i have been
Depends who is doing the evaluation as to what is true or false. I take it you neither believe there is any such thing as clown masses OR LITURGICAL DANCERS??? If not, than I take it you really must be in a very secluded parish with little contact with the REAL catholic world.
My gosh, I don’t recall being nasty to you, and I certainly didn’t post anything that would warrant an insult to my parish or my world-view.

Yes, there have been clown Masses. Yes, there are liturgical dancers. Yes, both are ridiculous and are denigrating to the Mass. Does the fact that both exist mean that ALL parishes have them? No. Does the fact that my parish has neither mean that we are secluded and not “really Catholic”? No. And wait- a REAL Catholic parish has to have these things? You seem to imply that they are part of the REAL Catholic world.

Sorry, I find clown Masses to be about as “really Catholic” as Novus Ordo Watch.
i have and they are all reverant, sorry misericordie i have been
Everyone, hurray, then there is NO such thing EVER of any liturgical dancers, noise, people eating in mass, all is just perfect in ALL the Novus Ordo masses Podo attends, wow, then I wonder why the Vatican itself has had to correct liturgical chaos in many dioceses in the USA?? cardinal Ratzinger, Arinze, all, you guys were wrong then it seems.
Your welcome misericordie. It broke my heart to leave a church I had attended for 38 years but enough was enough.
I am very happy in my new community. Sadly the Church is slated to close June 30th to help pay off the settlements in Boston. VOTF bled the the Church here. They are going to move us to St James but I hope against hope we can be saved from closure.
My church now
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You have NO respect for others and their bandwidth. This even might be a sin!

i don’t really mean that, and anyways why are you attacking me about my signature? this is about the tridentine mass and other things…(it doesn’t mention my signature)
That was no attack. I stated it simply as a BTW. I did assume it was your favored statement, and likewise it was Luther’s favored mantra in disposing of the Ordained priesthood in his new religion.
The fact is neutral without predjudice. If you continue to use that signature, then fine.
I now understand that you already knew that about Luther and did not need me to mention it.

no offense intended…sorry for the misunderstanding.
OrthoCath said:

You have NO respect for others and their bandwidth. This even might be a sin!


Pandora, tell the very smart posters here that this last picture was posted BY YOU, otherwise, since they are at times hysterical (a few of them) they will not even realize that it says YOUR name PANDORA!!!
God bless you. Misericordie:
That was no attack. I stated it simply as a BTW. I did assume it was your favored statement, and likewise it was Luther’s favored mantra in disposing of the Ordained priesthood in his new religion.
The fact is neutral without predjudice. If you continue to use that signature, then fine.
I now understand that you already knew that about Luther and did not need me to mention it.

no offense intended…sorry for the misunderstanding.
s’ok sorry i jumped the gun, i just had it one week… i didn’t reall mean that… any ways i changed my signature to a one that is more suitable for adavent
Ortho I will have to go to confession for this one. I had no idea it would be so large when I pulled it up it was not that big. I am glad you are not my Father confessor for surely I would be on my way to hell in a handbasket by now. You do have to admit it is a beautiful sight. Well Ionhannes can appreciate it.
OrthoCath said:

You have NO respect for others and their bandwidth. This even might be a sin!


Though I must be blunt as usual: it is a very nice picture though(hopefully using the First Ammendment right I have I can say that.
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