Trump calls out Biden on religion

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They could invoke the 25th Amendment (which they were probably planning to do anyway), but it won’t go over well if they try to declare him crazy on account of having a return to his religious roots.
Because gun ownership is a constitutionally protected right of American citizens, if people want that changed they need to pass an amendment repealing the second.
That’s not quite all there is to it. If 2A were repealed (repealing part of the Bill of Rights… imagine that… it’s hard to believe we’re having this conversation…), there would still be a common-law right to keep and bear arms. Getting rid of that would take a bit more work.

I hope I never have descendants who live to see the right to keep and bear arms taken away.
Biden claims his faith is the bedrock of who he is yet supports abortion. That is incongruent.
Though stances do not fit together easily, but they are not incongruent. If you want to understand Catholic politicians in this country, you have to learn something about Al Smith and the anti-Catholic sentiment that let Herbert Hoover usher in the Great Depression. And you have to read JFK’s speech about religion during the 1960 campaign. Then you might have some sense of what the faith is and what it is not.
You bring a very important element to this discussion. In earlier years, when Catholics first started coming to this country en masse, and later on, when they prospered, established their own institutions, and became almost a subculture, almost a “country within a country”, there were fears by the Protestant majority, that Catholics would take over and establish a Catholic theocracy. Sheer numbers and birth rates militated for this point of view. (Obviously the latter is not an issue anymore, not hardly.) Some people began to dig a bit deeper into the matter, came to the conclusion that when Catholics exist in sufficient numbers, and accumulate enough power, they will indeed take over the country, and remake it in accord with Catholic principles, giving the Church ultimate power. Paul Blanshard discussed this at length in his book American Freedom and Catholic Power.

So Catholics in public life had to distance themselves from this. If they ever hoped to have power in American society, they had to jump through hoops to assure Protestants that, no, we’re not going to force everyone to observe Catholic moral teachings, we’re not going to take over. In 1928, Americans weren’t quite ready for an Al Smith. In 1960, JFK had to jump through hoops to pacify the electorate. Not soon afterwards, “somebody slammed the oven door” and the whole glorious Catholic edifice of growing and flourishing Catholic schools (you had to send your children to Catholic schools if one was available), huge numbers of vocations, and large, faithful Catholic families whose children would grow up to have large families themselves, all came collapsing like a falling cake.
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And then came along abortion, and Catholic politicians scrambled to paint themselves as “personally opposed but pro-choice”. The remaining Kennedys found a priest to help them make this distinction, and many Catholic politicians and voters followed suit. That is why, in one of the great perversions of the modern age, the largely urban states that have the biggest Catholic populations and percentages… tend to elect pro-choice politicians, and give their electoral votes to the pro-choice presidential candidate. It takes the rural folks, the conservatives, the less urbane, possibly even less educated, the fundamentalist Christians in the “red states”, to see murder of the unborn for what it is, and really not to care if anyone thinks they’re “forcing their religion onto people who don’t share it”.
That is a good casual observation, but not rooted in any actual data.

The proof would be in the pudding as they say. In public one might say I am pro life and all abortions should be wrong, yet in private may have gotten or encouraged someone to get one or vote to keep abortion legal. We don’t really know based on politics and sound bites. Until there is a Constitutional Amendment put on the ballot for the American people to vote on, we are all guessing what folks really believe.

Real world example is the Church herself. Abusing power against children or adults within the Church is absolutely against both Church teaching and morality in general. However the proof in the pudding was the Church put the institution above it’s own teachings and morality.

You really don’t know what folks believe or are capable of until there is evidence to prove what one’s actions actually are.
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Trump couldn’t care less about the unborn. Everything he says and does is only to promote himself. Nothing more.
" Trump calls out Biden on religion"

"“Why do I have to repent, why do I have to ask for forgiveness if [I’m] not making mistakes?”
Donald Trump, 23 July 2015

“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.”
Donald Trump, 23 January 2016

“When I go to church and when I drink my little wine and have my little cracker…"
Donald Trump, 18 July 2015

Why would anyone care about Trump’s religious views? Perhaps as a source of what not to believe…
Trump couldn’t care less about the unborn. Everything he says and does is only to promote himself. Nothing more.
–Considering most of America favors legal abortion, if you’re correct (and you’re wrong) why would Trump publicly oppose it?

–And further, considering how much nastiness he exposes himself to by, say, advocating for life (attending the March for Life; appointing conservative judges), if you’re correct he ought just say nothing at all.

Ultimately, your post is belied as inaccurate by Trump’s actions as president.
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And we’re still waiting for that evidence.
What makes you think the evidence would be shown to you? Active law enforcement investigation materials are invariably not publicly available. If it was given to law enforcement you wouldn’t know; even if it was publicly known, the media would almost certainly just not report on it.
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"“Why do I have to repent, why do I have to ask for forgiveness if [I’m] not making mistakes?”
Donald Trump, 23 July 2015
Not the first nominal Christian, poorly catechized, who “just doesn’t get it”, won’t be the last.
“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.”
Donald Trump, 23 January 2016
Figure of speech. (And he would lose at least one voter — the person he shot!)
“When I go to church and when I drink my little wine and have my little cracker…"
Donald Trump, 18 July 2015
Many professing Christians speak casually, and even crudely, about matters of faith. Doesn’t make it right, doesn’t make it good, but it’s nothing to pillory them over.
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I continue to find it simultaneously comical and tragic to watch genuine, devout religious folks attempt to defend Donald Trump out of allegiance to political tribalism.

😂/ 😭

I absolutely assure you, your dedication to him is not reciprocated.
I absolutely assure you that many like his policies - whether he reciprocates or not.

I could add some emoticons - but won’t.
I absolutely assure you that many like his policies - whether he reciprocates or not.

I could add some emoticons - but won’t.
Thank you for your restraint.

He’s been the most destructive force to long-standing arms-reduction and environmental treaties in modern history.

Not exactly a man with his eye on a future beyond the next election.
Thank God he’s not interested in foolish unilateral disarmament.
Thank God he’s not interested in foolish unilateral disarmament.
Why not? No one wins a nuclear war.

With the overwhelming majority of the world occupying the same hemisphere (northern), a fully decapitating nuclear strike with modern warheads would drop fallout on most everyone, making enemies of most of the world.

It would eventually blow into the southern hemisphere, but at lower concentrations.

That said, I concede that genies can’t go back into their bottles.
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None of what you post is any reason for unilateral disarmament. If that is what you are advocating (and I suspect it is) that will prove a tough sell in a world with a belligerent China; North Korea, etc., in it.
I guess to vote for the guy you’d need to ignore all that and more.
to vote against him you would have to accept the anti-catholic polices of the opposite party.
You do know that he doesn’t need to be nominated by the GOP. The fact that he is the nominee is a reflection on the principles and moral standing of the Republican party. That someone of Trump’s character is the best option they have seems to me to be a win at all costs mind set. That people will vote for anyone at all as opposed to whoever is in the other camp is a sad reflection on the state of the current democratic process.
That does fall on the current occupant of the white house.
That would make a great motto for Trump to have on his desk, like Truman’s “The buck stops here.”
I guess to vote for the guy you’d need to ignore all that and more.
“Ignore” is not the right word. In a world of imperfect candidates what one does is accept that on balance the person is the best of the electable candidates, or the best of all, electable and unelectable. Trump voters do not have to ignore these failings, nor do Biden voters have to ignore his stance on abortion.
Trump couldn’t care less about the unborn. Everything he says and does is only to promote himself. Nothing more.
so what do you think of Biden’s flip on the Hyde amendment? is he pro-abortion now or just trying for votes?
He’s been the most destructive force to long-standing arms-reduction and environmental treaties in modern history.
so china, iran, north korea and russia weren’t building arms prior to him? this just puts us on a level playing ground.
moral standing of the Republican party
as opposed to the moral standings of the democratic party, it is a hands-down no-contest win for the GOP

the Dems tried to take God out of their party and really succeeded if you listen to the vote. the chair knew better
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