Trump supporters try to run Biden campaign bus off the road

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Is that why he tweeted “I love Texas”? With a video?
The bus didn’t have the windows broken out of it. The bus wasn’t tipped over and started on fire. The bus didn’t have fire bomb’s thrown into it.

Are those actions viewed in a better light?
*supporters of President Donald Trump used their personal vehicles — decked out with campaign gear — to swarm a stretch of highway outside Austin, Texas, Friday in an apparent attempt to bully a Biden-Harris campaign bus and drive Democratic activists off the road.

Photos and video of the incident from different angles showed a line of pickup trucks waving Trump 2020 flags pull onto the left shoulder of Interstate Highway 35 as the bus approached. Other images appeared to show the same vehicles surround the bus, box it in and force it to reduce its speed.

*One of the Trump supporters went so far as to hit a white SUV driven by a Democratic campaign staffer, Katie Naranjo, chair of the Travis County Democratic Party, said in a tweet that included a photo of the scuffed and dented vehicle. *

They ran into a person’s car, yelling curse words and threats,” Naranjo wrote
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It is not ok to terrorize and harrass other drivers and to put all road users at risk.

It is not ok to condone this.

Stupid actions on the roads kill people
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If you listen to the CNN news report, the police have not made a statement about it. The accusation is coming from a Biden staffer and there is no footage of vehicles making contact with the Bus.
Evidently, a vehicle parade encountered the bus on the freeway, which is not a crime.
If the police consider the situation to be in violation of the law, action will be taken. Mr. Trumps twee " I love Texas" with footage of the Trump parade, can be construed as you wish.
I’m guessing it might involve the support he has traditionally received from the Lone Star State and which was evidence in the number of decorated vehicles out on the road in support for his presidency.
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If you listen to the CNN news report, the police have not made a statement about it. The accusation is coming from a Biden staffer and there is no footage of vehicles making contact with the Bus.
Evidently, a vehicle parade encountered the bus on the freeway, which is not a crime.
If the police consider the situation to be in violation of the law, action will be taken. Mr. Trumps twee " I love Texas" with footage of the Trump parade, can be construed as you wish.
I’m guessing it might involve the support he has traditionally received from the Lone Star State and which was evidence in the number of decorated vehicles out on the road in support for his presidency.
The Biden group have given their account . That includes a Trump car crashing into a Biden car. It also includes harrassment and obscenities, being surrounded and an attempt to slow the bus and run it off the road.

That tweet is going to be construed in a few ways . If the intent was different, there are other clips Trump could have added which did not include that one incident.
I’m concerned with what may happen AFTER the election from either side. We’re living in dangerous times at home and abroad.
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Source? +10
Link up thread, in the article I posted. That is the source. Easier then trying to repost the link on this device. I did a direct copy and paste from the article I linked, that is why the italics.
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Yes another person posted inbetween. Where I am italics = quoting as a protocol, especially under a link or reference, ( depending on the referencing method used)
Oh the Irony here! For months we were told by leftist media that the thugs causing chaos in major cities in the US were “peaceful protestors”, that gangs of uncontrollable criminals running wild night after night were “asking” to be heard, that murders and attackers of law enforcement were “upset” over “unfair” treatment by the police, that those who were looting businesses were only doing so as a means of “reparations” for years of slavery and repression.

We heard CNN tell say over & over Republicans were lying about the nature of what these “peaceful” protests really were, President Trump was lying about these “peaceful protests”. There were posters on CAF who downplayed the seriousness of the protests, who refused to believe there were organized groups of people such as antifa (it’s just a concept, not a group) or those militant BLM groups with their anti-American ideals actually out there attempting to destroy our country.

And here were are - All in an uproar over a few cars & trucks in a Trump parade, which have been happening for several weeks, mesh with a Biden campaign bus, and decide to interact. As this poster stated:
The bus didn’t have the windows broken out of it. The bus wasn’t tipped over and started on fire. The bus didn’t have fire bomb’s thrown into it.
No one stopped the bus, no one pointed weapons at the bus, no one made anyone get off the bus, no one was physically harmed on the bus. I’m sure people may been in fear on the bus, but in as much fear as Senator Rand Paul and his wife when they were surrounded by “peaceful protestors” when leaving the National Convention? CNN’s reporting sure made light of that story.

So maybe it’s time to all things into perspective. I’m not saying it was right what they did with Biden’s bus, but really, compared to everything that went on this summer, is this the worst thing ever? Not by a long shot.
There were posters on CAF who downplayed the seriousness of the protests, who refused to believe there were organized groups of people such as antifa (it’s just a concept, not a group) or those militant BLM groups with their anti-American ideals actually out there attempting to destroy our country.

And here were are - All in an uproar over a few cars & trucks in a Trump parade, which have been happening for several weeks, mesh with a Biden campaign bus, and decide to interact. As this poster stated:
One violent act does not make another violent act ok. Condoning any violent or intimidating act is wrong.

It is absolutely not acceptable for a group of people, any group, to do that on a road.
“deciding to interact” by interfering with other vehicles in any way, let alone to that extent, is wrong. “mesh” with a bus is wrong. A mob interfering with vehicles and trying to run them off the road and creating traffic hazards with them because that mob dont agree with the politics is a problem , just as much as the rioting is a problem.

If the litmus test becomes
As this poster stated:
The bus didn’t have the windows broken out of it. The bus wasn’t tipped over and started on fire. The bus didn’t have fire bomb’s thrown into it.
No one stopped the bus, no one pointed weapons at the bus, no one made anyone get off the bus, no one was physically harmed on the bus. I’m sure people may been in fear on the bus, but in as much fear as Senator Rand Paul and his wife when they were surrounded by “peaceful protestors” when leaving the National Convention? CNN’s reporting sure made light of that story.
and it becomes acceptable to scare or intimidate/ try to run people off the road but not physically harm them, then its just that downhill slippery slope.
It is putting everyone travelling on that road at risk of road accidents. How is that acceptable in any climate? It is not.

When the time comes where incidents are compared and the level and intensity of the extent of fear in those who experienced them compared, the angle of that downhill slope has become a downhill ski run slope angle.

Road accidents lead to permanent disability, injury and death.
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There is no truth, nothing confirming other than what some passengers assert, the member-made headline so there is no reason to put credence in this interpretation. I find it scandalous.
There is no truth, nothing confirming other than what some passengers assert, the member-made headline so there is no reason to put credence in this interpretation. I find it scandalous.
Passengers on the bus, associated with the bus and the drivers asserted the truth of it. There is also video evidence. That is truth.
Scandal exists in that the down hill ski run slope where it has hit the jump where those of other political ideologies are called ‘non truth’ speakers and incidents like this, that they have experienced are said to have
no reason to put credence in this interpretation
Truth requires no interpretation.
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I’m not saying it was right what they did with Biden’s bus,
I guess you accidently missed this sentence. It would have cleared all of your confusion in what I wrote.

A careful reading of my post would have shown the irony was in the uproar by CNN and others who refused to call the violence of the summer for what it was instead of downplaying it to nothing.
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