Trump implies that he won't leave the White House unless Biden 'can prove' he won 80 million votes, as the president continues to tweet lies and consp

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Eh. It balances over time. We had the fake Russian collusion hoax, and now that’s being balanced out with the fake election fraud hoax.
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Don’t forget the fake birther hoax before that.
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There are several states joining Texas in a lawsuit.The reason the SCOTUS threw out other petitions is because they don’t want to pick the next president.This is a process that now will und up with the SCOTUSin the proper fashion.JWB petitions were all rejected by the SCOTUS as well.It was this move that they took on and he prevailed.
Sure hope Jill Biden has picked out the drapes or china 😉 yet…
The reason the SCOTUS threw out other petitions is because they don’t want to pick the next president.This is a process that now will und up with the SCOTUSin the proper fashion.JWB petitions were all rejected by the SCOTUS as well.It was this move that they took on and he prevailed.
I don’t understand what this means.
It means the SCOTUS is willing to hear the lawsuits being brought forth by numerous states. Stay tuned
There are several states joining Texas in a lawsuit.The reason the SCOTUS threw out other petitions is because they don’t want to pick the next president.This is a process that now will und up with the SCOTUSin the proper fashion.JWB petitions were all rejected by the SCOTUS as well.It was this move that they took on and he prevailed.
Sure hope Jill Biden has picked out the drapes or china 😉 yet…
John Wilkes Booth?
Jersey Women’s Bureau?

The Supreme Court has asked for responses so they can decide if they should hear the case.

Jewish Welfare Board?

If the SC hear it, it will be the end of the USA as we know it. An unelected oligarchy will be selecting our leaders, instead of the people of the several states. No state has any rights without an OK from the Central government.

Jorge Washington Bolivar?

Hearing the case would be an extreme judicial overreach. It would justify expanding the Court and filling it with justices committed that “government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish.”

John Winston Baker?

I really cannot think of what JWB refers to.

But we agree, Jill B has hopefully chosen nice drapes and beautiful china.
I am also not concerned about reptilian overlords.

This has been a surreal election. Understand that a lot of us simply do not believe the number of clandestine crimes that would have to have been coordinated to steal an election is possible. It’s like hitting the lottery in four states on the same weekend.
Sounds just like what we’ve been doing for nearly a year.How original of Biden
Of course there is interference, to help Trump, to help Biden, just like we interfere and try to sway elections. In the end, in a democracy, if people believe what they believe, we still go with the majority choosing their electors. Nothing we get from oversees is going to be crazier than what comes from the left off the West Coast, or from the West Wing.

The Dominion thing is just lizard overlord talk. That has been debunked so much. Even POTUS’s own pick for cybersecurity did not buy into that, before he was fired for lack of Kool-Aid consumption.

Hey, but do not believe me. I will be more than happy to eat my words if it is shown in court that there was this massive electronic conspiracy. I hope you will be equally open-minded should nothing by sound and fury come of all this Dominion talk.
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I think elected officials should be required to attend! No more RESISTANCE once all the “legal” votes are counted!
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