Trump Threatens To Veto Stimulus Package

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I actually agree with him. There is a lot of fluff in this bill that I do not believe should be included .

I do not believe that aid to foreign countries should be included in this bill. I believe that this bill should solely focus on aid for unemployed/underemployed US citizens.
And struggling US businesses.

Congress also included money for the renewable energy industry.
I do believe in supporting renewable energy. I just dont believe that this bill is the right place to address renewable energy.
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He conflated the two bills sent to him.

One was the omnibus bill, the other the stimulus. His examples were from the omnibus.

Not very smart.
He did this to drown out the pardon outrage.
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Dems: $2000 checks
Reps: $600 checks?

Dems: $1200 checks
Reps: $600 checks?

Dems: $600 checks
Reps: $2000 checks and that’s our last offer.
He conflated the two bills sent to him.

One was the omnibus bill, the other the stimulus. His examples were from the omnibus.

Not very smart.
I can’t believe that after 4 years of Trump’s presidency, in the final days of his presidency and also in the last days of the Catholic Answers World News Forum that I am defending Trump on this. Strange times we live in.

Trump is not confusing 2 separate bills.
It is 1 big bill.

The official legal name of this 1 big bill is
“Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021”
The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (H.R. 133) is a proposed $2.3 trillion[1] spending bill that combines $900 billion in stimulus relief for the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States with a $1.4 trillion omnibus spending bill for the 2021 federal fiscal year

Congress has tied together the fiscal year 2021 Omnibus bill with Covid relief…

The effect of them doing this is that in order for Americans to get Covid relief Trump has to sign into law the Congress Omnibus bill, without question in its entirety, because they are combined together.

For example:
Congress is appropriating 10 billion dollars to gender programs to Pakistan

And 2 new National latino and women’s museums.

In order for Americans to get Covid relief
The entire 2021 congress omnibus spending bill, including its fluff must be signed into law.

I think Congress was wrong doing that.
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I think he should. $600 is laughable, and the extra crud that was pushed into that bill is ridiculous. There’s a lot crammed in there about copyright and internet streaming that had no place being in the bill to begin with.

Trump’s asking for $2000 payments for everyone instead of $600.
Right, but my point is why say these things if you are not sure. He should have just said “hurry up and get it on my desk”.
I think it’s more like “I will sign a stimulus [if it isn’t full of junk].’ Where the bracketed part is unsaid. This is not unusual for anyone. I think this is holding Trump to a higher standard than we do others. Always the implication when someone says they will do something in the future is a tacit “if things aren’t completely bungled by then.”
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I hoping he does veto it. Then we will see what the Senate does.
Why would they go home if they wanted this bill on the President’s desk this week?
On the news this morning it was reported that Congress had already left town. Apparently they believed it was a done deal that just needed the president’s signature. I guess they forgot that “the president” is Trump and you can’t really trust anything he says until it is actually signed.

It was just a few days ago that the administration, through Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin, the president’s go-between with Congress on the stimulus package, was signaling its agreement with the bill. Then, at the last minute, after it passed, Trump decided to blow it up. Now he wants individual payments of at least $2,000 - which was what the Democrats proposed months ago.

Trump is like a two year old who, when he finally figures out that he can’t have his way, just stands there and screams. (My apologies to two year olds for comparing them to Trump.)
I guess they forgot that “the president” is Trump and you can’t really trust anything he says until it is actually signed.
They forgot the president is Trump. 🤣 🤣 🤣
Trump is like a two year old who, when he finally figures out that he can’t have his way, just stands there and screams. (My apologies to two year olds for comparing them to Trump.)
There are not any two year olds on this forum. Unless…
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