Saw it firsthand last night on tv
But don’t you know, they are part of the super secret deep deep state plot. Which is really obvious to some people except the ones that are in the super secret deep deep state plot or the rest of us poor deluded sheeple.Already debunked by the elections officials
The way Marcos did it in the Philippines was instigate a bombing of his opponents political rally and blame it on the Communists which consequently made everyone compliant to his act of martial law.General Flynn is under the impression that the Military will obey the President. You would have to ask yourself why would he believe the military that he served for 30 years would obey.
Or she, it must now be considered.if a US President ordered the military to do something unconstitutional or illegal, of sufficient gravity, he would be a madman
If it’s so plainly in sight, why haven’t the courts acted on it?Yes,that’s correct.It’s in plain sight
Because the judges have been bought by the evil Democrats.If it’s so plainly in sight, why haven’t the courts acted on it?
Also, they’re so efficient they forgot about the Senate and state legislatures.They are so efficient that they leave no signs.