Isn’t that the basis of discussion? Differing views on a subject…even more so on a philosophy board where people try to find the simplest way to explain extremely complex issues?
Holding to one’s views is not a sign of some condition, or if it is, everyone on this board is suffering from the same malady.
I thought the basis of discussion was by sharing different views was to acquire the truth. The word Philosophy means the study of wisdom, love of wisdom, theory, or logical analysis of principles underlying conduct, thought, knowledge, and the nature of the universe including logic, epistemology, metaphysics, and psychology, no field of knowledge is exempt.
Oldcelt: quote…Holding to one’s views is not a sign of some.condition, or if it is everyone on this board is suffering from the same malady
I disagree with the first half of your statement, I agree with the second half of your statement it is prophetical. I stated it before, and I’ll state it again (I find myself repeating often)
A serious malady is crucifying humanity, and no one is exempt. It is responsible for the death of innocent people, national and church divisions, family destruction, hatred and the list goes on. It is divisive and destructive by it’s nature
The mental and spiritual condition of we who are affected ( and that includes all of us to some degree) make us appear as “infallible judges and jurors” and the real shocker is that we are completely un
aware of this condition in ourselves. This is the malady…it is the blindness or ignorance of our understanding. In our convictions we believe we are right, and our knowledge and reasoning justify our acts and we become ‘SELF-RIGHTEOUS’ unaware
We lack the humble disposition of regarding our thinking as fallible, our knowledge as limited and fail to treat our judgement with a wise and healthy amount of self doubt and scrutiny. In this state no amount of pleading and reasoning from others is effective in reaching us. We are trapped in our own mental world by our limitations and at the deepest recesses of our minds lies the creature of the id, pride We become accidental hypocrits because we contradict ourselves unknowingly. This is the condition of a mind that is self-righteous, and not a humble mind that is God-righteous. When we don’t consider the possibility of the other person being right, we become self-righteous. God guaranteed infallibility to the Church, not to just any individual. Those consistent with Church teaching share in that that passive infallibility. Thats what we represent on this forum, that makes us God-righteous not self-righteous. We sometimes are not consistent with Church teaching, and the Church hasn’t explained everything, but it is accurate on matters of salvation, and truth and remains so inspite of oppostion from all quarters. So we too have to be aware of our self-righteousness Everyone suffers from this malady to some degree, we are not perfect.