Trump Threatens To Veto Stimulus Package

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That is part of why I am also not sure this is spite. It seems just erratic. Why send your Treasury Secretary to say you want one thing ($600 checks), and then AFTER that is voted through, say you want something else ($2,000 checks). The other parts of the bill may have been a surprise to him (although that seems unlikely), but the stimulus checks were specifically negotiated, and now he wants something different.
Maybe to buy the Republican votes in Georgia on Jan 5?
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A reason I don’t think this is spite is that he has no political capital to lose by vetoing this. Nor does he have any to gain. Indeed, this is probably the freest act of his presidency. He doesn’t want pork, he wants checks for individuals (regardless of the amount). At least that’s how I read it.
I read it as he wants to be able to sue Internet companies. He actually wants his pork added in
A reason I don’t think this is spite is that he has no political capital to lose by vetoing this. Nor does he have any to gain. Indeed, this is probably the freest act of his presidency. He doesn’t want pork, he wants checks for individuals (regardless of the amount). At least that’s how I read it.
I think that is largely correct. I am just puzzled by his change in position in about a 48 hour period. The answer, I think, is that he just doesn’t think deeply about policy issues. I don’t mean that as an attack - its just true of Trump like it is true about many politicians. I think he just saw that the $600 checks were very unpopular and decided to come out in favor of moving the money out of the other provisions and into direct relief checks.

I agree that it is a “free” action for him in that he is mostly free of political influence at this point. He is essentially adopting the Dem position on stimulus checks (although maybe not on some of the other stuff), and he just doesn’t care whose toes that steps on. Lots of people (me included) hoped that Trump would be less bound by party and politics than other presidents. Sadly that did not come to pass. Perhaps this is an example of what might have been.

Still, he REALLY should have thought of this two weeks ago. Doing it now is going to make it hard to get this deal done.
It doesn’t follow from any of this that he’d veto out of spite. Trump has issued 8 vetos in his term. Were those all spite? Or would it be just this one?
I was asked for a reason for my opinion, I gave three.
Just to clarify.

There are two Acts subject to veto.

The Omnibus budget has been merged with covid relief into a single bill that might be vetoed.

Second, there is the Defense authorization act that has been vetoed. Internet protections were one reason floated for the veto. Then a couple other excuses were offered. Probably it was vetoed because it authorized changing the names of bases ro eliminate Confederate soldiers, but they will not say that.

Congress will be back in session next week to override the Defense act.

The Omnibus bill is less clear. If it is vetoed, they can override. If Trump does nothing, it could just expire when this Congress ends and next one starts in Jan.
And I responded to you reasons on why I think they are wrong.
I think the few vetoes makes my point, though. If the man has eight vetoes, and then does two his last month, after he loses all the election, the cases, and his support from many Republicans. He then vetoes two more bills, including one that he had said, prior to the election, he would sign if Congress could work it out. They have. He hasn’t. Promise made. Promise broken.

This demand for $2000 is hogwash. I am shocked anyone is falling for that, since the logic is so clear. If that was a make or break issue before his election loss, then he flat out lied about signing any bill that did not contain it. If this really was an issue for him, and he withheld that information, then he is guilty of one of the greatest wastes of government resources ever leading Congress on, letting them work on a bill he was not going to sign, lying all the way.

This is not hate. This is an evaluation of option that could be behind his actions. The only third option I see is a change of opinion over the last couple of weeks. Then, we are back to why he changed his opinion. The only significant event between then and now is his failures and losses in this election.
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including one that he had said, prior to the election, he would sign if Congress could work it out. They have. He hasn’t. Promise made. Promise broken.
They included a bunch of random junk into it last minute.
They consist of both parties, the whole of Congress. He said he would sign if they could get it passed. They passed it. He said he wanted $2000. He is not a man of his word. Period. It is this sort of shifting of positions that make a lack of integrity and character matter when I vote for someone.
The House rejected changing the bill to $2000 dollars. I do not blame them. It is clear there is no good faith in negotiating with the White House. It will have to way until that man is gone. What I regret most is the likelihood the incumbent will be giving the Senate back to the Democrats over this. Runoffs are tough, and if he just yanked money out of the pockets of Republicans that need it, they will be slow to go to the polls, and the Democrats will be motivated and likely angry of this latest dishonesty that hit them where it hurt.
including one that he had said, prior to the election, he would sign if Congress could work it out. They have. He hasn’t. Promise made. Promise broken.
They included a bunch of random junk into it last minute.
I am not sure what random junk you are talking about. But almost all the items that Trump mentioned like aid to Cambodia, aid to Egypt, aid to Burma etc were requests that came FROM THE WHITEHOUSE in their own budget proposal.

Looks like this is the first time Trump looked at his own budget proposal or maybe he is just confused and thinks that the whole bill is for Covid and does not know that the government needs to be funded also.
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I expect Trump will eventually sign the bill - after he has milked the maximum chaos and PR benefit from his “objections”. That way he can pretend that he has been “reasonable” all along. Right now it is all about Trump’s legacy and future public support.
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