Trump calls out Biden on religion

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I thought there was a rule on this forum that one could not question a person’s adherence to religion, i.e. his or her piety. In acceding to Trump’s statement I think that some here are doing just that.
And how amazing would it be if Biden is converted thereby! Or Trump, for that matter. The wicked would be infuriated at an actual devout Catholic being President, while Christ shall be exalted throughout the land.
But he’s what we’ve got. Far from perfect…
That has to be the understatement of the year in this forum so far. It really is difficult to explain to an American how Trump is viewed elsewhere. What is wrong with a system that results in him being the best man for the job?
I thought there was a rule on this forum that one could not question a person’s adherence to religion, i.e. his or her piety. In acceding to Trump’s statement I think that some here are doing just that.
Trump and Biden are public figures, and anything they say is fair game for public discourse. We are choosing a President — that is one of the most important things we do as citizens. No one is questioning Biden’s piety or the state of his soul. He may be firmly convinced that he is doing the right thing. I simply think it is high time for Biden to explain to the voters how he has arrived at these conclusions, and to explain how this can be reconciled with the teachings of the Church he claims to adhere to, including the most recent teachings of Pope Francis. I would welcome Biden opening up to the American public, and explaining clearly how, if he believes life begins at conception, he can suggest that it is acceptable for others to take this life. I would like to hear him explain why he thinks the Church’s teachings are true “if you accept them”, but they are not true “if you don’t accept them”. I would like to hear him explain how the unborn child is a human life, how you square abortion choice with this, and at what point he believes that human life begins. Keep in mind that he would be our first Catholic president since JFK. He owes the voters these explanations.
And how amazing would it be if Biden is converted thereby! Or Trump, for that matter. The wicked would be infuriated at an actual devout Catholic being President, while Christ shall be exalted throughout the land.
Nothing would make me happier. Either one of them. Or both.

One of the greatest things that could ever happen to this country, would be, if Biden does get elected, for him to announce, immediately after his inauguration, that he has had a total change of heart, and that he is now supportive of the right to life of the unborn from conception onward. What could they do, impeach him? All indications are that he is not planning to run for a second term. And then this could embolden other Democrats — “hey, he’s right, you know, I’ve never felt quite right about my pro-choice stance, either”. Imagine if three or four Democratic senators did this. Then imagine three or four more.

What a pouring out of grace that would be.
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But he’s what we’ve got. Far from perfect…
That has to be the understatement of the year in this forum so far. It really is difficult to explain to an American how Trump is viewed elsewhere. What is wrong with a system that results in him being the best man for the job?
He is by no stretch of the imagination “the best man for the job”. He is the most electable Republican. There’s a difference. We are doing the best we can, with what we have to work with. Big country, big messy country, extremely polarized country — and as I have said in other threads, when you get right down to it, dig to find the genesis of how things got so polarized, you can trace it right back to abortion and Roe v Wade. I don’t think it’s a bit more complicated than that.
Now GOD also wanted us to follow what the church says, the church says in the catechism that those who condone abortion and recommend it are excommunicated automatically. So please follow the church repent PLEASE I don’t want you to go to hell
There are at least two subjects that Trump should keep quiet about: one is women’s rights and the other is religion. This President has absolutely NO moral ground to stand on with regard to either topic. Apart from this, he is really grasping at straws by making such an accusation. But of course Trump will, in desperation, throw anything he can at Biden and hope that something sticks.
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Ok I may be a bit byast so I’m going to try a take at both sides, on Trump’s side, Democrats allow abortion and want a socialist system where there is no freedom of religion, so you won’t be able to practice with ease, also if you allow abortion then you are excommunicated. On bidens side he wants to recover after the covid 19 and to stop police brutality.
But sometimes it is too much to see people in poverty, to see children in wastebins looking for food as if it is normal. When we are considering abortion we should take it this into account.
Too much… for you? I doubt it’s too much for them.
I want to make sure I’ve got this straight:

Trump was booed by Catholic priests for defending the unborn.

I would like to think there is video of this, to be shared with these priests’ bishops.
But he’s what we’ve got. Far from perfect…
That has to be the understatement of the year in this forum so far. It really is difficult to explain to an American how Trump is viewed elsewhere. What is wrong with a system that results in him being the best man for the job?
He is by no stretch of the imagination “the best man for the job”. He is the most electable Republican. There’s a difference. We are doing the best we can, with what we have to work with. Big country, big messy country, extremely polarized country — and as I have said in other threads, when you get right down to it, dig to find the genesis of how things got so polarized, you can trace it right back to abortion and Roe v Wade. I don’t think it’s a bit more complicated than that.
But the abortion debate is not relevant to whoever is picked by the Republicans as the nominee. They could have picked any Republican and they would have been anti abortion. And whoever they picked would have been more supportive of religious viewpoints than Trump. That scene of him in front of the church waving a bible about was close to being the most embarrassing thing I’ve seen from a politician.

So he is plainly not the best man for the job. The best man for the job would be someone who could construct a meaningful and coherent sentence. Who wasn’t a compulsive liar. Who treated women with respect. Who wasn’t living in a fantasy land where the cornonavirus would simply dissapear. Who didn’t dismiss his friends and cosy up to dictators. The list of his failings would exceed the word limit for any one post.

Isn’t there one Republican who could fullfill those basic requirements? You are really telling me that he is the best you could expect?

Well, they say that you get the politicans that you deserve. Good luck for the next 4 years.

Edit: Here’s a good idea. See if the potential nominee can actually read and pronounce words correctly. You know…basic comprehension at a 12 year old level. Words like Thailand and Yosemite for example.
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I’m not sure how anyone can “hurt the Bible”, aside from mistranslating it, or removing books from it, but I am very happy to see Trump call out Biden on matters of religion.
I must say I’m really perplexed by the way he links religion and the second amendment.

“He’s against God. He’s against guns.”

I’m not American, so I don’t have a dog in this fight, but to me, from far away, this smells suspiciously of political tactics and catering to his electorate by throwing out a few chosen keywords all jumbled together.
This is extremely uncharitable. Political discussion is nearly always fraught with discord, each side completely convinced they are in the right, telling others what they should believe, neither side willing to truly understand the other’s perspective.

In my opinion, Trump supporters are willing to overlook enormous character flaws, critical thinking deficits, criminal behaviour, and poor leadership just because they don’t like democrats and Trump says he’s prolife. As a psychologist, there are alarming patterns of behaviour to indicate serious personality disorders and pathology. BUT, I can see why many people support him when I listen to their reasons and I don’t just dismiss them outright.

Calling people who do not like your preferred politician ‘flies to garbage’ parallels Trump’s tendencies of name calling. When you write people off as ‘oh, they just hate Trump’ anytime concerns are brought to the fore, you actually make your perspective look weaker because you dismiss any dialogue and refuse to address valid concerns people have with Trump’s behaviour. It comes across as simplistic and lazy, and the result of this actually turns people away, reinforcing their opinions about Trump supporters and their inability or unwillingness to address very real problems with Trump, and the cycle continues. I would say the exact same about similar behaviour on the blue side of the aisle.

Whilst it is my opinion that Biden is the better presidential candidate I can certainly acknowledge his flaws and do not begrudge anyone who decides those flaws are too much to overcome. For me, Trump’s negatives are too much for me and I just cannot support him. To be frank, the last two presidential election cycles have produced weak and problematic candidates and many (most?) of us had to just hold our noses and vote for one.
I am not sure that every child that is saved from abortion, is living happy live and is not taken aback and is’t experiencing unnecessary hardships.
This is a sick statement. Better to kill someone then let them experience hardship in life? By that line of thought it would most compassionate to end every human life everywhere. Sickening.
I don’t believe that is what @arvo is saying. S/he is supporting his previous points about the necessity of caring for the child just as much after the birth. If strong social programs are in place, the unaborted person would not suffer so much–they’re advocating for care AFTER the decision not to abort so the child doesn’t continue to suffer the hardships present in our society. In other words, continue the idea of reducing suffering beyond the birth of the child. If ALL families had better social support and programs to help, they would see parenting without crushing poverty and no health care as a possibility instead of the fear and hopelessness they experience when they find themselves pregnant in a society without support programs.
Disgusted to get called names; disgusted at the constant anti-Trump viciousness displayed by Catholics; disgusted by people who excuse their namecalling as “uhh…I speak the truth!”
How do you think the people who Trump has publicly and viciously insulted feel? He is continuously resorting to childish name calling–the president of the United States calls his opponent ‘Sleepy Joe’…and that’s a mild one.

And the truth is that Trump has and continues to tell thousands of lies. Lies that have been fact-checked and documented without editorial commentary.
Lenore –

So there’s 2 issues:

1.You’re unhappy that Trump’s namecallling when he calls Joe Biden “sleepy”? Yet the dems say this about Trump:

–Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) saying he wants to “punch Trump in the face.”
–Joe Biden says he wants to “beat up” Trump.
–Jimmy Kimmel jokes about assassinating him…
–…As does Johnny Depp…
—…as does Madonna, who also wants to blow up the white house.
–Rashida Tlaib calls him a “mother- - - - - -”
– Snoop Dogg makes a video about assassinating him.
–Every hollywood award show is just a hate-fest.
–Robert De Niro practically froths at the mouth when saying his name.

We won’t even go into the whole “Kathy Griffin-severed head”-stuff.

–And I reiterate - you’re mad that Trump calls Joe Biden “sleepy.”
  1. The second issue is how people on this board namecall.
Trump is repeatedly and gratuitously attacked on this board - and it includes insults directed at his wife. Above, he was called an “adulterer.” The only response people can give for that? A sneer of “I speak the truth!” I’m pretty sure the Church wouldn’t approve of that sort of statement, especially since Trump isn’t Catholic and, whether you like it or not, actually obtained civil divorces from prior wives.

I’ve seen a lot of nasty stuff. I’ve seen sarcasm thrown at newbies so harshly that they say they won’t return - then they get mocked as they leave. I’ll link to the posts if you like.

. . . .

Folks on this board are just real quick to start namecalling, and that sort of badness rarely gets called out. To the contrary, you’re defending the namecalling. Considering this is a Catholic board and is read by the impressionable; non-Catholics; young people; etc., - do you really feel that namecalling, and defending namecalling, makes Catholics look smart? Well-reasoned? Rational? Or none of the above?

Don’t like what I’m writing? I speak the truth.
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Don’t like what I’m writing? I speak the truth.
Yeah. You’re comparing what some rap singers and singers and actors have said to what the president of the United States has said.

The very fact that you can draw such comparisons (‘I know what he said but look what they said’ in your defence says all we need fo know.
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I included the Democrat nominee for President; a sitting US senator (Biden’s a former senator as well); and a member of the US House of Representatives.
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I included the Democrat nominee for President; a sitting US senator (Biden’s a former senator as well); and a member of the US House of Representatives.
You’re specifically complaining about negative comments about Trump. And the fact that you complain about what Madonna has said (as if anyone cared) says it all. It’s a schoolyard argument.
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