Trump Threatens To Veto Stimulus Package

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On the news this morning it was reported that Congress had already left town. Apparently they believed it was a done deal that just needed the president’s signature.
Uhm, they knew he said he was going to veto it, so…
I think he should. $600 is laughable, and the extra crud that was pushed into that bill is ridiculous. There’s a lot crammed in there about copyright and internet streaming that had no place being in the bill to begin with.

Trump’s asking for $2000 payments for everyone instead of $600.
I think he is right on the substance, but the process is crazy, to be charitable. Why did his negotiators say no to the $2,000 payments weeks ago if that is what Trump really wants? Why did he send his folks to the hill to ask for $600 payments if that is not what he wanted? Why did he wait until AFTER THE VOTE to say anything about his actual position?
For one thing, he has yet to admit he lost. For another, he is angry. For a third, he has a history of retaliation when hurt.
I think he should. $600 is laughable,
Those who are poor do not laugh at it.

The thing is, it is $600 or nothing. What I do not like is the effect this will have in Georgia, where the Senate is still on the line. If he is not careful, he is going to cause the Republicans to lose the Senate.
Check out the topic from August 9th on this very subject.

Do You Believe the Second Stimulus Bill Will Include Reoccurring Payments For The Majority of Americans?

How much do you believe we as individuals will receive?
  • $1,200 One Time Payment
  • $1,200 One Time Payment + Retroactive Payment
  • $1,200 Monthly Payments
  • $1,200 Monthly Payments + Retroactive Payment
  • Retroactive Payment/Work Incentives
  • $2,000- $2,400 One Time Payment
  • $2,000-$2,400 One Time Payment + Retroactive Payment
  • $2,000-$2400 Monthly Payments
  • $2,000-$2400 Monthly Payments + Retroactive Payment
  • Monthly Rent/Mortgage Payments
  • Automobile Payments
  • Student Loan/Debt Forgiveness
  • Debt Jubilee
  • None of the Above; Please Explain

Choose up to 14 options.Votes are public .

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For one thing, he has yet to admit he lost. For another, he is angry. For a third, he has a history of retaliation when hurt.
It doesn’t follow from any of this that he’d veto out of spite. Trump has issued 8 vetos in his term. Were those all spite? Or would it be just this one?
Donald Trump will not veto the stimulus bill out of spite. Higher-ups are Using Donald Trump to implement a $2,000 monthly Universal Basic Income; this is all part of the plan.
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It doesn’t follow from any of this that he’d veto out of spite. Trump has issued 8 vetos in his term. Were those all spite? Or would it be just this one?
Could be.

All were “Joint Resolutions”.

March 15, 2019: Vetoed H.J.Res. 46, Joint Resolution relating to a national emergency declared by the President on February 15, 2019. The measure was a joint resolution to overturn the declaration of a national emergency at the Mexico–United States border. Override attempt failed in House, 248–181 (286 needed).

April 16, 2019: Vetoed S.J.Res. 7, Joint Resolution to direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress. The measure was a joint resolution to end U.S. participation in Yemen’s civil war and denounce the Saudi-led bombing campaign there. Override attempt failed in Senate, 53–45 (66 needed).

July 24, 2019: Vetoed S.J.Res. 36, Joint Resolution that prohibits the proposed sale of various defense articles and related support services to Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, Spain, and Italy, as described in Executive Communication 1427 published in the Congressional Record on June 3, 2019. Override attempt failed in Senate, 45–40 (57 needed)

July 24, 2019: Vetoed S.J.Res. 37, Joint Resolution that prohibits the proposed sale of various defense articles and related support services to the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and France, as described in Executive Communication 1425 and published in the Congressional Record on June 3, 2019.[59] Override attempt failed in Senate, 45–39 (56 needed).

July 24, 2019: Vetoed S.J.Res. 38, Joint Resolution that prohibits the proposed sale of various defense articles and related support services to Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom, as described in Executive Communication 1422 and published in the Congressional Record on June 3, 2019 Override attempt failed in Senate, 46–41 (58 needed).

October 15, 2019: Vetoed S.J.Res. 54, Joint Resolution that would terminate the national emergency declared in Proclamation 9844 of February 15, 2019, pursuant to the National Emergencies Act, regarding the ongoing crisis on our southern border. Override attempt failed in Senate, 53–36 (60 needed).

May 6, 2020: Vetoed S.J.Res. 68, Joint resolution to direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities against the Islamic Republic of Iran that have not been authorized by Congress.Override attempt failed in Senate, 49–44 (62 needed)

May 29, 2020: Vetoed H.J.Res. 76 a joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to “Borrower Defense Institutional Accountability”. Override attempt failed in House, 238–173 (276 needed).
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As the Church Lady of SNL would say, “Well, isn’t that lovely?” And as McCoy (Star Trek) would say, “Enough already.” Isn’t there any way of luring Trump out of the WH, perhaps with a bacon cheeseburger and diet coke?
It doesn’t follow from any of this that he’d veto out of spite. Trump has issued 8 vetos in his term. Were those all spite? Or would it be just this one?
Trump has rarely vetoed anything, in large part because McConnell won’t let anything out of the Senate that Trump has indicated he will veto (with the exception of the recent NDAA).

That is part of why I am also not sure this is spite. It seems just erratic. Why send your Treasury Secretary to say you want one thing ($600 checks), and then AFTER that is voted through, say you want something else ($2,000 checks). The other parts of the bill may have been a surprise to him (although that seems unlikely), but the stimulus checks were specifically negotiated, and now he wants something different.

What do you think is going on?
I already said, this is part of the $2,000 monthly Universal Basic Income which is about to be implemented.
I already said, this is part of the $2,000 monthly Universal Basic Income which is about to be implemented.
I can’t tell if you are being serious. Who are the “higher ups” that are able to manipulate the President of the United States in this manner?
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