Two Priests now going at it in wake of Hannity Scandal

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Exactly. Sean Hannity is the sort of person who needs swift firm correction when he’s in error, just as he himself would administer. He is extremely strong willed. This is why Father Euteneuer’s approach was more appropriate for Sean Hannity than would be Father Morris’ approach.

Keep in mind the difference in nature of these two priests, how and when they were each called to the priesthood, and how they live their vocations today. Father Morris was a college student when he decided to join the seminary, but Father Euteneuer was in the Marine Corps Officer Candidate Program. Today Father Morris is a teacher in a seminary, and a television commentator. Father Euteneuer is president of the world’s largest pro-life organization. Father Euteneuer has had vastly greater opportunities to see the real life evil which is product of the moral relativism Sean Hannity unfortunately preached. Father Euteneuer lives in a very violent world. Father Morris is somewhat protected in the ivory tower of the seminary. Father Morris is surrounded by people who share his understanding, and want to know more, whereas Father Euteneuer is on a mission to convert souls, sometimes incredibly violent souls.
Well done. As it is said unequals need to be treated unequally. Hannity was treated fairly and charitably. Others who saw the exchange may come away with different view, but that is true of any exchange at any time.

What is interesting is the notion there is only one way to correct or one way to act in every single situation. We will never have agreement on issues like this because there is not one way.
Your not sure. You don’t know. Please do not say things which you are unaware of just as I am unaware of the situation when Fr. E of contacting Sean Hannity. To say Mr. Hannity is aware of all emails is not realistic. I can’t say he wasn’t nor can I say he was. You can not be so quick to be “sure”.

The wolf here is the wide majority of American Catholics and they are not to be treated as wolves but treated as brothers and sisters that need to be compassionately helped to better understand why the Church teaches many of the rules on ABC and other highly controversial teachings. Not pushed away or regarded as such a bad catholic. (Did you mean, a wolf in sheep clothing?) Bring your friends to a Theology of the Body talk, reach out to them don’t sit there telling them they are a heretic and need to repent, there is no good end there. Since Vatican II, the Church realized the change needed to evangelize people, the ways that worked in the past, may not be the best choice in todays world.

This is not nonsense. It is not excuses but the fact of pure humanity, your not going through every single email or letter, not “screening out qualified correspondence”… Again, I do not agree with Sean Hannity, I stand with the Church. But Father E acted in a way that was in my opinion, showed “shockingly poor judgment.”

Yes But John Kerry does, the speaker of the house does, Ted Kennedy does. Catholics that watch Mr. Hannity know that in many of previous shows, he is opposed to ABC, such as the case I remember when the law forced Catholic medical providers to provide ABC, Mr. Hannity supported the side of Catholic moral teaching and explained that ABC is not to be used.
It is shockingly poor judgment for thousands of Priests to say and do nothing while millions of souls are placed in jeopardy. It is an act of mercy for a Priest to correct a person, and the good Father tried to correct Sean privately and Sean refused to respond. Priests have individual souls to care for, and yet they also have a coporate responsbility, meaning they must try to lessen the public scandal of someone like SH professing anti-Catholic beliefs. Every single time Sean goes against the faith, thousands, perhaps millions, of Catholics hear his voice and this countries citizens are entrenched in a culture of personality, falling often into a cult of personality.
As Catholics, we either believe mortal sin is a bad thing, or we do not. If we take our faith seriously, and if Priests take their vocations seriously, then the goal is help souls be saved, even if the approach is sometimes harsh.
Sean does a lot of good in talking as he is usually constantly on the side of the pro-lifers.
I didn’t know artificial birth control was ok for someone who is “constantly” on the side of pro-lifers,
They are openly pro-choice in all matters, openly support ABC and openly deny any role of religion in their politics.

Sean claims no such extremes. Sean is the “lesser of the evils” to use a poor statement.
Ahhhh, the lesser of evils. I see. I’m ok because at least I’m not Hitler. Got it. :rolleyes:
at least I’m not Hitler.
I said it was a poor statement. 😃
I didn’t know artificial birth control was ok for someone who is “constantly” on the side of pro-lifers,
When people come on to discuss issues pertaining to pro-life topics, the majority of the time he defends and sides with them.
if Priests take their vocations seriously, then the goal is help souls be saved, even if the approach is sometimes harsh.
But to bring the person back into the fold is what one does to those who have fallen into error. We will not agree, because there is never one way to deal with a person, but this way, as shown itself to repel rather then attract. Attract is the end that one wants to obtain which we ultimately rely on the grace of God. But that is why, it is so crucial we carefully decide how to say things not if to say them.
It is shockingly poor judgment for thousands of Priests to say and do nothing
I agree. We are not disagreeing here, we are disagreeing in how this is done not if it is done.

BeeSweet, I am not trying to make this a competition between the two priests. However, to say that Fr. Morris is ill equipped for reality undermines what a priest in the form a vice-rector does. If he is not properly formed to deal with these such issues, as they are very common, he would not have been put in the place in which he was placed. The most well equipped priests are placed in these roles, Priests role at the seminary is not to keep them from getting their hands dirty to deal with real issues.

Also, Fr. Morris has traveled the world for Fox News as a news analyst and see evils far greater then dissent on ABC and continued to give a different perspective, a Catholic one.

They are both great priests, do wonderful things for the Church , we should not pose them against each other.

I suppose when Jesus turned over the tables in the Temple, He was wrong and should have used a more soft approach. Right?
Was the Son of God, second person of the Trinity, God incarnate wrong?

But to bring the person back into the fold is what one does to those who have fallen into error. We will not agree, because there is never one way to deal with a person, but this way, as shown itself to repel rather then attract. Attract is the end that one wants to obtain which we ultimately rely on the grace of God. But that is why, it is so crucial we carefully decide how to say things not if to say them.
Who’s to say that this didn’t plant a seed in Sean’s mind? Who’s to say that he won’t realize that he was in the wrong and change his views? Just because it came across as harsh and appeared to not bring him closer to the Church, doesn’t mean that it won’t in the long run. Sometimes people need to be slapped in the face with the truth, instead of euphenizing (is that a word?) the truth to try to subtly get in. Like you said, there are many different approaches.

I, for one, spent a few years arguing back and forth with a “friend” of mine over issues such as these. I didn’t play Ms. Nice, because his personality was one that I knew approaching in a milder manner would not convince. I just told him like it was. At the time, he resented me, even refused to give me the sign of peace at Mass when we’d sit near eachother (he was dating a friend of mine). Three years later, he had a conversion and thanked me for all those times because he now understood what I meant and what I said. He said he needed that but just wasn’t willing to accept it at the time. Now, he’s an unbelievably faithful Catholic and we’re friends.

Like I said before, you can’t condemn a method because you don’t know what seed may have been planted.
Was the Son of God, second person of the Trinity, God incarnate wrong?

Okay, so it is okay for Jesus to strongly rebuke people, but His personally chosen Priests are not to do the same when needed?
Okay, so it is okay for Jesus to strongly rebuke people, but His personally chosen Priests are not to do the same when needed?
We disagree on what is the meaning of “needed”. Also when and where this happens. God’s judgments on this are far different then human judgments. We are in every sense of the word, unable to even begin to reach that level of sound judgment.
We disagree on what is the meaning of “needed”. Also when and where this happens. God’s judgments on this are far different then human judgments. We are in every sense of the word, unable to even begin to reach that level of sound judgment.
If a priest, or a holy person, cannot judge words and actions as being right or wrong then I would gently suggest we have a real problem. That problem is deeper than this one issue.
BeeSweet, I am not trying to make this a competition between the two priests. However, to say that Fr. Morris is ill equipped for reality undermines what a priest in the form a vice-rector does. If he is not properly formed to deal with these such issues, as they are very common, he would not have been put in the place in which he was placed. The most well equipped priests are placed in these roles, Priests role at the seminary is not to keep them from getting their hands dirty to deal with real issues.

Also, Fr. Morris has traveled the world for Fox News as a news analyst and see evils far greater then dissent on ABC and continued to give a different perspective, a Catholic one.

They are both great priests, do wonderful things for the Church , we should not pose them against each other.
I did not, and would not say Father Morris is “ill equipped for reality”. What I’m saying is that Father Euteneuer is deeply entrenched in the work of the pro-life movement as opposed to the work that Father Morris does, and as such Father Euteneuer has a certain amount of passion for the subject that Father Morris does not embrace as fervently.

Unfortunately Father Morris is the reason behind the two priests being shown in opposition to each other. I feel his better judgement would have him decline comment. I don’t understand why he chose to give comment at all, except that I imagine he was asked. Assuming he was asked, it was beyond tasteless for Fox to do such a thing, and the fact Father Morris allowed himself to be a pawn in this shows “shockingly poor judgment” on his part.
Now, he’s an unbelievably faithful Catholic and we’re friends.
Like I said before, you can’t condemn a method because you don’t know what seed may have been planted.
I happy that worked for your friend. But people are not the same. Though granted, you are correct a seed might have been planted God willing, but it also may harden the soil. If it wasn’t for my Freshman religion teacher in high school, and his compassionate but yet direct teaching methods, I would not be any kind of Catholic man that I am today. I had my heart completely unaware of many of the treasures of the Church’s teachings but rather then throwing them at us, he taught so well and explained with such love for the Church and us, I never received anything like it before.

I agree with you while having the balance that it does not give a permit to become reckless in our “attacks” of others beliefs and point of views while trying to help them. Knowing previously, how Mr. Hannity is, I personally feel that it seemed, at the time and as more I see it to be the wrong approach but like you said, God willing, there may be a seed planted from either Father Tom’s words or the words of those surrounding Mr. Hannity.
Don’t you mean a “nicer”, less confrontational way, albeit not necessarily more effective way?
The vast majority of the time, the nicer, less confrontational way is the better way.
If a priest, or a holy person, cannot judge words and actions as being right or wrong then I would gently suggest we have a real problem. That problem is deeper than this one issue.
How he does it is the issue.
How he does it is the issue.
That is a prudential judgment. My point is this current culture equates secular “niceness” with true charity. We have, in many ways, become confused. Note the abundant number of public figures claiming devout Catholic faith yet supporting abortion, contraception, on and on…
Unfortunately Father Morris is the reason behind the two priests being shown in opposition to each other. I feel his better judgment would have him decline comment. I don’t understand why he chose to give comment at all, except that I imagine he was asked.
Well, again, theories can only help our imaginations but do not help actual facts. We do know why he said it in his letter to why he wrote the open letter to Sean Hannity.
I did not, and would not say Father Morris is “ill equipped for reality”.
Father Euteneuer lives in a very violent world. Father Morris is somewhat protected in the ivory tower of the seminary.
I apologize, I made that conclusion wrongly but did so for a few of your statements which I believe implied so much. Forums are always harder to convey your point of view the way you intend. Happens to me all the time.
We disagree on what is the meaning of “needed”. Also when and where this happens. God’s judgments on this are far different then human judgments. We are in every sense of the word, unable to even begin to reach that level of sound judgment.
Yet, men called by God to be Priests are given charisms and gifts that lay Catholics do not receive. As I am sure you know, a Priests is “in the Person of Christ” when he says Mass, which very much means “another Christ” at that time. I think we need to be very, very careful comparing Priests and their rebukes to the normal world.
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