You wrote, " I do have knowledge is that surprising? I can answer you questions,(hopefully without mistakes) and they are not opinions but verified by the Church.".
I would not call this “knowledge”, I would call it belief, there is a difference between the meanings of the words “know and believe”.
You also wrote, “It seems that your knowledge of metaphysics is limited otherwise you wouldn’t have made some of the statements you made.”
I base at least some of what I write not on my “knowledge of metaphysics” but on meeting Who Is referred to as God the Father and Who is referred to as the Holy Spirit, among other things that I have experienced.
As far as “I believe it was about God being Existence, I may be wrong, it also involved Love, and I had to explain that God was more than love?”
I have written many times that Love is NOT an attribute of God but is God’s Very Being and I came to this realization when I met Who is referred to as God the Father.
Concerning, “Moses ask God what shall I call you, and God said “IAm who Am” Again in the New Testament Jesus identified Himself with the " I Am” what do you think that means?"
I think Jesus saying, “I AM” was/is one of Jesus’s ways of telling us that He Is God.
As far as God telling my namesake that His Name Is “I AM WHO AM” could be construed as God saying that He always was and there was no one responsible for God being.
Knowing, and believing" knowing; comprehending, understanding ; believing, accepting as true. We can know something as true, or we can believe some thing is true, there is a difference. We can’t say we know something as true, if it isn’t But we can believe something that isn’t true, as being true. I am not dealing with belief but with my limited mind with knowledge that is true.
You stated that you based some of your knowledge on your belief and some experience and not on metaphysics (I’m paraphrasing the best I can as I have to remember what you stated and I am not that adept at using the computer, so don’t hold me to the exact translations unless I make some critical mistake)
God is His attributes, God is Love, God is Goodness, God is beauty, God is Omniscient, God is Omnipotent, God is Prime MOver, God is infallible, God is Pure Act, God is Truth
God is Eternal, God is Infinite, God is Pure Being, and God is Existence which gives being to all His attributes. Thats why I say “God is Existence says it all” for God is all in all God has no parts, this in not something I believe, this is something I know, even though it is contained in my belief, I should say this is something I know, and believe. That is why the philosophy forum is concerned with finding the truth by the use of the light of human reason. Even St.Paul said that we can know about God by the use of our reason.(Rom. l;20)
When Jesus said “I am” and in the old testament He said to Moses (meaning My Name is) I Am, Who Am. I Am=I Exist, Who Am= I Am Existence Metaphysically we say that God’s Essence is HIs Existence, He is Pure Being, Pure Act, Subsistent, no beginning, no end, eternal, infinite It is not construed and contained in our faith, and reason.Yes He was telling us that He was God, and that says it all. For nothing would exist if He didn’t create it. You can check this out with the teachings of St.Thomas Aquinas who is one of the Teachers in the Church