Trump’s defeat is now final, bringing a disastrous presidency to a welcome end

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Richard Fowler: Trump’s defeat is now final, bringing a disastrous presidency to a welcome end​

Very BOLD of Fox News. They must have been struck with Covid Fever.
This article was an opinion piece, not a news piece. Perhaps contrary to other news sources, Fox is very obliging of those with other opinions.
What sunk Trump was his tremendous support of Israel. The world hates the Jews and Trump had to go. Congratulations!
What sunk Trump was his tremendous support of Israel. The world hates the Jews and Trump had to go. Congratulations!
What sunk Trump was his tremendous OPPOSITION TO ABORTION. The world LOVES ABORTION and Trump had to go. Congratulations!
Trump got 75 million votes in 2020, that’s up from 2016’s 64 million. So, no… if it was because of his opposition to abortion that he lost, it’s because those who support abortion and Planned Parenthood might do anything to win an election.

Disastrous presidency? Really? This is a hit piece, it sounds like the author could be a Neo-Con who wants the US involved more overseas. I think we should do good overseas but it’s a difficult issues, we act in Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria, precious blood and resources can be lost.

ISIS grew under the previous administration, Trump helped bust the Caliphate,

The list goes on and on. Very well done, may not be over. Another case on the docket at the Supreme Court, we will see.


North Korea



All dealt with much better.
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For most of his adult life Trump was passionately pro choice. Then he decided to run for president.
When he was in a position to make a difference, he was pro-life.
What sunk Trump was…
I love this kind of analysis. It’s usually a better indicator of why the analyst doesn’t like Trump. It’s almost as good as the articles that begin, “the reason that people support Trump is…”
What sunk Trump was his opposition to foreign wars and his shouting matches with generals who refused to vacate Afghanistan and other locales. The elites love their neocons and their “forever” wars therefore Trump had to go.
Huh even the doj bill bar said he had a successful Presidental 4 years
Why Trump lost:
  1. Trump did not govern well. Hence the revolving door as to appointments.
  2. Trump had many conflicts of interest and appeared to be feathering his family’s nest at government expense.
  3. Trump was impeached. An impeached politician does not merit re-election.
  4. Trump was not really favored against Hillary but did some crucial work in targeted states. He got fewer votes both times he ran for president.
  5. Trump showed himself to be less than presidential both in his relations with other people and with other countries. Trump lowered American standing internationally.
  6. Politics is a process of getting along with people and compromising. Trump did not do that well. He was far too polarizing.
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