Trump Campaign in the Supreme Court again

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I’m asking questions! You seem to want to shut the questions down! Why, I wonder?
I’m asking a question, and you falsely impute a motive that doesn’t exist, while dodging answering the question.
Why, I wonder?
I’m asking questions! You seem to want to shut the questions down! Why, I wonder?
Because, you are asking the same old questions that have been asked and answered for weeks. It is only a reversal that is wanted, not answers, not justice, and darn sure not democracy.
Trump filed around five and most have been rejected for frivolous reasons since they were not on time or some official didn’t cooperate.
Trump will win and be president for the next 4 years
There is no reason to think that. Now that the media conveniently decided the Biden scandal was credible, Kamala will probably be president.
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Trump filed around five and most have been rejected for frivolous reasons since they were not on time or some official didn’t cooperate.
They were not rejected for “frivolous” reasons. They were rejected for legal reasons. Trump’s legal team must be the most incompetent group of lawyers ever to be assembled.
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It wasn’t really based on the merits of the evidence either way.
What happens if the Judicial branch doesn’t do anything and the Legislature confirms Biden on Jan. 6. Will you then accept that Biden will be sworn in a President on Jan 20? Or if on Jan 20 the Chief Justice swears in Biden as President?

I know you don’t think that will happen, but what if it does?
It wasn’t really based on the merits of the evidence either way.
Many of the lawsuits have been rejected based on the evidence.

In particular the Trump lawsuit in WI, the Wood lawsuit in GA, the Congressman’s lawsuit in PA, Sidney Powell’s “Kraken” lawsuits everywhere.

These have been evaluated on the merits and found to be severely wanting.
The court tossed them without looking at the evidence.
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The court tossed them without looking at the evidence.
Not the cases in WI, GA, and PA. Those courts (sometimes several courts) reviewed all of the evidence and rejected them as meritless.

From the WI case: "fail as a matter of law and fact.”

Read more on the WI cases (in all which, the evidence was heard by the courts):

That one had more to do with the legal interpretation rather than evidence.
That one had more to do with the legal interpretation rather than evidence.
Which cases then had more to do with the evidence than the legal interpretation?

I’m not aware of a single case Trump has brought in which he alleges fraud.
Which cases then had more to do with the evidence than the legal interpretation?
The one in the article you gave. It only mentioned unsubstantiated claims of fraud in one sentence without any details.
No it doesn’t. I think you misread this sentence (about cases in general): “Trump and his allies have suffered dozens of defeats in Wisconsin and across the country in lawsuits that rely on unsubstantiated claims of widespread fraud and election abuse.”

Trump’s lawyers have been very careful about not alleging fraud in court (because they have no evidence for it, and could be punished by the courts for bringing frivolous lawsuits). Instead, they have argued things, like in this particular case, that the state did not properly follow procedures. That’s not an allegation of fraud.
Instead, they have argued things, like in this particular case, that the state did not properly follow procedures. That’s not an allegation of fraud.
Then evidence does not have anything to do with it.
How can you be sure that Her Majesty the Queen isn’t a Lizard person? Can you prove to me that she is not?
I seem to remember the term RESIST and marching in the streets and false accusations of Russia collusion and false investigations that our own fbi knew were false from the beginning!!! And now there is worry about the peaceful transfer of power??? It’s like four years too late to worry about that!
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