Trump’s defeat is now final, bringing a disastrous presidency to a welcome end

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If the election had not been stolen, Trump would have been re-elected despite the fake impeachment trial the democrats put him through.

The hate that so many foster in their hearts for Trump cannot be healthy for the soul.
If the election had not been stolen
When I was a child, I used to wonder how myths became part of a culture. As an adult, in these last four years specifically, I think I have been able to witness the process happening. 😦
Trump may well prevail still. But the legislators will need to act.
If he somehow pulls this off, our country as we know it is finished. There would be no reason whatsoever to waste time voting again. If he can reverse an election with baseless claims, then at some point, so can the other side. We are finished as a “free” nation
Too bad that it was edited out. Honest discourse would require to be able to expose unpopular ideas.
Well, we can click on the orange edit pencil in the upper right of the post to see the part that was edited out…
My thoughts to your list:
  1. I agree with this one
  2. Yet the country elected a person with conflicts of interest whose son is feather his nest selling access to his father (aka “the big guy”). Hopefully the rest of the media, now that their war against Trump is almost over, might actually ask questions and investigate.
  3. 100% partisan…this means nothing
  4. Hillary was a truly more dislikable than Trump…Biden got votes because of likability.
  5. Partial credit on this one…acted less than presidential, yet got several Arab countries to sign peace deals with Israel, and he is one of the few people in DC who will not suck up the China in order to line their bank accounts
  6. He is polarizing…I agree
Trump got 75 million votes, more than Obama, more than last time. This hardly speaks of unlikeability.
All thanks to the sore loser Dems four years ago.So gobsmacked were they that we the people actually had a voice an elected DT,rather than one whom they dictated be the candidate and winner.It’s been a horrendous four years of unwarranted attacks by the leftist Dems.Peter Stock who is still lying and gaslighting this very moment.I won’t miss this forum because it is no longer based in charity and authentic reasonable debate. The past two weeks the daggers have come out and this forum will end in a very unCatholic fashion.
All thanks to the sore loser Dems four years ago
Terrible, all the frivolous lawsuits they filed, and the lies about fraud that they spread!
Oh, wait, sorry. That was Republicans in 2020.
None so blind as those who refuse to see…you are in my prayers🙏
Oh, wait, sorry. That was Republicans in 2020.
Let’s just call the $20M or so spent by democrats chasing a known false narrative about Russian collusion a little misunderstanding, I suppose?
When he was in a position to benefit politically, he was pro-life.
The difference, I think, is that once elected he kept those pro-life promises. They weren’t just platitudes to get votes, but real changes.
That’s not a difference. After he was elected he immediately began to campaign for reelection. What was a political advantage for him in 2016 was still a political advantage for him in 2020. There is no reason to think he cares for any life (born or unborn) except his own.
Are you talking about him fulfilling promises made??? Then it would be nice (and notable) for all Presidents to begin campaigning on Inauguration Day! Get to work for the people!
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